

Pekins originated in China. They were bred from a Mallard duck. In 1873, they were brought to...

General Information

Breed Colors/Varieties
As adults they are White, and Cream. As ducklings they are Yellow. Their beaks range from pink to orange colors, and their feet are orange.
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Pekins originated in China. They were bred from a Mallard duck. In 1873, they were brought to Long Island, NY. The ancestors of the Pekin lived in a canal, which was connected by waterways to Nanjing. The Pekin is now one of the most popular commercial ducks bred for meat.

Latest reviews

Almost gave a 4.5
Pros: So Beautiful and funny
Cons: prone to leg problems and other health issues if you keep them for many years (NOT for meat)
Everyone who visits me says the white ducks with the orange bills and feet are their faves - they are just so classic and pretty. Because of their weight they can have foot and leg problems so they require extra extra niacin supplements. also they may not live as long as other breeds because they are bred to be meat ducks (fast growth and heavy weight leads to heart failure and more)
Pros: Personable, loving and silly!
Cons: Can’t think of any except for projectile poops (which happens with any duck lol)
We rescued an abandoned duckling in a nearby lake, and her charming personality has made us have a whole new love for these feathered friends! She is cuddly and loves to follow us around, I highly recommend raising ducks if you’re looking for a loving companion. They need to be kept with other feathered companion!
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Pros: 1. Lays an eggs almost daily.
2. Friendly.
3. Trainable.
4. Good brooder.
Cons: 1. Really big eaters.
I currently have 2 Pekins, both females. They are my best layers of the flock. They lay eggs almost daily; rarlely missing a day in egg production. Weather does not affect the consistency of egg production. Eggs are white and LARGE and taste great and are great for baking. My Pekins are trained to respond to my call. I can call them in from the water early if I need to. They are sticklers for routine, so they will come up out of the tank at the same time every day on their own. Pekins are BIG eaters. I jokingly call them my piggies. They are usually the first to get to the feed, and will shove others out of the way until they've had their first bite. Pekins are great foragers; I haven't seen a grasshopper on about 5 acres (I only have 5 ducks). They are gentle for the most part. If it's not time to eat, they tend to be skittish with people other than myself. They only let you get close enough to touch them when it's dinnertime. They will eat feed and pieces of fruit from the hand of my 2-year old. My Pekins are also the best brooders of my bunch. Out of my 3 breeds, the Pekins were dedicated to their nests until the job was done.
Purchase Price
$8.50 per duck
Purchase Date
July 2018


buckbye...if you're referring to me, you're off center. I do indeed understand duck meat and I like it enough to eat it about 6 or 8 times a year. I can also appreciate one who likes the fatty birds but I much prefer the Muscovy..just a matter of taste.
In deed!!! I think there are better pets than almost ANY duck, considering the duck's propensity to primarily involuntary defecation.

I've heard of house-trained ducks but have never actually seen one. lolol
"I do have to say that they are beautiful and I mean GORGEOUS--big white pillows with sweet faces and dark eyes. They do seem relatively expedient in terms of feed--they do not eat a ton. I WANT to love them. Just can't see a use for them."

Phenomenal description.

I hope you can keep them and just enjoy their cuteness.
Wow. You must have some strange Pekins. Their behavior is not normal from what I have experienced and read. ... You do not say what you are feeding them but ducks can not eat properly without water because they strain the food. Additionally, two drakes and one female is not advised. Here's what I would do. My Pekins are not hungry when it is muddy and they are straining the yard. Otherwise I supplement their diet with cracked and whole corn to which I add COPIOUS amounts of water - swimming in water. put a scant handful of layena pellets in there just for extra - they don't really like it. I refrigerate leftovers for a few hours (after my chicks pick through it) only cause It goes bad quickly with the wet layena in there. I also feed them next to a large bowl of water so they can also use that to strain the corn while eating. The aversion to water is so odd. It sounds like it is the pond they dislike and not water. Perhaps you could provide them with a little plastic pool or decorative pool they can get into under the grape trellis so nothing scary touches their feet. My Pekins will get a running start and throw themselves over the rim of the kiddy pool with great enjoyment. Pekins ARE territorial, just like chickens. Mine even tried to bully the Airedale but got bitten for their audacity. About the odd sexual behavior. I would give away of one of the drakes and try to stabilized their behavior as I outlined above with a corn slurry and a safe looking pool. You may find that they settle down and start behaving normally. My Pekins are very smart but they do need their water - in their food and close by to strain and play in. Good luck!
Everyone talks about the ducks being messy but I don't see it. They just hang around in the large back yard 24/7 and I rarely see anything. It's all the chicken poop I dislike!!! My Pekins are not noisy unless they are hungry or want my attention for some reason. They do like to dig holes and these can be quite deep and of some concern when the weather is rainy and they start routing out the dirt from under buildings and paving stones straining for bugs.!!! We were given the ducks and don't have eggs yet, I'll be interested to see those.
Sometimes, animals are aware of dangers in places we aren't privy too. Maybe they sense danger, a snapping turtle comes to mind. My parents ducks stopped going in the pond and later we found that a moderate size Sapping turtle moved in...
Thanks all.

We sent the Pekins to freezer camp. My other batch of ducklings (not Pekins) are fully grown, as is another set of ducklings I bought later. All of these take to the pond like...well....ducks to water.

Our current ducks act a lot more like ducks should I believe. :)
I got 2 of these for a present and I have loved them since the moment I got them. Beautiful birds and handle the cold very nicely eggs taste great. Want to get more this spring.
First ....they are NOT. Small cute things.... They are huge cute things.....my khakis are less than half the size of my beast pekins.... When i got them as ducklings.... I didnt know they would get so big.... And they aint done growing yet..... They are very well mannered....they arent mean to the kids by anymeans....they also tend to scatter when Ya come near.... Unless of course ya have food. No complaints here.... Just be warned if new to the breed....they are big and eat alot.
A very good duck for many purposes. They have a sense of humor. They are great, once a day, egg layers. They are delicious meat ducks. They are LARGE like 9-10 pounds. Easy keepers - if you feed them and make sure they have plenty of fresh water. They like a swimming pool and they love, love to go worm hunting. They make wonderful instant manure. The girls are not as friendly as the boys, but the boys will rape your girls.

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