backyard birds

  1. C

    Aivituvin Chicken Coop?

    Hiii, I’m getting 3 chickens (1 Buff Orpington, 1 Easter Egger, 1 Plymouth Rock) and I am thinking about purchasing the Aivituvin chicken coop, I’m not sure which model it is but I will insert the image. I was wondering if anyone has experience with this coop and if it will survive. I am also...
  2. C

    Any guesses on my flocks different breeds?

    First two pics are of one of our girls. She’s big and docile. I’m thinking splash Orpington? And then I’m wondering about the two in the front of the third pic. - the black and white one (Sussex?) (lays pinkish eggs) - the red one (to the right of the other one) (lays light green eggs...
  3. N

    Introduction-Hello 👋

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Not exactly, we had chickens when I was young. I just got some new chicks 8 weeks ago I remember how fun they were. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? three (3) What breeds do you have? Barred Rocks (4) What are your...
  4. MissPennyRoss


  5. JulesRSA


  6. Bubblesunrise

    Coop Safety from Raccoons

    Hello! I lost three of my 4 hens. It’s completely devastated me. I live in town and my birds were free range in my yard. They had been totally okay till a few days ago. After this I am choosing to do a completely new setup.l where they will be in a very large run so they aren’t restricted to a...
  7. M

    Do Chickens Read??! 😂😂😂 #ChickenJam

    Can anyone tell me where to buy this chicken sign about blocking entrance. Hilarious, and definitely applicable to my chicks and coops. Please let me know. Thnx Here is the video I found on YouTube shorts. It's the sign in the end. 😂😂😂 YouTube Chicken Video
  8. T

    Thin egg shells after enclosure

    I have a backyard flock of 9 hens on half an acre of lawn, there's three three year olds and the rest are on their second year. Recently, I had to enclose their roaming space on the lawn to less than half of what they had. I try to let them out to roam the entirety of their former space every...
  9. Valchemist

    HALP my Nugget 🐥

    Hello, my neighbors came to me about 3-4 weeks ago with a tiny little fluff of a chick that his teenage daughter found in the backyard. They know I’m a chicken lady and on a very obvious can never say no to orphan animals. I took in this sweet little baby, named it Nugget and have had them in a...
  10. Kittys Coop

    New Member! Upstate NY

    Hi everyone! My name is Kate and I currently live in a rural area of Upstate NY. My husband Justin and I recently bought our first home in November of 2020 and decided to jump into the chicken life lol. We received barnyard mix hatching eggs from a local friend and sadly only three survived. We...
  11. Chruk SANG

    Chick got into the swelling around of the eye! Help!

    The backyard chicken, 16 days of age and 189g thinner then the others. It's little eaten and small amount or non-drinking. Swelling around the left of eye, high temperature then other, non-mucus or no runny, slowly and also sound. It's 2days been exhibiting this symptoms and also been at the...
  12. B

    Bad Hatch!!! Sick Chicks?

    Help!! My hen went broody and hatched several chicks just recently. It was not the greatest hatch and five chicks did not live as of this moment. I have two in the house currently because they did not look well. One, named Meatloaf, was very wobbly on the day of her hatch. She seemed to get a...
  13. socalbackyard

    stumbling quail - 6 week old male

    Noticed this male having trouble walking a few days ago. No neck problems, no signs of wry neck. Still quite active, will get around to eat and drink. Water is clean, food is clean. I have checked it's legs and feet, no signs of cuts or broken bones. No other quail in the pen has similar...
  14. HorsesRMe123

    When can I let my goslings free-range unsupervised?

    My geese are almost 10 weeks old. They are both White Chinese geese. They have their own run and coop that they have access to all day long. At night, we lock them up in their coop since they are still young and we’d be worried if something might snatch them up during the night if they had...
  15. BitterSweetCitrus

    Hawks, Flocks, and Small Dogs

    Our family has a flock, we currently let our 5 Week old chicks run around in a metal pen while the girls free range. We have plenty of vultures the fly around our house, but usually not many hawks or other Ariel predators. About 7 days ago we had a hawk (I think a Red Shouldered Hawk) try to go...
  16. NSKDodge

    HELP me sex my chukar

    Why is this so difficult? Maybe someone here can see what sex my little birds are... Chukar #1 is the more petite one, the body and head are smaller but it has little bumps where spurs would be. Chukar #2 has a larger body... more block headed but zero spur bump... I asked the vet and they say...
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