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  1. Insnesnakos

    Are Australorps typically this broody?

    I have four black Australorps, bought as chicks last April. This year, three of them have been broody and want to be moms. I put one in the broody jail this morning, can anyone with more experience tell me if this is normal or not?
  2. Insnesnakos

    What to do with extra bananas?

    I have four extra bananas and I don't feel like eating them plain. Any suggestions?
  3. Insnesnakos

    Five Fluffybutts

    I'm pretty proud of this :p
  4. Insnesnakos

    1-Year-Old Hen "Dancing"

    I have a one year old hen who's been sitting a lot in the nest box recently, I've had to carry her outside a few times but nothing too serious, as well as removing the eggs. Today she did a little dance I'll try to describe it here She scratched the ground a few times in place making sure...
  5. Insnesnakos

    Old hen opening and closing mouth

    Is this anything to be worried about? She doesn't close her mouth all the way
  6. Insnesnakos

    Font size

    I just went onto BYC and the font was different than before It looks like this now: Has anyone else had this happen?
  7. Insnesnakos

    Hen getting comb pecked, what do I do?

    My gold laced Wyandotte Muffin is getting her comb pecked by the other flock members (they all have single combs) How do I stop this and what can I do? I made a post like this last time, then it healed and now it's started back up again :( Sorry if the picture's blurry, she wouldn't stop moving...
  8. Insnesnakos

    Names for these two?

    Here's two of my black australorp pullets. I've used a bunch of different names for them, but nothing really stuck, so I'd like to see what names you can come up with They're almost a year old and the other two black Australorps are named Lucky and Rita. ❤️
  9. Insnesnakos

    How can I improve my tree?

    Something looks off :hmm
  10. Insnesnakos

    "Boss" hen jumping on pullet

    Today I saw Potato on one of the Black Australorp pullets! Blackberry was crouched down and Potato was pecking at her comb. Potato is a big heavy bird and it must've been stressful for Blackberry Why did she do this?
  11. Insnesnakos

    Can chickens eat this insect?

    I want to know if I can feed this to my birds It's the biggest one I've seen 🤣
  12. Insnesnakos

    What happened to Browny

    We just culled Browny and discovered this thing on her foot
  13. Insnesnakos

    Do your birds ever do this?

    Do your birds ever stand in front of the door like this? Mine do when it rains
  14. Insnesnakos

    Black thing on comb

    What is this? I'm just worried for Muffin :( Edited so you can see it better
  15. Insnesnakos

    Do your birds talk to you?

    Mine do, the black Australorps are very talkative! I don't know what they could be trying to say 🤣
  16. Insnesnakos

    I never knew they can jump so high

    This morning, one of the pullets had mysteriously escaped. We chased her around the neighbor's yard for a few minutes until we got her close to the fence. She finally understood what we were trying to do so she jumped over it while flapping! What's crazy about this is she is a fat little bird...
  17. Insnesnakos

    Sitting down and clucking

    One of my pullets keeps trying to fly onto the windowsill, even when it's closed. Today I opened the window but she did this thing where she sat down and made short clucking sounds very quickly for a few seconds. Has anyone else's birds done this before?
  18. Insnesnakos

    Black Australorp Questions

    How often do they lay? How big can they grow? Are they friendly? If anyone could answer these questions that would be greatly appreciated :)
  19. Insnesnakos

    What is this thing?

    I saw this brown mushroom outside today. Could anyone here tell me what it is? Is it dangerous?
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