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  • Users: Sunshade82
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  1. Sunshade82

    Unbalanced/head tipping up +vent discharge & death

    My 4 year old chicken Goldie was unable to walk so I brought her in to check her out. I don’t see any noticable injuries to her legs or feet. When she stands she immediately loses her balance and tips over. I was watching her last night while she napped and it’s like her head wouldn’t stay...
  2. Sunshade82

    Single older hen attacking pullets

    My mom has a 1.5 year old hen (Sweet Pea) who came to her yard and never left. We bought 5 chicks to raise to keep her company. The chicks were raised inside but since being old enough, have spent a lot of time outside in a separate fenced area. They are now 17/18 week old pullets. Sweet Pea has...
  3. Sunshade82

    2 abnormal eggs a day

    I have a 1 yr old golden buff (red sex link) that has had occasional egg problems since April. She will sometimes lay soft shelled and sometimes white banded… and sometimes both! Example…Today (June14), June 8, and also on May 31 , she laid a soft shelled egg and a white banded egg within...
  4. Sunshade82

    Cage in run for bully victim?

    Short story: can I put a hen in a separate cage in the run so she’s with her pals, but not getting her feathers pecked? She needs time to heal but I don’t want her to have a hard time reintegrating back in... Long story: The last few weeks I’ve notice my 1 yr old EE was missing feathers on the...
  5. Sunshade82

    Stained egg

    Anyone have an idea why my EE egg looks like this? The last one of hers had that brownish stain also but only on the tip. **She’s started laying every OTHER day since we deep cleaned the coop. she gets stressed easily so I didn’t know if it was related to that or something medical. Also those...
  6. Sunshade82

    Ornithophobia- fear of birds

    I didn’t know where to post this but I had to share somewhere (I can’t share via Facebook cause the “victim” is on there 😆) Today we had our first encounter with someone terrified of birds. Now to be fair, she never mentioned her fear before coming over.... My 22 year old niece was visiting with...
  7. Sunshade82

    All day egg song

    It’s been 7 hours and I’ve heard an egg song from the same chicken 30 times. It’s driving me crazy so I can only imagine how my neighbors feel. 😬 A little backstory...this same 11 month old Red sexlink had a problem with laying soft shelled eggs a couple weeks ago. I brought her inside when she...
  8. Sunshade82

    Lethargic, diarrhea then shell-less egg

    This morning one of my 10 month old pullets was acting lethargic with her tail down and had diarrhea. (We lost our first chicken suddenly last week so I was worried it was connected.) For a while now, she has been laying her egg off the roost before the sun comes up and today there was no egg. I...
  9. Sunshade82

    Fluffy back / missing feathers?

    Hi all one of my 10 month old pullets has a spot on her back near the tail where it looks like the feathers are broken off and her underfluff is showing. She’s the only one like this. My welsummer’s stats: -She is eating and drinking fine. -She is not laying yet but spends time in the nesting...
  10. Sunshade82

    All song no egg

    Hi all, I have 6 ten month old pullets. 5 of them have been laying eggs since October (5 months) or earlier. Then there’s my Welsummer. She likes to accompany my Easter Egger in the nesting box and will even sing an egg song. The eggs laid are never hers though. She’s just singing her support I...
  11. Sunshade82

    Hawk pre-attack behavior

    ...I can do to discourage a hawk from even trying? (We can’t have roosters here btw.) If I’m playing with fire and it’s just a matter of time before we have an attack then we’ll stop yard time 😢 **attached is a picture of some hawks on the streetlight by my house feasting on a black bird (crow?)
  12. Sunshade82

    Pullet stopped laying (and “squatting”)

    Hi all! So one of my 7 month old pullets decided to stop laying after 2 months. I know there’s a variety of possible reasons for a layer to stop but she seems healthy and happy so I’m letting her freeload for now 😉 I’ve also noticed that she no longer does the submissive squat when I walk up to...
  13. Sunshade82

    Is this tape worm?

    Found this in some poop today. Does it look like tape worms? None of those white specks were moving...I tried to collect some on a stick and the dang pullets grabbed the stick from me then kicked around and covered the rest 🤦🏻‍♀️ also idk if this info matters...but today one of my six 23 week...
  14. Sunshade82

    Sleep Eggs?

    Do chickens ever accidentally lay an egg while sleeping? I’ve found eggs 3x this week under the roosting bar all from the same hen. They were laid very early...either before or right after sunrise. Is my hen sleep laying or maybe it’s still dark and she can’t see to get to the nesting box...
  15. Sunshade82

    Easter Egger...without the fluffy cheeks?

    Anyone have an Easter Egger that looks like mine? She looks nothing like other Easter Egger Pics I’ve fluffy cheeks. Her coloring is a lot like my Welsummer. If you have one like her, what color eggs did they lay? Btw she is 22 weeks
  16. Sunshade82

    Change in Egg color

    Hi all, my 21 week old Austra white JUST started laying (yay!) I expected her eggs to be off-white so I wasn’t surprised to see her first egg was a light cream colored. The 2nd egg’s tan/light brown? If I hadn’t been waiting for her to be done in the nesting box, I wouldn’t have...
  17. Sunshade82

    Moody new layer pecking other chicken

    I’ve noticed the last few days my Golden Buff targets my Easter Egger. My EE is a bit high strung, loud, and dashes around a lot, but now anytime she crosses my GB’s path, she gets pecked hard on the back of the neck/head. It’s usually just a single peck but hard enough to make my EE squawk (no...
  18. Sunshade82

    Broken/chipped beak

    Today I noticed that our sweet Mary had chipped her beak. I’m pretty sure it happened today...I heard what I thought was fighting and by the time I ran outside, everyone was clucking around like normal. Maybe she got her beak stuck in the hardware cloth? Idk. I hand fed her some treats and she...
  19. Sunshade82

    Yummy oyster shell

    Hi all, My ladies just turned 18 weeks so I started adding in a bowl of oyster shell near their feed since the package said to 😆 I’ve read they will eat only when/how much they need...but mine completely empty the bowl in a short amount of time. nobody is laying yet, but I assume my Austra...
  20. Sunshade82

    Rollaway nest box and raccoons

    Has anyone ever had a raccoon or other predator get into the coop via the egg tray on a rollaway nest box? I worry a raccoon could easily lift the lid and perhaps fit inside where the eggs rolls down. Has anyone ever attached some sort of lock on the egg tray? It needs to be easy enough for my 7...
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