avian flu

  1. Jakemedic

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Case Confirmed in Mahaska County (Iowa)

    Greetings fellow chicken folks! I woke up to this headline in my local newspaper this morning. I must admit, it scares me, as I have gotten very attached to my girls and their health is very important AND it has occurred in the county we reside in. The State of Iowa put this message out...
  2. T

    Avian Influenza

    Why are you forced to cull birds if they have avian influenza? They often do not use humane methods and it rarely affects humans. Examples of methods to cull them are smothering them with foam, shutting off ventilation, filling the air with CO2, raising the heat. Most of those are slow and...
  3. MissGreenJeans

    Sudden death of 2-yr old, seemingly healthy hen

    Hi, fellow chicken keepers. I’m hoping for some advice about next steps after my first loss. Grit, my 2-year old olive egger, died suddenly 3 days ago while I was out of town. When my pet sitter went out just after dark to lock up the coop, she found Grit lying on her side in the run, dead but...
  4. W

    White leghorn death.. ovuduct impaction? Avian flu?

    Hello all, I hate to make a first post for this reason, but one of my girls passed this morning, and I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me figure out why? (I know nobody is going to be able to tell me exactly what happened, I’m just curious and pretty concerned. I wasn’t home over...
  5. Atripp06120

    questioning the avian flu

    Hi everyone! I know the avian flu has been on top of everyone's mind and obviously its a concern for all of us with any number of birds. I've really been trying to do some research on it and have been trying to do a deep dive into the history of it and trying to find numbers. It appears this...
  6. Avian Flu: How to treat the disease and protect the susceptible

    Avian Flu: How to treat the disease and protect the susceptible

  7. TheBirdBabe

    Is this a case of mites?

    This afternoon a wild bird appeared in front of our windows. Our house is only 100 yards or so from our chicken coops. It looks sick. 😭 I was going to put it out of it's misery, but by the time I got around the house to it, it was gone. 😔 What are your thoughts?!
  8. Kibademon666

    Possibly avian flu?!

    So my whole dlock except one died yesterday- the remaining hen has black on her comb and wattles and is gaping.. what could it be? The rest of the flock never showed any symptoms we thought they could have died from heat- but its looking otherwise rn Here’s her comb and wattles These...
  9. C

    Respiratory illness

    This morning 2 chickens are dead. 1 laying hen and one near laying pullet. Other birds are getting bubbly noses and are coughing/sneezing. The hen that died had swelling in her face and had a floppy comb. Her neck was kind of wonky looking. Some birds have light diarrhea. I'm setting up an...
  10. lavendermarie

    Chicken acting sick

    I have a black australorp hen who I found standing where my chickens hang out off to the side with her eyes closed and sort of puffed up feathers. She’s one of our less friendly chickens, and I went to pet her and she just stood there. Usually she’d run off or move away. Then, when I threw some...
  11. Lrweb7

    Avian Flu info Illinois

    Contacted the local extension office (Ogle County) with some specific questions I wasn't seeing answers to, and they passed it along to the state poultry specialist, so I thought I'd share his answers. The attached file has info on where to report dead birds and whatnot, because I've seen in...
  12. NC_ChickiePoo

    4 week old chicks & field trip outside - Avian flu?

    I've been reading - as I'm sure all of us have - about the avian bird flu precautions. We have had a case in 2 counties around us each but nothing in our immediate area has been reported. I was going to take "the girls" outside as it is 82 degrees and absolutely gorgeous - in an effort to...
  13. Tereseb

    How much longer do we need to quarantine against Avian Influenza? Anyone know?

    Anyone know how much longer we need to quarantine our flocks against Avian influenza? I'm in Michigan. When did the wild birds stop migrating? I found nothing on this.
  14. S

    Wild Birds

    I’ve read a few different blog posts about not having bird feeders for wild birds if you plan to keep chickens due to the avian flu possibility. I’m wondering peoples opinions on this. Could I possibly keep a feeder away from where the coop and run is? We cut down to only one feeder, partially...
  15. D

    Avian Flu Near Me

    Hello BackYardChickens, I have a query. Recently, cases of Avian Flu popping up along the east coast. There has so far been one confirmed outbreak in my state (it was in a county a far way away from me). Should I be concerned about it appearing in my flock? The outbreak was considered...
  16. PandemicChicken

    Potential human contact with waterfowl - how to prevent/disinfect for avian flu & contaminated shoes?

    So my family and I visited the ocean harbor and saw waterfowl (mainly wild ducks) in the water and some seagulls flying around. For context, there are 2 cases of avian flu in my county and both flocks were euthanized. We don't think we accidentally stepped in fresh bird poop, but could have...
  17. Chicken Esquire

    Suddenly sick rooster (and avian flu in my state!)

    Hi all, Having a little panic here! One of my roosters has suddenly (in one day) become very lethargic. He is not eating or drinking. I have put him in a quarantine cage in my garage to keep him separate from my flock. He doesn't seem mucusy or coughing/sneezing, and doesn't have any obvious...
  18. 3bird

    Avian Influenza Brainstorming

    We're in Maine, and we've now had a couple confirmed cases of avian influenza in our county (both quite close). We currently only have five silver Appleyard ducks (1 drake and four hens). They have a predator proof 16'x8' covered run with an attached 4'x8' duckhouse. We use the deep litter...
  19. CrazyGooseLady2000

    Avian flu in Geese

    Hi all, so I took my little Joey (Embden x something goose) to the vet who suggested avian flu or something viral might be what's wrong with him. Does anyone have any experience with avian flu in geese? My goose has some symptoms, but not symptoms that I would think are common. He hasn't been...
  20. AmberLittlejohn

    Avian Flu 2022 South Carolina

    Good morning, I saw that the NCDA&CS has recommended to essentially keep poultry quarantined in their coops for 30 days from yesterday. I live in Western Upstate South Carolina so I kept mine up yesterday. They’re already getting stir crazy. How serious is the risk of them contracting it? How...
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