Could you post a picture of a bird showing what you think and actual Orpington should be, please? TIA.


I hate english orps, I like Hatchery orps though :)
Finally, a thread I can sink my teeth into ...
My Buff Orpingtons are mean. I only have 2, so I know that trait isn’t necessarily representative of the breed, but it’s enough to stop me from getting more.

Lol I know this isn't the point of the thread but my buffs are the snuggliest chickens in the group. Both of mine are very sweet and cuddly.

I understand the "hate" lol,, its like me hating on French Bulldogs and Bulldogs in general

but spreading misinformation isn't cool. "My buff orpingtons where mean" is more approprite

I think Orpingtons are lovely starter birds. Buff or not
Lol I know this isn't the point of the thread but my buffs are the snuggliest chickens in the group. Both of mine are very sweet and cuddly.

I understand the "hate" lol,, its like me hating on French Bulldogs and Bulldogs in general

but spreading misinformation isn't cool. "My buff orpingtons where mean" is more approprite

I think Orpingtons are lovely starter birds. Buff or not

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