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  1. TheBirdBabe

    Flooring... yes or no?

    Hey y'all! My husband just built me a new goose coop! I'm excited to move them in, but I need some guidance on what to use as a "floor". We don't have one in there due to these birds being absolutely disgusting. 🤢 I think it would be more of a headache for me to try to clean WITH a floor as...
  2. TheBirdBabe

    Aggressive dove or just a bossy male?

    Hello! I'm back with more questions about doves! 🤭 If anyone isn't familiar with my dove encounter, last year a dove just magically showed up in my chicken coop. Long story short, she's been with us since! I noticed that she was trying to "woo" my chickens.. (following them & bowing/cooing) so...
  3. TheBirdBabe

    Wild or domestic dove?

    This dove keeps showing up in the yard when I let my chickens out in the evenings. It lets me get closer than any wild dove & doesn't seem to be too skittish. It looks a bit too "tangerine" to be a wild one.. About this time last year we found a domestic dove, do you think this one is domestic...
  4. TheBirdBabe

    Mama doesnt teach manners

    Hello everyone! I recently purchased 3 chicks in the last few weeks for one of my mama hens. She was unsuccessful at hatching some eggs.. so naturally, I felt bad for her & needed to get her some. 😆 She's been a great mom until the last few days. She's more "hands" off now & let's the babies...
  5. TheBirdBabe

    Mystery chickens

    Hello, I have some mystery chickens that I purchased from the feed store. They aren't Buff Orpingtons (like they were labeled) but I'm bot sure what else they are. 🤔 Two of them have beetle green tails & the other two have white tails! Can anyone tell me what breed these girls are? Thanks!
  6. TheBirdBabe

    Duckling can't walk!

    Hello, I recently acquired a few ducklings & geese from a hatchery. My Jumbo Peking seems to have (overnight, literally) grown a deformity! Last night she was zooming around & playing with the others. She cannot walk & is obviously having trouble getting around. 🥺 Upon further inspection, it...
  7. TheBirdBabe

    Hatchery sexed ducklings

    Hello everyone! Would anyone know which hatcheries sell sexed ducklings? I've found one so far, but I've found that most don't. I can't bring myself to have MORE MALES! 😅 Thanks!
  8. TheBirdBabe

    Do broody hens get squishy crops?

    I have a silkie hen (who is about 8-10 months old) that's broody. She refuses to get off her nest, mind you that's in the floor in a corner where everyone sleeps. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Yesterday while trying to move her to a less messy area, I noticed her chest area felt squishy. Now, I know this usually means...
  9. TheBirdBabe

    The ever dreaded question.. hen or roo?

    Hello y'all! 👋🏻 The last full week of September (about 7 weeks ago) I purchased a few chicks. Well, I say a few, my husband says a "significant" amount. 🤭 I got 3 blue stars, 3 Buff orpingtons & 7 lavender orpingtons! Said chicks are obviously getting bigger & growing at a ridiculous rate...
  10. TheBirdBabe


    I have a chicken that I feel is developing scissor beak. What is a good all around supplement that I can start incorporating in to their food?
  11. TheBirdBabe

    Opinions on beak needed!

    Can I ask your opinion on this beak? 🤔 It was not like this before. I know it's molting season & everything is out of whack, but is this a chip or something more serious? Is there anything I can do for him? Sorry about picture quality. I was trying to get every angle & he wasn't having it! 😅
  12. TheBirdBabe

    Duck eggs smell like wet dog?

    Hey y'all! 👋🏻 I have a very weird question. The other day I observed a strong smell as I was collecting eggs. Usually my dogs are with me (typically I blame them), but this morning they weren't. I smelled the strong smell of wet dog. Upon further investigation.. it was my duck eggs! I know...
  13. TheBirdBabe

    Bloated bottom... AGAIN!

    Hey y'all, This summer I had a hen, Big Mama, that got very bloated. Her tummy was really squishy.. but at the same time, hard? Her tail was drooped & she just kind of "slugged" around. I posted about her & got loads of great advice. We chalked it up to the heat (come to find out the coop...
  14. TheBirdBabe

    Dusting? Dipping? How to prevent parasites?

    Hello! Our flock is growing quickly & I'd like to start doing more for pest prevention. I'm currently dusting with DE... but that's it. I haven't previously had any problems with any kind of parasites (we've had pesky bugs in the coop) that are actually ON my birds... but how can I prevent...
  15. TheBirdBabe

    Duck egg colors

    Hello there! 👋🏻 Recently my ducks started laying eggs! We are so excited because my chickens are slacking lately. lol I'm curious to know what everyone's opinions are on this. I have (1) female Blue Swedish, (2) female Mallards & (2) female Cayugas. I also have a "mutt". She's a very dark...
  16. TheBirdBabe

    Healthy duck, mysterious death.

    Hello everyone, This morning I woke up & saw one of my ducks laying in the backyard. I instantly knew she was dead, just by the way she was laying. 😞 Initially I thought an owl or hawk got her. There's no way a racoon, opossum or fox got past my dogs. But upon inspection, there was no blood...
  17. TheBirdBabe

    Ant problem in dove food!

    I have an outdoor enclosure for my dove. We've been having a TERRIBLE time with ants this year. I saw in order to keep them out of my chicken's food, you're supposed to sprinkle cinnamon in the feeder! It's been working wonders.. however I'm not sure that cinnamon is safe to use around doves...
  18. TheBirdBabe

    Rooster's spur is hanging on by a thread

    One of my roosters has been cocky lately & looks like he got in a good scuffle. His spur is hanging on by a thread! He walks fine (unless he bumps it) but I'm worried it's hurting him. 😔 Is there a wound spray that might numb it? Will it just fall off? He isn't one that will just let me catch...
  19. TheBirdBabe

    Escaped pet or wild dove?

    This dove has been sneaking around my chicken coop lately. Today I tried to get a closer look & she ended up going IN the coop! She let's me get close (doesn't much appreciate me picking her up) which other doves around won't do.. but I think she's mainly looking for food. I caught her because...
  20. TheBirdBabe

    Biting chick (young adult)

    I have 10 chicks that I've raised from babies. One (his name is Razer) is very friendly, if I stick my arm in their pool that they sleep in, he will jump right up on my arm & hang out for a bit. He's very curious. He likes to look at my glasses, his reflection in my phone, pick at my nose ring &...
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