Reviews by Lbrad7


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Pros: Very pretty, Stately upright stance decent layers
I had to give Langshans 5 stars just because they are a favorite. Normally I would only give them 4 because of them being averge egg layers. I have always raised Whites and their pure white plumage stately upright stance with the slate color shanks have always been very appealing to me. They are not overly friendly but they are not unfriendly at all. They are just kind of indifferent.
Pros: Very pretty, great foragers
Cons: Flighty
I keep a few around for their beauty. Can be very flighty
Pros: Attractive, Hardy, Great Layer of Ex Large Brown Eggs
I have never had a flock of chickens that didn't have RIRs in it. They are friendly toward humans, attractive and there is no better layer of ex large brown eggs! Amazing birds.
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Pros: Attractive and Great Layers..
Cons: Noisey and flighty
I like a breed that is not just a great layer but is kind of a pet as well. Leghorns in my experience are kind of stand offish, very flighty and can be loud. I always keep a few in my flock for their egg production and some of the Browns and Silvers are actually quite beautiful.

P.S. One of the friendliest birds I ever owned was a White Leghorn roo that I rescued from another family member who purchased him as one of those dyed Easter chicks back in 1975. He was dyed green so of course he was named booger. Booger was hand raised in my bedroom until he was old enough to put on the lot with the other birds. He was by far the most intelligent chicken that I ever owned. I could walk out on the patio, sit down and slap my leg and he would fly over the fence run up to me, hop
up on my knee and go to sleep in the sun. Booger...I really miss you buddy! RIP


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I have always been very interested in the Blue Andalusians...think they will be on my "must order" list for chicks this spring!


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Pros: Pretty, hardy,dependable layers
Very nice birds...(I have only raised the buffs) very pretty buff color, hardy and good layers of medium to large eggs. Seem to have no fear of humans and are at the top of the pecking order. I always have a few Buffs in my flock.
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Pros: Beautiful Colors, interesting personalities.
Cons: Flighty and Rowdy
Some of the most beautiful birds in all of Chickendom. I enjoyed them but only as ornamentals..little too flighty for my tastes.
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Pros: Beautiful plumage, Friendly, Great Layers, Cold Hardy
Cons: None...
I have raised the Silver laced, Golden laced, Blue laced reds, White, and Columbians and these in my opinion are at the top of the most beautiful production birds. Very human friendly, curious and great layers of large brown eggs. Very cold hardy and dependable layer.

I cannot say enough good things about these birds!


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Pros: Attractive and rare
Cons: Very flighty, not friendly
Nice ornamental breed, very intelligent but not overly friendly to humans. My birds were poor layers but great foraging for food in the fields. Very flighty as well. As far as ornamentals go, I think there are prettier birds but the Sumatra is no slouch and they are pretty rare and that makes them interesting in it's self.
Pros: Attractive birds,great layers and hardy
Cons: My experience they are a little aggressive.
Nice birds, great layers of large-exlarge brown eggs but my personal experience the roos were very aggressive. The hens are dominate but not to the point of what would be a problem in a large coop.


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Pros: BEAUTIFUL!!! Very gentle, beautiful painted eggs.
Cons: Can be a hard breed to find..
This breed is in the top 5 of my favorite breeds ever. Both the hens and roos are incredibly beautiful. They have very gentle personalities to humans and other birds but in my experience they are right at the top of the pecking order. The eggs are a beautiful teracotta color that customers love!

If you can find a breeder, I would put them on my must have list!
Pros: Beautiful and friendly
These are some of my favorite birds. They are so beautiful and have great personalities. Very friendly to other birds and humans. I highly recommend them to anyone who enjoys bantams.
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Pros: Hens are happy go lucky and lay beautiful dark brown eggs
Cons: Hard to find good examples of the breed.
My birds are FBCM and lay beautiful dark brown eggs. They don't lay like my production breeds in that they don't lay very often during the winter months but when those eggs start rolling in they are absolutely beautiful and customers LOVE THEM!

As far as personalities go, they seem a little curious and really don't cause any kind of a ruckus. They mind their own business most all of the time and are really quite. Now when I say that, i am referring to the hens. My roo was straight from the pits of hell.He was VERY aggressive..flogged my wife at every given chance and crowed constantly. Since I live in a rural area, the crowing wasnt a problem..the flogging was! Note that I said "was".
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Pros: Fluffy balls of fun
Cons: Not the best layers..
Big beautiful birds that come in any color in the rainbow. Huge balls of fluff that childeren and adults seem drawn to. Very friendly to humans, I have never met an aggressive Cochin and I have raised them for over 20 years. There may be one out there but I haven't seen it. The only con is that they arent the best layers. Love these birds!


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Pros: Great layers
Great birds if egg production is what you are after...just a little boring for my tastes. I do still keep a few around for egg production.


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Pros: Beautiful color patterns and personalities.
Cons: average layers
I have raised the Light, Dark, Buff varities and loved them all. Really large, beautiful birds that are total babies. Their large size and beautiful color patterns gathers a lot of attention to people visiting your coop. The only reason I have them 4 instead of 5 stars is that they are just average layers medium to small sized eggs.
Pros: Great dependable layers of large eggs, nice personalities, beautiful birds.
I have quite a few Plymouth Rocks in about every color out there. I can't pick a favorite but the Barred is the classic. Great layers of large brown eggs with calm personalities. Can't go wrong with them.
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Pros: Calm, intelligent and those beautiful eggs.
Very nice birds. Very fun to have with small childeren, they love the blue, green, olive eggs. I have to admit, there is something magical about those eggs..brings out the kid in me every time I gather them.


Super Admin
Pros: Great layers
Cons: The could shovel out the hen house every now and then..other than that, none!
Great birds, cannot say enough good things about them. Beautiful plumage, clam personalities and great layers.
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