Reviews by Jenbirdee

we use one for firewood
Pros: very sturdy lasts long nice size
Cons: none
we toss logs in and drag it inside and it has lasted for several years. amazing
Pros: Less messy for ducks and they like it
Cons: ducks cant clean their nares and chickens cant figure it out
I bought a bunch of these and attached them to 5 gallon buckets.
the ducks have no problem using them and they like them. the chickens cant work it out.
but the ducks need deeper water to dunk their heads in anyway.
the funniest kooky ducks I have
Pros: funny funny funny! the most excellent foragers. the silliest goofiest ducks God ever made. the more you handle them as 'lings, the friendlier they will ever be.
Cons: more fragile than bigger ducks, seems they get injured easier.
I have several runners mixed in with other duck breeds and everyone who visits loves the runners the most. they are fast runners! they are brave explorers! the best foragers. they dont give up. They have enormous personalities. sometimes because they run around so much and get into everything they can get injured. I have one who is blind in one eye, i think she ran into a branch. another I had broke her leg when her face got caught under a fence post she was digging under.

Broken Corn

Its cheap and you can break it yourself
Pros: cheap and lasts long if you buy it whole and break it yourself
Cons: if you buy it precracked it wont last as long
I have a hand cranked corn cracker so I buy the corn whole and crack/break/grind it myself/ the birds love it before bed on cold nights It helps them stay warm.
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