Raising House Baby Chicks In INDIA Ultimate Guide To Raise Healthy Pet House Chooks With Immunity

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Hello My Lovelies! Finally BYC! Is having so many Indian Members & BYC is #1 Source In India For All Kinds Of Helps , Care Guide For Chooks..
As You Know I'm From India & I Love BYC so much and nowadays Indian people coming forward for keeping pet Roosters and chickens but so many people end up with mortality and sudden deaths because of Diet & Caring issues , Keeping & Raising Chickens is an Art .
When I start this journey i learn 90% from BYC and many of my good friends here also practically living with chickens teaches you alot on how to fix your faults .

So here I am telling you my personal guide which i use for my Beautiful Roosters to give them a healthy life without 0 Diseases outbreaks

First Thing Come First If you are in india you should know that Indian pet food companies currently don't produce Chicken Feed , The typical commercial feed is only restricted for Industrial Egg Farms & Layers Farms , , we still not having Grower Pallets or Layers Pallets for small family ,or 2-3 chickens , maybe someday in future we will have Grower Pallets and Layer pallets when we have maximum numbers of chicken keeper in India who knows 😍 people are changing their Mindsets for House Chicken I personally know so many people who have pet Roosters ..Also
some Big Brands From USA Available on Online Platform like Amazon but Ordering them from India is very very expensive (I tried everything when i added my baby chicks) so I'm sharing my own guide with you .

Adding Baby Chicks is a joy! they are true form of 💕 Whenever you add yours always check the Time of the year this thing plays an important role in India , i personally notice the chicks we added in April to July period have stronger faster growth in comparison with the chicks added in the time of Cold Weather and mortality rates are high in winter even with proper care due to Temprature Issues but if u accidentally save or rescue a chick in cold weather keep in mind to use Heat Bulb in the Brooder until they are fully 🪶.

Adding Baby Chicks
So i told u to make sure to check the time in calendar 🗓️ first, if u are planning to add chicks i suggest to add chicks in April to July Period because basically Baby Chicks need Warmth to Grow and 0 to 8 weeks are very important and if u are in India Then u probably don't need a heating source in April to September obviously 40-42C temprature here 🌞🥵 , i added mine in June 2017 , i never use Heat Bulb For my chicks they grow without Heat Bulb because i Live in Delhi And here Temprature in summers reach upto 43-44C.

Brooder is important
Brooder means the Chicks home where they will spend 0 to 5 weeks of their growth, House chickens usually spent time outside roaming in home playing and enjoying life but still they need hours to spend in their little space to rest. Eat and sleep i made mine from Fresh Cardboard Box ,
Cardboard box is a win win! Once u have house chicks you will let them roam in their territory but Rest is important for chicks because keep roaming can cause dizziness and tiredness in baby chicks fast so make sure u give plenty of rest to your chicks for better growth

You can't find Pine shavings here so TIP no 1 use Newspaper , newspaper is easy handy and common bedding , i use layers of newspapers in my chicks box , then i apply baby towel layers for a soft comfy feel
In a corner a Small Dish of Water 💦 very important that provide Fresh clean water to your chicks all the time a source of water is very important

Now come to the main point!.
Day You Bring Chicks! 🏠

Manage the stress , Transportation Stress makes chicks sleepy Dizzy & tired you will notice the minute u reach home they chirp loud and feel tired so many people Failed here by giving baby chicks Bird Seeds NO!.
Baby chicks are just like Newborns their digestive system is so weak and fragile by giving bird seed you are just calling up the mortality 🙆 so the Hour you bring your baby chicks home give them Water First add some Sugar in water and give to your chicks to balance their energy , NO NO! To Bird Seed give water first and any in first give them bread crumbs mix with Boiled egg crumbs even if u are Vegan You still use boiled egg because I don't compromise with Chick Health i am vegan but I'm not raising Vegan Chicken , they can't eat any Vegan Based Food like Almond Flour soybean flour so please keep this in mind compromising with diet is compromising with chick health .
we don't have any grower food we made our own grower food
• Small Part Of Bread Crumble
• Hard Boiled Egg- White Part Crumble nicely
• Mix Them Together Makes It A Nice Small Crumbly Texture And Give to your Chicks
Eggs is a part of chicks diet for 8 weeks 1x a day either in breakfast or lunch , because Eggs contains very nutritious stuff for Baby Chicks Growth and it not just provide good growth to their feathers but also provide immunity . This act like grower feed
For 8 weeks make sure u are giving 1 time Hard Boiled Egg to your Baby Chick!.

Baby chicks should eat anything that is Soft , Easy To Digest for Day 1 to 8-9 Weeks until they are fully featherd , Soft Food Like Boiled Eggs , Cooked Oats , Cooked Soy Meal , Cooked Rice With Dash Of Probiotic Yoghurt , Fresh Or Boiled Corn Mashed ,
Cooked Pulav (Cooked Rice With Vegetable) Boiled Vegetables Like Pumpkin , Yellow Pumpkin (Seetaphal) , Boiled Potatoes , Boiled Peas I Give All Vegetable Boiled , Except Brinjal , Okra , and all those soggy Vegetable chicken cannot eat neither I give whatever i listed above I only give that to my baby chicks .

Fruits include (Occasional)
Fresh soft fruits like Mangos , Watermelon , Melon , Apples (Without Seed) Pears , Cheeries , Blueberries ,
(Fruits in Small Proportional Value Not Regularly)
Fruits i give occasionally because fruits contains Fructose which is harmful for all birds occasionally as a treat u can give but not regularly it harms the Crop cause Yeast Infection Fast .
Also : Many people give Cakes , pastry chocolate ice-cream to chickens so Please don't give these items in my eyes these are slow poison to chickens .

