
  1. kittypaws004

    Where can I order fertile duck eggs?

    I live in the USA and have took care of 5 ducks in the past but have never successfully hatched an egg (of any sort). So I'm thing if I do get an incubator soon, where can I get the eggs? Some of you raisers may have purchased eggs from the internet, where did you get them and how was the...
  2. Julielynn810

    should I be concerned? duck crop

    Does her crop look weird? It seems like it's uneven to me. It's squishy, not hard.
  3. mamachicken090900

    Please Help -- New Home

    Hello. If you look at a previous thread I wrote, I posted about a chick named Nova who had slipped tendon. I took her in for surgery and the tendon slipped out of it's place again since she was hatched with it instead of aquiring it like I thought she had. Nova is around three months old. She...
  4. R

    Help! Duckling unable to walk + foaming eye.

    To be clear, I live in an apartment complex in South Florida with my family since I am still a student. None of us have much knowledge about ducks or any kind of waterfowl, at that. We've just been living here for a year, but we have taken a liking for the Muscovy ducks living here and we have...
  5. Swastik Choudhari

    Again broody after laying 7 eggs..??

    I dont know if this is the right forum. I have a chicken (mix of game bird × i dont know)she successfully brood all the chicks she had...after her chicks got old enough she left them and again started laying. She just layed 7 eggs and again had gone broody. Now its 3rd day she had just left...
  6. M

    Can I put one day old chicks with 3 week old chicks

    Hell everyone, I currently have 1 week old Rhode Island Reds and in two week I wanted to add a Plymouth Rock to the group. Will this work? Is it a good idea?
  7. Thehappyheifer

    Where to buy a SQ pair

    I am looking for a sq silkie pair, I'm looking to spend $500-$1000. Could anyone point me in a good direction? Do I need to spend more?
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