Recent content by jolenejellybean

  1. jolenejellybean

    URGENT HELP PLEASE. Rooster Getting Worse

    How is he otherwise? If his behavior is otherwise normal, I would give it more time for the swelling to go down. Keep doing what you're doing.
  2. jolenejellybean

    P.T. testing

    In NY, we can get it done free during county fair time. They have clinics in each county during the summer, usually at the fairgrounds. If you call your local extension office, they could tell you.
  3. jolenejellybean

    New hen won't leave the coop in the morning!

    I have individuals who take their time to leave and others that fly out and nearly take my head off. It's all good. I think some like the privacy.
  4. jolenejellybean

    Barred Rock-Male or Female?

    Too soon to be sure.
  5. jolenejellybean

    Humidity Problem in Lockdown- Help Appreciated.

    In my experience, the humidity only is an isdue after pipping. I always help my chicks if they haven't finished hatching after 24 hours.
  6. jolenejellybean

    Closed flock? I have a lovely chicken for you...

    Anybody out there with a closed flock? I "rescued" a lovely white bantam cochin for a deceased neighbors estate. Good thing I quarantined - she's mycoplasma positive. Anyway, my flock is clean so I'd like to find her a nice home where she can live as a pet. Willing to drive some. I'm in upstate NY.
  7. jolenejellybean

    EMERGENCY Mutilated Cockerel, please help [graphic images]

    I had a scalped chicken recently. I did sew the hanging flap back on as a biological bandage. Some has fallen off and there's a funny little tag of skin. Never missed a day laying an egg so she wasn't suffering too much. She's fine now. We call her Sinead.
  8. jolenejellybean

    We rescued 2 chickens - one has no butt feathers - what is the best care for this?

    I don't know about the swelling. Worms? Egg bound? But I've had feather problems. Sometimes it wont really grow back until molting season. Be patient.
  9. jolenejellybean

    Deformed beak?

    There's some beak issue with this little guy. I inherited some poultry and I have them in isolation while I treat some issues of neglect. Their owner died and their caretaker didn't know any better. A few have nose canker. A few have mites. All have overgrown beak and toenails from living in...
  10. jolenejellybean

    "White" Araucana mix?

    BTW the dark ones in the picture are partridge rocks.
  11. jolenejellybean

    "White" Araucana mix?

    Yeah? No kidding? Maybe that's why I said Araucana MIX in the first place. I already have these birds. I know what the are and aren't. I just wanted to know what color the white one would be when it was grown. Sheesh...
  12. jolenejellybean

    What is the friendliest breed of rooster?

    Barred rock. Mine is very tame. I gave some chicks that I knew were males to a friend and she wouldn't believe they were male because they were so mellow.
  13. jolenejellybean

    Weird sleeping

    Mine sleep in a different configuration every night. Anything is normal.
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