
  1. EasterChickens

    !EMERGENCY! Hen is limping when running

    Hello everyone, one of my Easter Egger hens (Smokey) is limping whenever she runs. However when she walks slowly, she walks normally and doesn't limp. She eats and drinks perfectly. She does lay down in a corner because she is not feeling well about her foot. It seems like she is limping towards...
  2. EasterChickens

    Leghorn hen broody??! (acting very like it)

    Hello everyone, my 2nd leghorn (Shyshe) acts kind of broody for the past 3 days or so. So this is how it works everyday at around 12pm she lays her egg and then she gets out of her nest box and starts eating, playing around with her other chicken friends but then at around 4-5pm she goes back...
  3. EasterChickens

    Rooster has black and white dots on wattle !HELP!

    Hello everyone, I looked at my rooster's wattle this evening and saw some strange white & black dots on his wattle!!?? This was very sudden to me because he isn't sick at all. Does anyone know what this is? Is there any cures? @Eggcessive @aart @rosemarythyme @DobieLover @HappyClucker7...
  4. EasterChickens

    EMERGENCY!! Chicken's eggs ALL broken by skunk or what predator??!!

    Hello everyone, I have been seeing some broken chicken eggs outside & inside the nest boxes for the past 2 weeks or so. I didn't think it was serious until I had enough of all the broken chicken eggs I saw. I usually collect my chicken eggs daily, but sometimes if I do forget, 1 skunk (I think)...
  5. EasterChickens

    Using Sweet PDZ, how does it work?? HELP!!

    Hello everyone, I have been using sweet pdz for about 2 months from now, and I was wondering if I was doing everything correctly (I'm pretty sure i'm doing it wrong). When I add in the SWEET PDZ to my poop board after cleaning the coop, I leave it there for my chickens to poop on it for 1 week...
  6. EasterChickens

    Rooster makes funny and weird noises?!!

    Hello everyone, I have my 1 year & 1 month old rooster who sometimes jump into his coop and start making these funny, weird noises (like noise when he finds food and some others that I couldn't get on this vid). What do you guys think this could be? Please comment any thoughts! the video below...
  7. EasterChickens

    What breed could be my multi-color rooster?!

    Hello everyone, I bought one of my roosters at TSC and I'm not sure what breed he is because when I bought my 4 chickens, the TSC staff marked all of them as leghorns which was "wrong". I think he may be a blue splashed Wyandotte x Easter Egger. EXTRA: I'm also thinking to buy some mealworm...
  8. EasterChickens

    !UPDATE! hens scratching saddle?!!

    Hello everyone, my 2 saddles just arrived today and I tried it first on my EE (easter egger) and she seemed to feel pretty uncomfortable at first. She kept on itching the elastic straps around her wing for like 5-6 minutes, but now she is currently not scratching that much anymore and I THINK...
  9. EasterChickens

    Rooster is way to aggressive with hens!!

    Hello everyone, my rooster has been recently aggressive with my 3 hens when it comes to mating. I found out to buy a saddle for them and it's coming in 2 days! But the problem is I'm not sure if it will fit on my leghorn and will my leghorn like it? I know that one of my easter eggers will...
  10. EasterChickens

    Leghorn hen broody or not?!!

    Hello everyone, I have 4 cute chickens and one of them "Smiley" (Leghorn) acts like she is broody but I'm not quite sure though. It's very rare for leghorns to be broody from what I know. She has been clucking a little and puffing her feathers out whenever I come close to her, BUT she does NOT...
  11. EasterChickens

    EMERGENCY! Rooster's toe nail broken and bleeding!

    Hello everyone, I was looking at my rooster's toe nail and I think I found out that his toe nail might have fallen off from scratching? It looks like his upper toe nail is still on, while the bottom of the toe nail is off. I can see the little blood dripping from there. I then cleaned his toe...
  12. EasterChickens

    EMERGENCY!! Rooster's ear bleeding!

    Hello everyone, I came on here to ask for help for my poor rooster! I went out this morning seeing my easter egger rooster's ear covered in blood. A little of the blood was on his cheeks/muffs. Then I found out that one of his foot's nails had little blood on it too. I was very concerned, making...
  13. sscaria


    my quail has died. i recently bought 16. all were fine except one of them. She was in so much pain she couldn't walk. she was losing feathers from other quails trampling her. she couldn't even get food or water from her pain. I flipped her over and she had some bumble foot. along with that there...
  14. erinolivia19

    Help! Two Silkies Sick(Respiratory)

    Hello, everyone! I have never posted anything on here before, so I hope someone will see this PLEASE HELP. I have two 6 month old silkies, who are both displaying respiratory stress, one more than the other. They are both quarantined as well. The first bird(the more sick one) has been sneezing...
  15. W

    My hurt baby hen

    Mickey (my hen) was attack by her brother when they were 6weeks old, he almost killed her he pecked her head til her skull was showing. So I took her in and brought her back to health. Now she is almost 5 months old and only has a little scar left. However she does act unlike most chickens she...
  16. RanditheDuckMother

    Duckling biting another!! HELP!

    So I have 2 ducklings who hatched 2 days apart. One of them just hatched today, after it finished drying off I put it in the brooder with the first duckling. The first one is distancing itself from the younger one and will come after the younger one once in a while to bite it. The younger one...
  17. U

    First time broody

    Can anyone give me any insight on candling? I have researched it and I feel like only the middle egg is where it is meant to be but I don't want to make a mistake. These are taken on day 14/15 all eggs were placed at the same time. The first egg is a blue shell and its harder to see into, the...
  18. K

    Peking duck acting...strange. I'm worried about hwr

    Hi all, I've lurked here for ages, so thank you for the indirect great advice. I have a +\- 4 month old Crested Pekin that is just...wrong. She's normally running with the rest of the flock, exploring the yard and destroying things. But yesterday I noticed she seemed listless and out of it. She...
  19. S

    Baby chicks seem like they hate me

    Hello, I bought these chicks about four days ago. I know it takes time for animals to bond and I assume chicken bonding is probably different than your normal household pet. Anyhow, I’ve been watching video of people putting their hands near their chicks and the chicks will come out and eat...
  20. A

    Help Diagnose Hen...egg bound, vent gleet???

    Peri is about 28 weeks old and has had runny stools and been crying in pain when trying to poo recently. She only started laying eggs for about 3 weeks and then stopped about 3 weeks ago. The last week or so she has been on her own a lot and lethargic so we treated for cocciodocis (we had...
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