
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: friendly,good producers, winter hardy
Cons: sometimes lay outside of nest
These were my first chickens, and they lay around 5 eggs a week! They are small eaters and entertaining pets.
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Pros: beautiful eggs, consistent layers, good foragers
Cons: sometimes eat eggs
I've had EEs for 2 years now. They are some of my best layers, and they are great foragers. A few are flighty as heck, and others are sweethearts. They are occasionally found eating eggs, that's the only issue I have with them.
Pros: Friendly, curious, quiet, alert, non-aggresive
Cons: little skittish if not handled frequently
I love this breed. They are by far the cutest birds with their little puff cheeks & beards. They are affectionate and smart. I'd recommend this breed, they are great.
Pros: Personality, egg production
Cons: Health (hatchery)
I had three EEs, one died at fifteen months of age from a massive tumor. The other two are still with me and are very confident and happy birds. They are the top two in the pecking order and Scrambles (head hen) keeps my Sussex bully in line.

When I let them into the yard they would follow me around. When I come out of the house they run up to the run fencing and cackle their greetings. They are always the first to say hello. I raised them since they were about three days old.

I get about four or five eggs a week from them (each) and I love the extra color in my cartons. My girls are currently about two years old.
Pros: Egg colour, Looks
Cons: Not sure of egg colour till they lay, Not very friendly
I picked up my 4 week old EE today. So far they are not very friendly and run when I come close . I'm trying to tame them because I don't think they came from the best place
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Pros: Coloerd eggs, nice birds, bright colors, good layers
Cons: Dont like the heat
Love my EE's they are my fav, love to see all the colors in my pens. I love the eggs too and all the really cute baby's. I have more EE'S than any other chicken I have and still am on the look for more different colored ones.
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Pros: Beautiful egg color, good forager, excellent almost daily layer
Cons: Nervous, eggs on the amall size
Last year I got just one Easter Egger. She laid all through the winter, almost daily. Sadly, something got her when she wandered near heavy cover on our property. I now have 4 pullets up and coming. They are 3 months old so hopefully I'll see some eggs in July. These pullets are great foragers. My older rooster is doing a great job chasing them away from the woods where danger lies. These pullets are flighty but that is o.k with me. I can't wait to see what color their eggs will be.
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Pros: Very friendly, gets along very well
Cons: none
I got three EEs around march and they are full of personality! They all get along with all my other birds. They will eat bugs and other crawly things on the ground. My favorite feature about them is their puffy cheeks and "beard". Would highly reccommend EEs for any chicken keeper.
Pros: Gorgeous, unique, quiet, great backyard chicken, nice to each other
I greatly enjoy having my Araucana easter eggers. I have three, as babes one was white, one brown, and one black. They have changed and it's very neat to watch them grow. They are very curious little creatures with strong personalities. Mine are not full size yet and have not started laying. We're looking forward to it though!
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i have 2 Easter Eggers at my school 1 is named diggie and 1 is named Bwonita . bwonita got egg bowned on the the first week
.3 weeks later we put her back in the coop and the secent she tuched the ground all the other chickens attacted her.at first i didt know about the pecking order
Pros: friendly, lay pretty eggs, hardy
Cons: stubborn
I have 2 easter eggers, May and June, and I really like them. They are lots of fun and lay wonderful blue eggs.
Pros: Good foragers, smart, pretty variety in feather patterns, cool eggs
Cons: none
I've had EE's since I started with chickens 8 years ago and find them to be some of the friendliest and most resourceful foragers in my flock. And they're pretty to boot. Everyone enjoys the novelty of green eggs, especially kids and visitors. I'd recommend EEs to anyone starting out in poultry.
Pros: Beautiful tail feathers, Friendly
Cons: Stupid
EE's are stupid, even according to chicken standards. We got 2 EE's and a silver laced wyandotte from the local feed and seed in March to add to our flock of 4 red stars.
The Easter Eggers are by far the dumbest of the flock - there is a small pen for the pullets to run, with a small opening to the bigger run, and the wyandotte had no trouble figuring out how to get in and out of the pen, but the EE's cannot figure it out. We have pushed them through the opening multiple times, to no avail. They are also not very spacially aware - stepping into the water bowl, running into fences, etc.
They are pretty birds, and don't mind being handled, but they're so dumb it's almost annoying to keep looking out for them.
Pros: All colors, puffy cheeks, rainbow eggs, friendly, smart
Cons: Easily bullied... :(
I love my ees! They are smart and friendly and will hopefully lay pretty eggs, mine are 14 weeks. I love their cheeks and their tiny combs, they look like hawks :). Great!!
Edit: 10 months old now and an update! One of my girls lays pretty green eggs every day, and the other laid her first blue one since molting this morning! Unfortunately, both of my girls are easily bullied, especially by my BA, and are missing feathers. They have sweet personalities and one tries to follow me into the house! :p
Pros: Very good with other chicks
Cons: Flighty
I have one Easter Egger who is always around a group of chicks who I hatched She stands up for them when they get picked on and acts like a mom even though she is a month and a half
Pros: great around other chicks
Cons: they fly high
I had one of these chicks before...very good with being mixed in with other chicks. When it was almost 3 months old it flew into my neighbors dog pin and the dog killed it. :( it was very heartbreaking to my grandkids and myself we raised it and it was very special to my grandkids so I bought them another one.
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Pros: TONS of colors, easy to find, cool eggs, myriad of personalities, bantams do not eat much
Cons: On the flighty side, not a recognized breed, mine have very loud, high pitched squeaks
I have a few of these chicks and they are all different colors. Some of mine are sweet, but one is very loud and unfriendly. They grow their wings fast! However, mine are full of life and personality and are great members of my young flock. Mine are bantams and don't eat much. I love the bantams' little size and they are a joy to watch! If I had room, I would get some standards, but I don't. I would recommend these to anyone. I can't wait to see what their eggs look like!
Pros: Cold hardy, prolific layers
Cons: Seem to have stigma attached "ew EE's?"
Some of the BEST birds I've ever had... Lay nearly daily, or every other day, and are extremely cold hardy! Wish I had better variety, but since they come in every color, shouldn't be hard to acquire!
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every love my green and blue eggs
Pros: colored eggs, friendly,
Cons: Was sold as Americana
Before I bought them I did not know that they are a mixed breed. I thought they were Araucana. I love them just the same. No eggs yet as they are babies.
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