Mar 29, 2021
I was trimming my chickens nails with a dremel, holding her on her side. I was holding one leg while my girlfriend was holding the other because that was the only way to keep her from kicking. She started panting but i figured it was normal because she was scared/
Hot. I kept it under 5 minutes to get it over with, but when she stood up she kept panting, and then sat down on me, panting.
This chicken never cuddles unless its -20 outside and its currently well into spring. I put her on the ground and she took a few steps before sitting again still gasping.
I took her inside and she stopped panting but shes just standing there blinking slowly at me, getting sleepy. The gasping stopped,, Her lungs sound normal and her heartbeat is pretty fast but in the normal range. She just seems stunned or in shock and im terrified i injured her internally. Im keeping her in tonight but i dont know what happened or where she might be injured even.
As im writing this she sat down in her bin and is breathing roughly again. She almost always screams at me if i do something that hurts or even bugs her so i thought if she was in pain on my lap shed say something
I was trimming my chickens nails with a dremel, holding her on her side. I was holding one leg while my girlfriend was holding the other because that was the only way to keep her from kicking. She started panting but i figured it was normal because she was scared/
Hot. I kept it under 5 minutes to get it over with, but when she stood up she kept panting, and then sat down on me, panting.
This chicken never cuddles unless its -20 outside and its currently well into spring. I put her on the ground and she took a few steps before sitting again still gasping.
I took her inside and she stopped panting but shes just standing there blinking slowly at me, getting sleepy. The gasping stopped,, Her lungs sound normal and her heartbeat is pretty fast but in the normal range. She just seems stunned or in shock and im terrified i injured her internally. Im keeping her in tonight but i dont know what happened or where she might be injured even.
As im writing this she sat down in her bin and is breathing roughly again. She almost always screams at me if i do something that hurts or even bugs her so i thought if she was in pain on my lap shed say something
Aw darn that’s so bizzare! I hope someone helps!!
She might be in shock from stress. Did you hold her so tight, she might not have been able to breathe normally? It can be easy to squeeze them when subduing them to work on them. I would offer her some sips of water with a little sugar in it (1 tsp per cup.) Hopefully, she will come around and act more normally.
She might be in shock from stress. Did you hold her so tight, she might not have been able to breathe normally? It can be easy to squeeze them when subduing them to work on them. I would offer her some sips of water with a little sugar in it (1 tsp per cup.) Hopefully, she will come around and act more normally.
Thank you ill do this, i dont think i did but she put on so much weight lately and shes a bit obese (i know i shouldnt have let it get that bad) and im wondering if she crushed herself a bit
Being overweight might add to her stress. Do you feed a balanced layer or all flock feed? Limiting treats, table scraps, or scratch can help her trim down.
@Eggcessive She eats a balanced layer pellet with scrambled eggs for breakfast once or occasionally twice a week. She is completely fine this morning! I have no idea what happened, she seemed really off yesterday but is back to being her perky, sassy, crabby self. Im going to keep a close eye on her today anyways but im so confused as to what happened.
Do you always use a dremel to do her nails. The noise from it might have put her into shock. Can you possibly just use a sturdy nail clipper made for dogs to do it? I was just curious. I am glad that she is much better.
Do you always use a dremel to do her nails. The noise from it might have put her into shock. Can you possibly just use a sturdy nail clipper made for dogs to do it? I was just curious. I am glad that she is much better.
This was the first time using the dremel. It worked fantastically for my silkie but i never considered it could have been the reason for her stress. I think maybe xl dog clippers might work, cause she has massive feet
This was the first time using the dremel. It worked fantastically for my silkie but i never considered it could have been the reason for her stress. I think maybe xl dog clippers might work, cause she has massive feet
I know it's not funny but in a way it is , so silly that a chicken can get so stressed out over a nice pedicure <3 poor baby

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