Maya Chick hatcher
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  • Hello! Could someone please tell me another way to help a coturnix quail chick with sprawled legs and curved toes? Right now I put two little bands with a piece of straw in between on his legs, but they fall off. He "swims" his way in the cage, what are other methods to do chick physical therapy?
    Hello! I'm currently incubating quail eggs, and having trouble figuring out what the ideal temperature is. My incubator manual says 37.9 Celcius, while people on the internet say 37.5. I don't mean the last 3 days, I mean the first 14 days. Last time exactly half of the chicks hatched with a temperature of 37.9. What is the exact temperature needed?
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    Reactions: Chookwagn
    37.5 is what your average temp should be over the whole incubation. Half a deg variance either way shouldn't make a noticeable difference.
    Maya Chick hatcher
    Maya Chick hatcher
    Thank you!
    Has anybody else had this problem with quail chicks that they constantly fell in the waterer and died? I lost 8 out of 9 chicks because of this and the 9th survived a little longer but also fell in his no-fall waterer. :hit:hit:hit
    Hi! Does anyone know any poultry exhibitions in San Jose happening soon? It would be great if they wouldn't be virtual!
    Go to poultry show central. They have a list of pretty much all the chicken shows
    Hello! My name is Maya.
    My hobby is hatching poultry, you can see a photo of my 2-day old quail chicks warming up in the incubator!
    Please help me find a place where I can put a chicken coop with 2-3 chickens.
    I would be happy to trade for eggs and fertilizer!
    My Gmail: [email protected]
    Have a nice day!
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