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  1. ScratchNbawk

    Why is my golden comet egg almost white

    I wish I could help but I’m not sure. If you don’t get a response start a new thread.
  2. ScratchNbawk

    Opinions on our coop!?

    “Hand built and designed” ... I’m impressed. Is it roomy enough for the amount of chickens you have?
  3. ScratchNbawk


    Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m sorry about your ducklings.
  4. ScratchNbawk

    Thanks so much for your kindness, happy Easter to you as well!

    Thanks so much for your kindness, happy Easter to you as well!
  5. ScratchNbawk

    Hardware cloth

    I’m currently using one layer of 1/2 inch hardware cloth. I haven’t had any predator issues, but I still feel uneasy; I know a large predator, like a dog, could get through it. I originally planned on adding a 3 feet layer of heavy gauge wire, but I never got to it, I guess I got complacent...
  6. ScratchNbawk

    Is it ok to kill pest birds like finches and doves that eat your feed

    Sorry for going off topic but “preach” is a figure of speech. It doesn’t mean someone is referring to religion. Like the phrase “practice what you preach”, etc.
  7. ScratchNbawk

    Help with soundproofing

    You never know with new neighbors, but I doubt 3 chickens would be a problem - especially when you’re allowed to have them. I think it’s best to try and keep a balance between being a good neighbor, and knowing your own rights. It’s usually good to have open communication with your neighbors...
  8. ScratchNbawk

    Help with soundproofing

    Do you have roosters, or 50 chickens? Are chickens/roosters allowed where you live?
  9. ScratchNbawk

    Help with soundproofing

    I think it’s great you’re thinking about your neighbors and being considerate. How about talk to the new neighbors, when/if they come. When you introduce yourself with those fresh eggs, as suggested by @3KillerBs, let them know they can talk to you if it’s too loud, etc.
  10. ScratchNbawk

    Spring coop painting

    Beautiful color, turquoise?
  11. ScratchNbawk

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    I’m just not so sure people should characterize them as “starter birds”. Perhaps typical breed characteristics vary wildly depending on the hatchery or other circumstances. They’re also really hefty birds. They do okay here in desert, but they require more attention to keep them cool, at...
  12. ScratchNbawk

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    Finally, a thread I can sink my teeth into ... My Buff Orpingtons are mean. I only have 2, so I know that trait isn’t necessarily representative of the breed, but it’s enough to stop me from getting more.
  13. ScratchNbawk

    Any Generation X ers here?

    That sounds like a wonderful memory you and your family share together. I definitely couldn’t see that happening these days, lol.
  14. ScratchNbawk

    When does a chicken start laying eggs?

    It depends on the breed, but usually around 5 - 6 months. What breed do you have?
  15. ScratchNbawk

    Any Generation X ers here?

    Any stores or other companies you wish were still open? I loved going to blockbuster . . . at least there’s still one left.
  16. ScratchNbawk

    Any Generation X ers here?

    Was literally one of my favorite songs.
  17. ScratchNbawk

    Any Generation X ers here?

    No, things started going downhill about 25 years ago, maybe more. A new mega mall opened up in a city near my home town, and I’m sure there were other factors, but basically, the city just died. There’s very few jobs there, but I left a long time ago.
  18. ScratchNbawk

    Any Generation X ers here?

    I suppose I should’ve listened to it before commenting. He got tomatoes on his fried balcony sandwiches?!? That would’ve made it so much better ...
  19. ScratchNbawk

    Any Generation X ers here?

    Oh. Well .... I still loved that song.
  20. ScratchNbawk

    Any Generation X ers here?

    I guess it’s been the opposite for me. The city I grew up in was never the greatest, but it’s basically become a ghost town. First the mall closed, then other businesses. It’s sad to watch a while city deteriorate.
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