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  1. aggiemae

    all 8 hens stopped laying suddenly

    I'm having the same problem.5 laying hens and got only 4 eggs last week. No predator problem. someone suggested parasites and ill follow up on that. This is something I have not encountered before.
  2. aggiemae

    The Honey Factory

    Bee keeping is hard work sometimes for little gain. Thanks for responding.
  3. aggiemae

    Chickens all stopped laying at once

    Well, they have good quality feed, clean water and calcium and the weather (here n Oregon) has cooled down. I think I'm going to worm them and see how that goes. Thanks for the response.
  4. aggiemae

    The Honey Factory

    Thanks for letting me know. Ill pay more attention to the dates!
  5. aggiemae

    Upgrade chicken coop help

    That's actually a nice looking coop. Dig or cut out the rotten wood and replace it with composite wood/plastic it might take some effort but you will never have to replace it again. we built our entire coop out of found lumber. Its 11 years old the gate is just now starting to get wobbly to...
  6. aggiemae

    Weirdness with waterglassed eggs??

    I just used the last of my spring 2022 glasses eggs, They are best used scrambled or for baking but not one went bad.
  7. aggiemae

    The Honey Factory

    W Just curious. Why wouldn't you try to over winter? If you succeed you'll have two (free) hives next spring. If not your hens can eat the dead bees next year. Win. Win.
  8. aggiemae

    Possums and skunks

    Poss Possums don't eat chickens. They will take eggs.
  9. aggiemae

    Neighbor threatening to trap birds

    You are right she is miserable and determined that everyone else be miserable. Bottom line, she needs a reminder that she can't trap and sell your property. Inform her that you have some rare and valuable breeding birds and if she steals them you will have no alternative but to take her to...
  10. aggiemae

    Township sends letter after 2-1/2 years

    I'd make a case for revising the current rules to reflect modern urban chicken keeping trends.
  11. aggiemae

    Chickens all stopped laying at once

    we added 4 hens to our flock of three about 3 weeks ago.Two of the new girls aren't laying yet. All was well, 4-5 egg s a day. Then, since about two weeks ago, only two hens are laying. We got 4 eggs in the past 7 days. All our hens are young though one appears to be starting A molt. Any...
  12. aggiemae

    We have a Roo that doesn’t crow

    There is a long and pretty funny story to go with this but the end is that one of our 6 Wilco Farm Store hens hatched 4/19 is a roo. I might have considered this sooner if he had ever crowed but all his vocalizations (so far) have been lady chicken sounds. Aside from this being the most...
  13. aggiemae

    Best cheap run roofing

    I find the transparent roofing make the run to hot in summer. If you have a Habitat for humanity store or an up cycling store check them out I got 5 of the six sheets of corrugated tin I needed for $2.50 a sheet at habitat. I built my coop out of reclaimed 4x4 cedar and crate material I got...
  14. aggiemae

    Easter Egger Gender?

    A very robust lady!
  15. aggiemae

    Pasty baby butt

    I give all my incubator chicks 1:1 active culture yogurt: chick food once a day for the first three days. Never have had a reoccurance of pasty butt. Lost only one chick in the past five years. Also give ACV.
  16. aggiemae

    Will the light affect them?

    Chicks can an do sleep when ever the urge hits them. They do seem to eat more aand grow faster than chicks being raised by a hen with the 24/7 light. They can't "eat themselves to death".
  17. aggiemae

    Adoptive mama pecking new chick

    Agree with above. Especially about giving her a friend. My broody has a three day window between the first hatching and abandoning any unhatched eggs. It's biological.
  18. aggiemae

    One Chick Growing Faster than the Other

    If you got them at the feed store there could be up to a week difference in their ages. Ameracaunas as also larger birds. All our 6 chicks were hatched by our broody 3/14-3/15 they a assorted breeds, the rooster in all cases was a Wellsummer. The two that hatched from blue eggs (and have ear...
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