air cell

  1. J

    timing Lockdown for shipped CA Quail eggs, and positioning eggs upright

    Hi all! I bought 9 California (a.k.a. Valley) Quail eggs online. The seller told me which day they were laid - let's call this Day 0. Here's a timeline: - Day 0: Eggs laid. - Day 2: They were shipped (I have no idea what happened between Days 0 and 2, or whether they were incubated). - Day...
  2. Phillisy

    Poorly shipped eggs, no air cell!?

    My mum had eggs shipped to her that arrived today; they were collected between the 17th & 21st, and travelled about 500km. This is only her second time getting shipped eggs, and the first didn't go too well for a few reasons - mainly being poor quality stock (which she found out after buying...
  3. 5fowl

    Help, Incubator did not turn and I have side air cells!

    I had set my second batch of eggs and for some reason my incubator did not reset properly so I had eggs setting and not being turned for the first 3-4 days. I had started to question the position on day 3 and manually turned a couple of times late that day then did research on how to reset and...
  4. SwartPeper

    Help! Something wrong with my Silkie hen

    Hi all! I bought a beautiful black Silkie hen (Olive) in December. First of all the person who I bought her from said she was ringed in 2018 and is not laying yet, but when I got home with her I realized she was ringed in 2017. She layed an egg the very next day, so already I was a little...
  5. M

    Small air cell day 17

    I am hatching for the 3rd time. I have 2 eggs at day 18-growing a big air cell and 2 other cross breed eggs from my own chickens on day 17 and their air cells are tiny! HELP!!
  6. SofiaDaniela

    Duck cant break air sac and died

    Hi,:) Excuse me if you do not understand something, I do not speak English.. I've been incubating a muscovy duck egg, I have it in a box with a 70w lamp, during the last few days, the air chamber has grown a lot, stop rotating the egg and sprinkle it with water two or three times day to be wet...
  7. P

    New to hatching and need help as to position in lock down thanks!

    I have a little serama egg which is on day 18 and going into lockdown but the air sac is a bit wonky and want to know if I have any chance of this hatching by itself and if the position of it is ok in the incubator. I have a two week old baby waiting for a sibling.... Thanks in advance.
  8. WeTheWeys

    Please Help!!!!! sudden dark spot and no movement in egg

    Today I rotated my eggs and candled, seeing a lot of movement from each. A few hours later, went back in to manually rotate the eggs again, and noticed a dark spot on one of them. Candled it and theres no movement at all. AT ALL. I separated him out from the others and put him in a different...
  9. WeTheWeys

    When do detached air cells become an issue?

    Hi all! 12 posted duck eggs, 1 infertile, 3 with blood rings. 8 with eyes, a banana shaped body, veins, and a whole lot of movement. They all have been "swinging" back and forth a lot... (is this normal?). We are at day ten. I am curious if the dangerous part of detached air cells has passed...
  10. WeTheWeys

    Detached Air Cells....What should my humidity be?

    Hi all! I JUST got my first duck eggs ever. They were shipped over 2 days and i received them about an hour ago. I have them propped upright pointy end down in an egg carton and am letting them rest for at least 24 hours before moving them into the incubator, where I plan to use the upright...
  11. Fisherlmiranda

    Need advice

    Incubating duck eggs. And a few days ago I was advised to run dry till first external pip. My hair cells were very small. But now were on day 29 for welsh harlequin eggs and they haven't internal piped. I can tell they are trying. I could see it for the last 24 hr. So continue running dry or no...
  12. Aelrift

    Worried about air cell

    The egg is about 20 days old now, I know muscovy eggs take longer to hatch, but the air cell still looks like a day1 air cell. I left the humidity on 23% for the night, and I checked back this morning, it's still the same size, what do i do?
  13. C

    Air cell looked fined yesterday, but this morning it sorta disappeared from where it was?

    Hi all, I have some duck eggs incubating and I believe they are due to hatch within the next few days. One of the eggs looked odd when I candled them half an hour ago. The air cell looks like it shifted? When I turn the egg while candling it, the contents moved accordingly. The egg is covered...
  14. S

    Day 18 questions

    Hello all, So I have eggs in an incubator in my classroom right now. I set 8 this past Wednesday and 5 more on Thursday (I know it's not ideal, but that's the situation). I should've counted the days more carefully and planned better because I just realized that day 18 is on a Sunday and what's...
  15. S

    Classroom Incubation--two different sets of eggs with different hatching times??

    The administrative assistant from the school provides the fertilized eggs from his neighbor. He picked some up this morning to set today, and he took some from under a broody hen. I candled one from under the broody hen and it looked like it could be as far along as day 18 based on the size of...
  16. Noelleor

    Deformed air cells?

    These are silkie eggs and were shipped, but only from within the country... Any ideas why the air cells are like this? Will they survive? The chicks inside are growing well otherwise.
  17. ENGEC35

    Help! Am I incubating wrong?

    Today is day 10 with 10 speckled Sussex eggs in our small incubator. The eggs are all laid on their sides, and there is a circular dish in the center of the incubator with some water in It. Each egg has its fat, rounded end at the center and the pointier end at the wall of the incubator. We...
  18. Eagle Flight Farm

    Air Cell Question of Shipped Eggs

    I have received beautiful Ancona eggs that were very lovingly and safely packed for shipment to us. They arrived at our post office yesterday and I have had them setting in their carton on the counter to acclimate to room temp. I have candled them and all the air cells are in the correct...
  19. Maggie1030

    Day 16 ... Don't see veins... Is this normal?

    Hi my Silkie Eggs are on Day 16 in the incubator. When I candled the eggs I could Not see veins and the majority of the egg is very dark. I do see an air cell too. Is this normal?
  20. K

    Does this look ok? Candeling day 1,2 and 3

    Hi so I took some pictures of my eggs being candled. Could you tell me if they are looking good. Is the air sack to big or perfect. picture with 2 eggs in the one on the left was day 1 then egg on right is day 2 then egg alone is day 3. Yes I know candeling them everyday is bad I am aware. I'm...
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