Recent content by eggchel

  1. eggchel

    Back in the Saddle Again! I'm Quilting a Fall Table Runner (Pics)

    Your work is always so lovely!! I especially like the fall colors you put together in the table runner. Chel
  2. eggchel

    Anybody know how to knit socks?

    I took a magic loop sox class at a great yarn shop in Hillsborough, NC and then figured out how to do two at a time. I much prefer doing both socks together so that I don't have to count rows or stitches to ensure they are match in size and shape. Also, I don't end up with just one sock. ;)...
  3. eggchel

    Anybody know how to knit socks?

    I made these ankle socks two-at-a-time using the Magic Loop method. Chel
  4. eggchel

    Farm Related Photography. Pictures are the best Advertisement!

    Really lovely photos, everyone! I especially love the cow pics. Chel
  5. eggchel

    Got feathers? Here is a Feather collar or belt pattern free from Red Heart

    Here is the link to the Red Heart page: Here is a link to the pdf: Chel
  6. eggchel

    Memory chain

    What a lovely tradition. The chain made for your turkeys is quite nicely done! I like the idea of talking about the memories each year. It all becomes part of an oral history that will be kept alive through the generations. I spend part of each day reminding my mum of the people, places and...
  7. eggchel

    How can I thank the crows?

    Our local crows seem to like the walnuts from one of our trees but I imagine they could be good at swiping eggs, too. The worst local egg thieves we have are blue jays.. Clever little buggers. Chel
  8. eggchel

    The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich

    Ive only read one of the books so far, but I really enjoyed it (laughed outloud a lot) and Im looking forward to reading the rest. Somehow I missed the movie but perhaps I can get it on netflicks. Chel
  9. eggchel

    hurricane season oh joy

    Best of luck to you. I hope that the storm doesnt do too much damage. Chel
  10. eggchel

    Some Color to Brighten your Tuesday

    Wow, those are really lovely. Thank you for sharing. Chel
  11. eggchel


    Your necklaces are lovely. Nice job! I especially like the bracelet. Chel
  12. eggchel

    Links to disease symptoms and information

    Hi Densitywave, Thanks for the link help. The first two links are still working for me, although they dont seem to link directly to the desired pages. Your links are much better as they link directly to the desired information! Thanks so much. Unfortunately, I'm currently unable to edit my...
  13. eggchel

    Beaded Flowers

    Wow, how cool! Ive never seen beaded flowers like that. Are the flowers in your avatar beaded, as well? Chel
  14. eggchel

    Geneology: I have documented evidence back to the 1700's.

    Hey mamajo, welcome to Backyardchickens!! My sister and cousin have made great progress in tracing our family lineage over the last few years. It seems to take a lot of time online but in the process they have found out a lot about the family and even met some relatives that we didnt know...
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