
  1. CreativeChicken08

    Had to amputate chick’s toe!!

    Earlier today, a chick by the name of Mazzio (it could have been a different one) a door accidentally smashed on the poor chick’s toe, breaking the bone. We had to amputate the tiny toe, since it was only hanging on by a thread of skin. The poor chick (who’s name we changed to Bethany, like...
  2. S

    HELP I prematurely cracked an egg on day 19

    I have no idea what I’m doing, my boss’s kid is hatching quails in the smart mini automatic incubator and we almost threw them out! I had a feeling to check to see if they were really all duds, and I lightly pushed on the egg and it cracked,and the chick started CHIRPING. I felt so bad...
  3. Patiocoturnix

    Jar quail

    Well I couldn’t help myself and decided to candle the eggs. I accidentally dropped one and it cracked pretty good I don’t have any candle wax to seal it. So I decided to make a false egg type thing in a jar and transferred the insides to the jar. I know in Japan and other areas and multiple...
  4. Chickenwithnobrim


    I was trimming my chickens nails with a dremel, holding her on her side. I was holding one leg while my girlfriend was holding the other because that was the only way to keep her from kicking. She started panting but i figured it was normal because she was scared/ Hot. I kept it under 5 minutes...
  5. dublinducks

    Silkie Hen Feathers Strangulated Chick Leg - Unsure How to Proceed

    We have two silkie hens who are currently co-raising two chicks together (also silkies). Yesterday I heard a chick screaming and ran in to find one hen walking around with a baby stuck to her, flopping the chick around as she moved. I grabbed him, ripped him off the Mom, and raced him inside to...
  6. DClopein

    Help! Bad Storm Injured Chicken!

    Some time last night the wind blew our coop over and one of my girls are limping pretty bad. Felt around for any breaks and I don't feel any BUT one leg is freezing cold & one is warm.... She does move it and curls toes and even steps lightly on it. What can I do for a sprain OR worst case, a...
  7. C

    I need help badly

    My mother and I went to an Asian market we’ve been going to forever we bought eggs from them and I had a feeling that I should candle light them when I got into the car and we were about a 20 minute drive away at this point and I was just thinking let me just humor myself they seemed fertilized...
  8. D

    Duck egg newly hatched need help

    So I’m not sure where I should post since i’m new here but please do delete my post if it’s not allowed. my aunt bought a whole tray of supposedly unfertilized duck egg but one happened to hatch. We know the chances are slim but we want to at least try to make it survive. The duckling is alive...
  9. D

    Need help for a newly hatched egg

    i posted one in another place so I’ll just copy paste it So my aunt bought a whole tray of supposedly unfertilized duck egg but one happened to hatch. We know the chances are slim but we want to at least try to make it survive. The duckling is alive and all but we don’t really know what to do...
  10. The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    This was my flock before yesterday. Now I've got three dead chickens and two injured. If it had been predators, I could understand. If it had been my own mistake, I'd be upset but it would make sense. No, my chickens were killed by something simple and that we never saw coming. My...
  11. alexisrambles

    An Accident has Occurred

    I lost three chickens yesterday. I'm managing better now, but of course two of my favorites were in there. I'm gonna have to write an article about it. Crushing accident with moving the chicken tractor... Two were injured though. One was limping and one has a swollen shut eye and was gasping a...
  12. dorothymcd

    Both Roosters dead from heat stroke in 3 hours?

    I love my chickens and always try to find them the best homes.. yesterday I brought 2 of my young roosters that I love so much but cant keep, to a lady with a farm. I brought them to her house so she can watch them until they go to farm later. She put them in the shade in a cage with food and...
  13. thejaxx

    Ummm... uh oh. Or accidental duck owner

    i had ordered what I thought were Rhode Island Reds, for larger eggs. Did my normal chick incubation, lockdown, etc. they didn’t hatch and I then got busy with work (on-call, mandatory OT) and my wife’s IVH (trying to hatch our own eggs). This morning I hear peeps from the basement, and imagine...
  14. Joeschooks

    Missing back toe

    I've always wondered why two of my hens have a missing back toe. Both are Cream Legbar crosses and both have a little stump on their right foot where the back toe should be. I bought them from a well known local poultry farm and he said "the missing toe is just in the breed". I'm not sure about...
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