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  1. Abronsyth

    ISO: LF Malay Eggs

    Looking for a small order of large fowl Malay eggs, preferably BBR or Spangled. I am attempting to acquire some for an outcrossing project. Looking to improve leg length and height of my Russian Orloff lines with some experimental crossing. (Also will likely get into breeding pure Malay to...
  2. Abronsyth


    Sounds like they're just taking their time, as sometimes chicks do. I always wait until day 25 before cracking open any eggs to see what happened.
  3. Abronsyth


    Take a deep breath and relax. While 21 days is the average they sometimes take longer, or, as I've found, seem to like waiting until the middle of the night to start and then startle you awake with peeping. To be safe- what are your incubator parameters? Have you been turning by hand, or...
  4. Abronsyth

    ISO Large Fowl Modern Game

    I do actually plan to get Malays and O Shamo someday, but not until I have the room to build more pens to separate the cocks. Large fowl Modern Game are what I'm on the hunt for.
  5. Abronsyth

    Cockerel Contest, Ends feb 1st 2019

    Name: Jacob Age: 10 Months Breed: Russian Orloff Something about them: He's one of the sweetest, friendliest roosters you could meet, and going to father some lovely babies next year! Weird beak shape right now because he broke half of it off and it's regrown. I need to trim the excess...
  6. Abronsyth

    ISO Large Fowl Modern Game

    Will also consider eggs or grown birds. I am not particular on color right now because I am having a very difficult time finding any large fowl Modern Game fowl. I absolutely love our bantam pair, but I prefer large fowl, and would very much like to help the breed make a come-back. Does anyone...
  7. Abronsyth

    Review by '' on item 'Russian Orloff'

    From now on whenever I see someone asking for breed recommendations I jump up and shout "ORLOFFS!" I have a lot of friendly breeds (silkies, cochins, OEGB, d'Anvers, modern game, etc) but none are as all-around, overall friendly as my Russian Orloffs. The one I hatched from an egg is the most...
  8. Abronsyth

    LF: Large-Fowl Sumatras in NY (or close by)

    I am looking to add one or two pullets/hens to the flock to pair with my cockerel next Spring. I'd prefer from a show-line (not necessarily show-quality themselves, but from healthy stock, I am breeding toward the APA standard), but really just healthy birds that are purebred Sumatras would be...
  9. Abronsyth

    Comment by 'Abronsyth' in article 'The Ever Misunderstood Rooster'

    White silkies (crosses)! Silkies have dark purple/black skin, beautiful blue earlobes, and come in a bunch of colors. A lot of folks also experiment with fibromelanism (high levels of dark pigment in chickens) and you get some wild looking birds, "Golden Feather Farms" has their own experimental...
  10. Abronsyth

    What is *THIS*?! Frankenchicken

    That is wild! I wonder if a big increase in protein intake would affect feather growth at all? I wonder how life as a house chicken would suit him :lol:
  11. Abronsyth

    Hard boiled egg

    Ours handle egg just fine without grit, we use it often for sickly birds (who won't take grit on their own). Greens, seeds, grains, other tough to break down things need grit.
  12. Abronsyth

    Age of chicks

    No tail feathers makes me think under 1 week old, and with that wing development...I'd put her at around 3 to 5 days old.
  13. Abronsyth

    Confused Chicken and Odd Behavior

    The title is a little vague but it is accurate. So we have a 30 bird flock- 9 roosters, 21 hens. Overall they are establishing a really fantastic, healthy social dynamic. There are two problem birds though, because they do not mesh well with the rest of the flock. One is a rooster and he's...
  14. The Ever Misunderstood Rooster

    The Ever Misunderstood Rooster

    There are a lot of different opinions on roosters. Some people hate them and think them the devil, some think that roosters can never be our friends or pets, some think that they're unintelligent, some think that it's disrespectful to hold/pet a rooster, yet have no problem with hens (this...
  15. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    ...I wish someone had been there to take a picture! They're almost seven weeks old now. I need to get my butt in gear and get their coop finished...would help if some certain birds (*cough* silkies and bantams*) would stop making a mess in the shed... Here's a picture of Max climbing onto my...
  16. Abronsyth

    Treating worms in chicks?

    Edit: I lost Grace last night, found her this morning.
  17. Abronsyth

    Treating worms in chicks?

    I've had a rough few weeks, having lost 6 of 7 chicks from an order. Right now I have one tiny pullet left, just under 3 weeks old, and we need to worm her (as well as the other chicks she's with, who range from 2 to 4 weeks old). Does anyone know the safest way to worm (with Ivermectin) in...
  18. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    So a more pleasant update..! Jack and Max have finally been moved into our big brooder downstairs (it's an old livestock water tank). They are loving the perches and the huge increase in space to run around and play...but they are not so happy about being separated from me. They'll be okay...
  19. Abronsyth

    Egg shell stuck to "umbilical cord" on 1wk. old chick

    We just picked up nine chicks from a breeder. Five are 1 week old cochin bantams, and one of them is having some issues. Her breathing is very labored, and upon closer inspection we found that, not only is her "umbilical cord" still attached, but there is a piece of egg shell thoroughly stuck to...
  20. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    No, our birds are free range, so we have enough roosters to accommodate each flock of hens, but no more than that. If I had extra sumatra roos I would build extra pens for them, though, heh. That and if we have any cochin roosters (we just drove way down south of here to pick up some locally...
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