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  • You might be happy to know I'm done making articles from now on and I'm putting my projects to a complete end. I've made a few mistakes which I tried to fix but was always unsuccessful and every single article I've made is immediately assumed to be copied. However this is not the case. In reality I make my articles in Google docs and then I put it here.
    Gigachad poultry
    Gigachad poultry
    Okay, I only have submitted my article on broody coturnix quail and two other that have my own words and images. I wasn't sure if that anonymous person was you as they commented on three of my articles including my zebra Finch article I wish I could just delete and for you to do that you would need to comment two times, which I don't think is possible.
    Gigachad poultry
    Gigachad poultry
    I know I've made some copied articles and I'm angry at myself for doing that. I wish I could just delete that whole Zebra Finch Petco article as I remade it in my own words and pictures. As for other articles, I have definitely been wording myself and that anonymous person commented on one of those and saud it was likely copied.
    Gigachad poultry
    Gigachad poultry
    And around the same time an anonymous person gave a pretty ehh review to one of my friends saying they had false information. Which they didn't and they told this anonymous person that.
    Aw, I meant to enter in your handcrafts contest but didn’t get alerts and was too late. :(
    Were the winners announced? I didn’t see anything on the thread.
    Hey az!
    How’ve you been? Any projects you’ve been working on recently?
    (Btw, I know you said your name in a pm with Bukky and me- is that the type of thing you want to be kept secret?)
    Heya BR! I updated a couple things in the artist thread this week and have sprinkled some stuff in my thread too.

    Most people know my name around here but I don't go making a lot of noise about it.
    Blue Raptor
    Blue Raptor
    Ah, I think I saw some of that stuff in the art thread! It’s really cool!

    Oh, okay, *wink wink wink*
    Hey, a string of lights just worked its way across the sky my way, heading east, if it's something stronomical, you might want to see if you can see it.
    Edit: they're likely low orbit satellites. Very cool to see.
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    Reactions: azurbanclucker
    Probably a starlink satellite train. Kinda cool to see, but SUPER annoying when you're doing night photography and they mess up your shot. :(
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