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  1. hiddenacres

    a hatch along for people who set their eggs on march thursday 27 2014

    come and join the hatch along if you set your eggs on thursday march 27 2014. im sorry i couldnt get it togeather before i wanted to hatch but if you set then come and join.
  2. hiddenacres

    I need help writing a book on raising chickens

    I would like to get some help writing a book on raising chickens and what better place to go then BYC? If you help you will get credit and also your share of any profit we get. I would like help the entire way through and if this one goes good and you would like to help we could do another on a...
  3. hiddenacres

    Chicken Feather Quality bad due to Corn diet

    I just got my first Buckeye rooster yesterday and he was fed a corn diet all winter and now he has horrible feather quality. I bought him for show and he was show quality before his diet. I was wondering if there is anyway to fix his feather quality. I will have some pictures tonight of the...
  4. hiddenacres

    Susquehanna county, Pa

    Who lives in Susquehanna county pennsylvania.????
  5. hiddenacres

    Roo to hen ratio questions

    Hey everybody I'm having problems with rooster to hen ratio. If I have 22 hens and 3 roosters do you think they will have problems one rooster is a bantam cochin one is a bantam modern game and one is an americauna do you think they will have problems. If it helps then the hens are 2 bantam...
  6. hiddenacres

    Spring Hatch-a-Long

    Come and join our hatch a long for this spring of 2014
  7. hiddenacres

    BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free club where you can talk bantam cochins all day long answer questions and ask too photos welcome and most of all have fun... i have two blacks here they are are they not just precious or what...
  8. hiddenacres

    Breeding "screw ups"

    I want to see some pictures of you breeding screw ups and what two breeds they were
  9. hiddenacres

    What do you use for nesting box materials?

    What kind of nesting box materials do you use I want to see how many different materials are used I will start I use straw.
  10. hiddenacres

    Silkie foot questions

    I know they have 5 toes but can anybody show me a picture of a definite hens foot were a. Spur would be please thanks
  11. hiddenacres

    Repriductive behavior for 4-h book

    What do I say in my 4-h book for reproductive behaviors of silkie hen and roo ?!? Due next week i don know either
  12. hiddenacres

    Bantam breed?!?!?!

    What breed is my 1 year bantam rooster any ideas
  13. hiddenacres

    What breed is this rooster?!?!?!?

    What breed is this rooster it is a bantam but don't know breed and is 1 year old:/
  14. hiddenacres

    Silkie sexing questions

    i have 3 new silkie bantam chicks that are 12 weeks old today and i know i defently have one rooster because he made the roo sound and because he has combs and wattles. i don't know the others sex because it looks like it has little combs and wattles forming and it still hasnt made the sound the...
  15. hiddenacres

    Funny homemade chicken pictures

    have fun in paint
  16. hiddenacres

    introducing the babys... HeLP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have 8 year old red sex links and it is warm enough to put my 3 baby amber rocks and 3sikie bantams out side but i dont want to injure the babys and what not. and the chicks cant eat the layer rations correct and can the older laying hens ea he starter feed the chicks are 6 weeks oldas of...
  17. hiddenacres


    I have this one question about my red sex links. If it ever gets warm in NE pa and I can get my 3 amber rocks out side will one of my sexton links take them and nourish them like a mom would the amber rocks are 3 weeks this upcomming saturday
  18. hiddenacres

    North American Silkie Bantam Club: Online silkie bantam show

    HERE ARE THE RULES: -must be your picture and include age, name, gender - be nice -DONT LIE HAVE FUN winner will be reconized in the North American Silkie Bantam Club whose website is still in the making and a sign with a carving of a chickens crossing sign made...
  19. hiddenacres

    what in the world is my red sex link doing

    She is in the nesting box like purring and kind of loud too but it wont stop that noise is she broody? :/
  20. hiddenacres

    Pennsylvania Come Togeather

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