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  1. EasterChickens

    ‼️HELP NEEDED‼️ Chicken possibly has vent gleet?

    Hello everyone, I have a 3 year and 9 month old leghorn hen who has seemingly been going through vent gleet. It all started about 3 days ago when i started seeing a “messy” butt. I pulled her in today and smelled her butt. As a result, her butt smelled like human urine. The color of those messy...
  2. EasterChickens

    !!Chicken adjusting crop repeatedly and has a hard crop!! (PLEASE HELP!)

    Hello everyone, My 3 year and 4 month old leghorn hen has just been experiencing a hard/solid crop and is repeatedly adjusting her crop (even when she is roosting/sleeping). She is still acting perfectly fine, eating/drinking normally and is active. I'm not so sure about how her poop looks like...
  3. EasterChickens

    Hen with a bloated/enlarging abdomen‼️PLEASE HELP‼️

    Hello everyone, My 3 year and 3 months leghorn hen has been experiencing a bloated abdomen lately. A few days ago, she was egg bound as i saw her pushing, but soon after I didn’t see any egg come out of her and she was fine afterwards. Then I started to see her abdomen looking unusual and big...
  4. EasterChickens

    PLEASE HELP!! Chicken with eye closed and leaking vent !!PLEASE HELP VERY URGENT!!

    Hello everyone, I just woke up this morning to let my 3 chickens out and they were all completely fine. Then, in the afternoon, my 2 year & 10 month old female easter egger, started to have her tail down, eye closed but she still wanted to eat and could peck. But whenever she peck she would...
  5. EasterChickens

    ‼️HELP‼️ Chicken with leaking vent and lethargic possibly egg bound?

    Hello everyone, I need your help right now, my 2 year & 10 month old leghorn hen started laying soft shelled eggs a month ago. I started to feed her 1 calcium tablet (600mg) daily for 4 days but didn't see her lay an egg anymore, so I stopped with the tablets. At that time, she was still acting...
  6. EasterChickens


    Hello everyone, I have a leghorn hen that is 2 year & 9 months old and today she was acting very lethargic with her feathers down, tail down. I came to the suspicion that she could of been suffering from vent gleet since her vent is all dirty and wet with this white discharge. I also noticed...
  7. EasterChickens

    ‼️HELP‼️ Leghorn hen sick/lethargic?! Possibility of vent gleet?

    Hello everyone, I have a 2 year & 9 month old leghorn hen that just started to show signs of sickness 1 day ago. I'm pretty sure she is not eggbound because she did lay an egg yesterday. She did not lay an egg today though (usually she lays daily). She is still eating and drinking but not as...
  8. EasterChickens

    !URGENT! Rooster's spur broken and bleeding!

    Hello everyone, I randomly came out to my backyard to check on my rooster and I found that one of his spur's went missing/broken and is bleeding. I'm assuming that his spur got stuck somewhere and therefore it broke. Does anyone know any cures or treatment to this? Please let me know ASAP if you...
  9. EasterChickens

    !HELP! Rooster has some sort of Favus? (Let me know if this ointment can help!)

    Hello everyone, I have a 1 year and 8 month old Easter Egger rooster and I have been recently seeing these small little white dots on his comb and it looks like some sort of Favus. I did some research and few people said to use Anti Fungal Cream, but I don't have any so I found a bottle of MP...
  10. EasterChickens

    Chicken loosing feathers!! Please help!!

    Hello everyone, I have a 1 year and 5 month old Easter Egger hen and she just started loosing a bunch of feathers starting from 2 days ago. I don't know what to do and i'm very scared something is wrong. When I also touch/pull out her feathers gently, it falls out very easily. Could this be...
  11. EasterChickens

    how much do i feed chicken scratch?

    Hello everyone, I know it's pretty weird of my-self to ask how much chicken scratch should i feed to my chickens but I really want to feed them the best/desired amount. I bought a bag of Dumor 6 grain chicken scratch at my local TSC (LINK to chicken scratch...
  12. EasterChickens

    Chicken's wing bow bleeding and kind of infected PLEASE HELP!!

    Hello everyone, I'm very disappointed that my chicken saddle didn't work very well. I bought it around 2 months ago and it was working very well at the start and now when i took it off and checked her wing bow/shoulder, its ripped off with no feathers and is bleeding and I'm VERY sure it is...
  13. EasterChickens

    Help me out with a plan for my sprained leg chicken!!

    ...QUESTIONS I'M CONCERED OF: How will she lay her eggs if I separate her in a dog crate? Will it be easy for reintroductions if I separate her? *my chickens free-range and I have a medium sized yard. IMPORTANT: And if necessary to put her in a dog crate, can I use a big cardboard box instead...
  14. EasterChickens

    !EMERGENCY! Hen is limping when running

    Hello everyone, one of my Easter Egger hens (Smokey) is limping whenever she runs. However when she walks slowly, she walks normally and doesn't limp. She eats and drinks perfectly. She does lay down in a corner because she is not feeling well about her foot. It seems like she is limping towards...
  15. EasterChickens

    Leghorn hen broody??! (acting very like it)

    Hello everyone, my 2nd leghorn (Shyshe) acts kind of broody for the past 3 days or so. So this is how it works everyday at around 12pm she lays her egg and then she gets out of her nest box and starts eating, playing around with her other chicken friends but then at around 4-5pm she goes back...
  16. EasterChickens

    Rooster has black and white dots on wattle !HELP!

    Hello everyone, I looked at my rooster's wattle this evening and saw some strange white & black dots on his wattle!!?? This was very sudden to me because he isn't sick at all. Does anyone know what this is? Is there any cures? @Eggcessive @aart @rosemarythyme @DobieLover @HappyClucker7...
  17. EasterChickens

    EMERGENCY!! Chicken's eggs ALL broken by skunk or what predator??!!

    ...IMPORTANT CONCERN: I'm going on a trip for 1 week in 2 days and I'm so worried if maybe that skunk or some other predator can kill my 4 chickens. *I do have someone coming to fill in the food/water once every 3 days and collect the eggs daily BUT not closing the chicken's coop door.* HERE IS...
  18. EasterChickens

    Using Sweet PDZ, how does it work?? HELP!!

    ...for 1 week and then throw it all away, which is what I did wrong. MY CONCERNED QUESTIONS: If you scoop it out daily, how long do you do it until you completely change/throw away the whole sweet pdz from your poop board and restart by putting in new sweet pdz? IMPORTANT: *I have a 3 x 4 coop*
  19. EasterChickens

    Rooster makes funny and weird noises?!!

    Hello everyone, I have my 1 year & 1 month old rooster who sometimes jump into his coop and start making these funny, weird noises (like noise when he finds food and some others that I couldn't get on this vid). What do you guys think this could be? Please comment any thoughts! the video below...
  20. EasterChickens

    What breed could be my multi-color rooster?!

    Hello everyone, I bought one of my roosters at TSC and I'm not sure what breed he is because when I bought my 4 chickens, the TSC staff marked all of them as leghorns which was "wrong". I think he may be a blue splashed Wyandotte x Easter Egger. EXTRA: I'm also thinking to buy some mealworm...
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