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  1. lefttowrite

    Coyote in broad daylight!

    ...perimeter of the area tonight. Any other ideas for deterrent? We have a rifle, but I’d really rather scare him off than unalive him if possible. *Editing to say I’ve seen on other threads that LGDs are pretty effective against coyotes and other predators, but we are not in a position to get...
  2. lefttowrite

    SW Washington chicken mathematician

    Wow! As you said - sounds like heaven!! What a fun place for all those critters 😍 welcome to BYC!
  3. lefttowrite

    Cluck, Cluck G'day

    Hi Sarah! Welcome to BYC! I love the music theme you have going for your flock 🎸 mine’s in the same vein (6 black Australorps named after singers)
  4. lefttowrite

    How do you keep your bedding dry in wet weather?

    I wonder if adding a tarp or poop board under your roosts would minimize moisture in the coop, as long as it was scooped out every couple days. That way the poo isn’t gumming up the bedding!
  5. lefttowrite

    Fall Garden Prep, or: Earning Their Keep Since They’re Not Laying Yet

    The girls got a lot of garden time in the last couple days, between cleaning up beds, leaving behind a little compost, and eating spreading out cover crop seed. What’s cuter than black chickens against a backdrop of fall color? Nothing, I say! Ella, queen of the woodpile. Mama Cass - is...
  6. lefttowrite

    👻🎃 Halloween Hangout 🎃 👻

    This month has been so crazy with work and traveling and whatnot! I haven’t even thought about Halloween, really. But when I get back home on Friday, that’ll be a different story… On that note, any ideas for last-minute, buy-nothing costumes? 😆
  7. lefttowrite

    👻🎃 Halloween Hangout 🎃 👻

    I can’t wait to try it out! Lots of friends have sent me that one viral video that was going around haha. Looks like the chickens enjoy it!
  8. lefttowrite

    They finally have NAMES! 🖤

    So, in hindsight, probably not the best idea to get six identical-looking girls as my first flock. But now that their combs have come in, I can finally tell them apart! And as such, the flock has been officially named…all after dark-haired vocalists. Besides the obvious ones, can you tell who? 🖤🎶
  9. lefttowrite

    Hen isolating + closing one eye

    Update here: Ella is a-OK! Two days after I posted, we took her into the garage and, as gently as we could with a big awkward squeeze bottle, rinsed her eye a couple times with saline solution. We were going to isolate overnight just in case, but she was NOT having it, so we put her back with...
  10. lefttowrite

    👻🎃 Halloween Hangout 🎃 👻

    I celebrate Samhain with: 🍂a final harvest and big ol’ chicken-led garden cleanup 🍎a dish of pork with apples and onions (which will be completely locally sourced for the first time in the seven years I’ve made it — wooo!) 🖤a little space in my home with candles, family mementos, and sweet...
  11. lefttowrite

    What have you been reading?

    The Silmarillion is SOOO GOOOOD! I’m a mythology nerd so I loved getting to learn the “lore” behind Middle Earth. I hope you love it. Right now I’m reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine (realizing as an adult that my history teachers were terrible, so doing some self-educating :)) and after...
  12. lefttowrite

    Hen isolating + closing one eye

    Thank you! My husband and I busted our butts this summer to get it done :D the flock seems to like it! As promised, here’s a photo (albeit a grainy one). This is the eye in question. I checked on them multiple times throughout the day, and didn’t see any abnormal behavior, isolating, drooping...
  13. lefttowrite

    Hen isolating + closing one eye

    Thanks for responding, @Wyorp Rock! They’re still on medicated chick feed (Purina, 18% protein). They get a scratch mix (oats, mealworm, sunflower seeds, calendula petals) as treats, plus recently they’ve gotten hornworms from the garden (but I’m pretty sure the girls just torture them and don’t...
  14. lefttowrite

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    It really is! I was in Detroit for a hot minute over the weekend and was totally out of my element, despite having lived in the area for several years. Glad to be home. Torch Lake--what a beautiful place to grow up!
  15. lefttowrite

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hi! I'm new here and just found this thread. Anyone in/near Emmet County? We are in a rural part, and MAN it's hard to find like-minded folks...even when you move back to the same community you grew up in!
  16. lefttowrite

    Hen isolating + closing one eye

    Hi! I'm a new chicken keeper (6 Australorp hens, 12 weeks old at time of posting). One of my girls has been acting strangely for the last few weeks, off and on. Sometimes, she integrates with the rest of the flock, behaves normally, looks happy/curious, etc. Other times, she sets herself...
  17. lefttowrite

    A big, blue, brand-new coop!

    Thanks!! It’s on the project list. I have a piece of linoleum set aside to top it with for even easier cleaning!
  18. lefttowrite

    A big, blue, brand-new coop!

    My husband and I finished our coop this week! :yesss: The interior measures about 7.5’ x 11’, so plenty of room for my six girls with a bit of chicken math already factored in. For anyone curious, here’s a build breakdown: Walls + Flooring The walls are pallets, with CDX exterior and OSB...
  19. lefttowrite

    Hardware cloth apron around coop AND run?

    The 4’ hardware cloth idea is BRILLIANT. I’ll be giving that a go, for sure. Thank you!
  20. lefttowrite

    People with intense winters: Runs + Snow Load?

    Thanks for the encouragement! B sounds like it’s a good option, with the right equipment and a bunch more hardware cloth. Your description of our snow fits to a T. Glad to know other folks who get it!! ;) (I’m also glad it’s still just June lol.)
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