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  • Our newest mama... Miss. Blanche. She is a great momma. Very protective. Holy cow is she protective. Here she is with her only baby that hatched (she was on 2 eggs). Excited to see this one grown.


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    Had a good day today. I hope you all did too! It seems we all need words of encouragement, and worth, these days. Just know, whoever you are reading this... You are valuable, loved, and unique. God doesn't make mistakes... You are important. Have a good night all. Hugs, and be well.
    It's a nice evening, tonight. Sun is setting over the field, across the street. Grass is green again, and the trees are budding. Life is good.
    Been a long day. Started getting my garden prepped for planting. My birds are all clean, fed, and watered. Spring is here, and it's time to be busy! Have a good evening everyone!
    Feeling a bit off today. Not sure why. No energy, and just blah. Shame, as it's such a beautiful sunny day, for a change. Isn't that how it seems to go? Felt great yesterday. Cleaned my coops.... Cleared some of my lawn of winter leftover, and today..yuck. 🐥
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