
Wet Ingredients
2 cups warm water (almost hot)
4 tsp. yeast
1 tbsp sugar

Combine together and let rise for 5 minutes.

Dry Ingredients

1/4 cup oil
5 cups bread flour
2 tsp. salt

Shaping and Rising:
rolling pin
loaf pans or cookie sheet

hot oven
cooling rack

Cooking Instructions

Add to yeast mixture and knead until smooth and elastic. I use my Kitchen Aid mixer w/ the dough hook to do this. If you have a mixer with a dough hook, it makes this process MUCH easier! Cover and let rise for 20-25 minutes. Then punch dough down and make it into 2 loaves.

Here's the trick to get your bread to come out right. You need to roll out the bread into a rectangle, then roll up into a loaf, like you would when making cinnamon rolls. Lightly slice the top of the bread to get a diagonal cut look when baked. Let loaves rise (I put my loaves on separate cookie sheets) for 20-25 minutes.

Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes, until the top of the loaves is golden brown. Let the bread cool for at least 10 minutes before slicing.

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