0-8 weeks its very important what you are feeding your chicks because this is what Create their further digestive system, immunity & body .
I don't give any Medical Multivitamin Until The Age Of 7 months , i only use natural diet and herbs for good immunity.

Natural stuff for immunity :
• Geek Yogurt or Plain Yoghurt 🥣
Yoghurt is very good for pet chicks when they are growing it helps in digestion, providing calcium & protein .

• Garlic 🧄
Garlic is my favourite herbs for chickens i use to give half clove of garlic chopped or mashed and give 1-1 bite each to my chicks one time in a week it not just help witj immunity but also kick out the early stage infection Coccidia (all chicks get Coccidia in their growing age).
But garlic helps alot with this

• Fresh Mint
Mint is a very good choice for chickens because it contains antivirus protective properties, mint fresh leaf contains mint oil giving Mint to chickens help them build a strong immune system, it is antifungal anti-inflammatory and antiviral, also help with respiratory issues and coughing issues

• Oregano (Dried Or Fresh Plain Non Salted)
Oregano is same like mint but just stronger then mint if u gave mint skip this . Oregano use to aid the digestive system of poultry , also it lower down the odor from poop (meanwhile house chicken poop is not comes with smell ) but still

Diet after 8 weeks :
After successfully completing 8 Weeks now your chicks moving on to teenage stage where they love to eat almost anything but for digestion you should give them small amount of GRIT , grit means small small tiny pebbles that act like Teeths

What I do with grit is i only gave 10-15 Piece of grit occasionally not so much because they live indoors so they doesn't need grit in so much quantity

Small stones ,. washed and dry helps good ..when chickens hungry for grit they peck on walls and eat dry wall in the search for grit ☝️

After 8 week of age now u slowly introduce your chickens to their primary feed Pearl Millet Aka Bajra . In this age u will determine whether your chicks is he or she if he's a rooster you will hear beautiful nice crowing 🪶🤭90% people have roosters in pet chickens in India because the Chicks were males always rarely hen

Because we are in India and we don't get commercial packed pallet feed and it's crucial to give Low Fat & Low Energy Diet To Chickens!. Why low fat or low energy but nutritious diet?

Because Low Fat diet maintain the healthy weight
And low energy diet doesn't affect their heart because chickens are very Complex type of bird their heart rate goes up 400+ bpm so low energy diet help with Healthy Cardiovascular System

A Healthy Chicken Must Have. A Healthy Cardiovascular System For A Longer Lifespan And Low Energy But Full On Nutritious diet help with this easily Millet Aka Bajra is very healthy seed choice for chickens because it not just contains healthy amino acid but it contains almost all vitamins protein alone .

Millet contains low sugar and carbohydrates that is best also provide good health to birds . But make sure u are buying clean millet that is Clear Greenish Grey to Whitish Grey In Look Not discolored dark brown
If anything you find like discoloration don't buy

I feed my chickens primarily Millet 2 times a day and in the morning Fresh Corn Crushed & Anything inbetween the day like Small amount of Vegetables (par-boiled) or fruits or boiled rice with yoghurt .

In age of 5-6 months you can slowly introduce your chickens with Pumpkin Seeds & Sunflower Seeds (Shellfree)
Pumpkin Seed and Sunflower Seed Are Packed With Nutritious Qualities , Chickens love them like Candy also Pumpkin Seeds helps with Many many things improve feathers shine and growth in moult .

In the 6 month of age now in 6 month of age u can start their multivitamin i use Proovi Boost Drops (please use drops because the Syrup form CONTAIN so much sugar ) and I only use Proovi Boost as it's a very trustworthy brand for pets
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Next Thing Liver Tonic Once A Month , Or Once In 2 Week , Liver tonic keep helping chickens liver to flush all kinds of Toxins they get directly or indirectly from feed from fruits so it helps them to flush it down and regenerate the cells of liver one of my favourite things

After this I give occasionally half capsule of Vitamin E , vitamin E is good for chickens skin and eye health also it is a antioxidant so very very good chickens i don't give it regularly but once a month is fine

Now I shared all the things I used while raising home pet chickens with immunity .. my chicks are healthy with healthy weight good feather growth and immune never fall sick if u following this diet u will gonna have the same thing ..thank you for reading
About author
Hello there! my name is saaniya jackson & i am crazy chicken mumther who having two beautiful leghorn rooster Tootoo & Teetee. , Rescue pigeons & Rescued Cockateils
we live in India , Research about Chicken cases & Find cures through natural resources like herbs and natural medicines, Tootoo who is my star rooster helped through his Case of Extra Large Comb Surgery in 2018 and BYC become a family for him spreading his story with everyone Tootoo till today helped more then 79+ Roosters around the world regarding his Surgery of dubbing that saves life on sudden note .

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Clearly and explicitly directed towards the apparently significant and growing community of BYC readers in India, this article contains a lot of information for anyone else anywhere who wants to avoid commercial feed because, we're told, it doesn't exist in India for domestic keepers, so they have to feed what's available. This involves a mix of eggs, bread (which exists in huge variety of course), rice and millet, for example, a number of common herbs, and some prepared tonics.
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Reactions: Saaniya
Good job! Some of the grammatical errors were hard to understand (but I also know you aren’t from the U.S)
I also am not a big believer in natural remedies (but that’s a personal preference)
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Reactions: Saaniya
I use natural remedies and they always work
It's hard to read with so many punctuation errors.
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Reactions: Saaniya
I write through my phone not from the system . I think if u post ur comments without being anonymous it will be great to accept


Interesting to read and compare to how things are in the U.S. Thanks for sharing tips on raising chicks in India.

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Saaniya Jackson
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9 min read
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