My Chicken Coop and Exercise Run details

The Article is awesome! Adding more build details would make it better.
Beautiful coop build……could use more details about specs of the build but some gifted builders don’t necessarily work from “plans”
Hopefully you’ve gotten the predator issue under control
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You have an amazing coop that is built correctly. It's almost a Woods coop with all the windows. You will enjoy this coop for years to come for sure.

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Thank you - I agree this coop will last ages. I'll have to add new pictures - we've attached a goose coop next door. That's still a wip.
I'm so sorry about the attack. How did the coyotes get to the chickens? This coop seems pretty predator proof.
My chickens had been free-ranging on the property when they were attacked
Love it!

The details of the solar setup are particularly useful. I'll show them to my DH, who would like to get into solar power.

If you add plans I'll bump my rating to 5 stars. :)
I'll see if I can draw something up for plans
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