I'm not much of a fan of modern medicine. When they say 'the practice of medicine', they ain't kidding. I've learned of many remedies over the years that come from the earth and I'll swear by quite a few. In my time I have learned that often the symptoms can kill faster than the disease itself. So, like with a cold, I treat the symptoms until the cure kicks in or the virus dies off.

With that being said, I transferred this line of thought to caring for my chooks. I have killed off viruses with a humidifier filled with hydrogen peroxide. At 3-5%, the small amount inhaled is not toxic, but sufficient to slow growth while medications kick in. Prolonged exposure isn't recommended, I usually do it for 4-6 hours with menthol or eucalyptus. My chooks clear the rales by the next morning.

Stress, internal parasites and in some cases bacterial infections cause organ failure. Milk thistle is a highly effective in protecting and renewing liver function, the first organ affected.

N-Acetyl-Cystene (NAC) purges toxins from the body, especially the liver and pancreas.

I mix them with honey and olive oil. It adds calories and beneficial fats sick birds need. Additionally, olive oil lubricates the digestive tract, sending lodged objects on their way.

Part of illness or injury is pain. Leading to stress, thus hinder recovery. A half a baby aspirin can do the trick.

Feeding a chook an egg yolk is a great way to get them needed nutrients.

When it comes down to it, the healthier you chook, the more likely of survival and faster recovery. Blueberries are a chicken superfood. And they'll love you for the treat.