Recent content by Gallo del Cielo

  1. Gallo del Cielo

    Arizona Chickens

    Nope. Before it wasn’t letting me use my old password or reset it. Worked tonight for some reason.
  2. Gallo del Cielo

    Arizona Chickens

    Haha, thanks! Been trying to login for a couple years now. For some reason, it worked tonight.
  3. Gallo del Cielo

    Arizona Chickens

    :frow Hi everyone! Is there anyone here I would remember? It’s been awhile.
  4. Gallo del Cielo

    Arizona Chickens

    Just a drive by posting. For some reason, I started getting BYC notifications this morning after a year of nothing. My PM box is jammed with old messages. I hope everyone and their birds are doing well!
  5. Gallo del Cielo

    Arizona Chickens

    Beautiful portrait!
  6. Gallo del Cielo


    I'm not around much, but occasionally an email notification to a subscribed thread gets through. I never did get prawns. Oddly enough, I had issues with the water temps staying high enough for long enough to grow them out. I'll need to set up a separate grow bed just for the upper tank where...
  7. Gallo del Cielo


    Composting red worms in the grow beds are extremely helpful at reducing solids.
  8. Gallo del Cielo

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi everyone! Just checking in to let you all know I'm still alive. I've been unable to log on to BYC since June! Got everything fixed and now I'm back.
  9. Gallo del Cielo

    meal worms. alive or freeze dried??

    Follow the link in my signature line.
  10. Gallo del Cielo

    Mealworm farming

    Bummer! I hate it when that happens and you usually don't figure it out until you get home with the product. It's hard to know whether they came from the manufacturer or the retailer. All it takes is favorable environmental conditions for a population explosion in the presence of any grain...
  11. Gallo del Cielo

    Mealworm farming

    First of all, I'm not sure how many times I've addressed this issue, but I can tell you it's been quite a number. The first step is by prevention, as aart has noted, by heating the bran (or whatever substrate you're using). This will not, however, eliminate the risk of grain mites from...
  12. Gallo del Cielo

    Arizona Chickens

    As the others have noted, most of the grapes will be out of chicken jumping height and the few that they will be able to reach during the short grape season won't cause problems. That's been my experience.
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