Reviews by questions543


Super Admin
Pros: everything
Cons: supposedly egg production
I love my golden laced cochin! One of my smartest birds. One of my nicest birds. loves humans and will cuddle with you without treats. Just amazing birds.

Egg production is said to be a problem. I dont think so if you have one or two breeds such as plymouth rocks.
They still lay eggs (~3times a week~) thats 9 eggs from three birds a week! that is still quite good (the average for backyard chickens is 5). I would reccomend cochins to anyone starting a backyard flock
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Pros: Egg colour, Looks
Cons: Not sure of egg colour till they lay, Not very friendly
I picked up my 4 week old EE today. So far they are not very friendly and run when I come close . I'm trying to tame them because I don't think they came from the best place
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Super Admin
Pros: cool eggs
Cons: Not very friendly to people.
My black copper marans is great. Can't wait for eggs! Will keep you posted!
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Pros: Friendliest bird, cool coloured egg, Good looking
Cons: NONE!
My sussex is beautiful and one of if not the friendliest of the flock. They lay a cream coloured egg which is cool. If you get a good strain they will lay for a long time while laying decent amount of decent sized egg. By far this and the wyandotte and australorp have been the best for the backyard flock. If you are considering this bird you must get it :)
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Pros: good eggs
Cons: not the friendliest out there
I'll agree that rhode islands are good egg laters but with breeds out there suh as the australorp who also lay as well and are friendlier I would say that the rhode island is not the bird for the backyard flock. Mine always picks on the younger ones


Super Admin
Pros: super smart, curious (sometimes a bad thing :P), friendly
Cons: only come in black (it's still a beautiful colour 'cause they glow !)
I have an australorp and shes on top of the pecking order. She never pecks the little four week olds to death and is very pretty. She was the first one to learn how to use the ramp. And is always curious. Her and her "sister" (a barred rock) never leave each other.


Super Admin
Pros: Might be the most beautiful bird out there
My first bird. A Blue laced red wyandotte. She is the nicest bird and always enlightens my mood with all her actions. She loves shoulders ;)
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Super Admin
Pros: eggs? Looks good, Friendly
Cons: Can really fly, not good with cold, A LITTLE bit bossy
I got a 3 weeks old leghorn (breeder quality) and when I got her she was flighty and notfriendly and LOUD. But as soon as I pu her in with the other biirds she just calmed down and will now hop on my shoulder and loves to be petted. I think any bird will be friendly if they are raised in a good envirenment. Shes not old enough for eggs yet but her parents layed around 280 eggs a year. Cant wait!
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