
  1. Showing Poultry: The weeks leading up to a show

    Showing Poultry: The weeks leading up to a show

    If you clicked on this, then you might be interested in preparing your birds for a show! here are some steps to take to come better prepared to show! A few months before the show: Check out the show online on facebook or their website to learn as much as you can about the specific show you...
  2. Tunie B

    Salmon Faverolle chick taking showers? Lol

    I’ve got seven chicks in the brooder this spring, mostly breeds I haven’t had before. My one Salmon Faverolle girl is so far very skittish and not a fan of being handled. She also tends to shriek a lot when the other chicks get rowdy. However—one really interesting thing I noticed last night...
  3. D

    Dust Bath- Disappeared?

    Gave my chicks (3.5 weeks old) their first dust bath in a smaller shallow container. After about 15 hours the soil/DE/herbs are completely gone!! I know the dirt can come out while their cleaning and probably because of how shallow it is but I don’t even see any dirt on the bedding of their...
  4. MetroMutt

    Stubborn chicken lice eggs? (Advice on removing?)

    For the past half a year my sweet crossbeak girl was struggling with chicken lice, we tried many things to treat her and nothing worked until some prescribed imvermectin spray a month or 2 ago! We've had no more signs of live lice on her but there are some very stubborn lice egg clumps in her...
  5. Silviaschicks

    Bath time! 🛁🚿

    When keeping chickens or other poultry, bathing them is an inevitable thing. And poultry look so hilarious when they're sopping wet and no longer fluffy. So here is a thread to post your bath pics! Here are mine: BR and BLP: Absolutely hated it and flicked water all over me...
  6. O

    Mud Balls on Silkies Head

    One of my silkies accidentally spent the night outside earlier this week, unfortunately it was a very stormy evening and she has ended up with large mud balls on her head hanging down over her eyes. I have experienced mud balls before on my Silkies feet, which are easy enough to get rid off, but...
  7. O

    Mud Balls on Silkies Head

    One of my silkies accidentally spent the night outside earlier this week, unfortunately it was a very stormy evening and she has ended up with large mud balls on her head hanging down over her eyes. I have experienced mud balls before on my Silkies feet, which are easy enough to get rid off, but...
  8. R

    Ultrasonic Cleaning

    My last post was deleted - listed as SPAM because I posttd a link to an example of the product I was asking about. Can you use ultrasonic cleaning machines to bathe chickens or will it cause internal damage? I’m talking about devices that use ultrasonic waves to clean jewelry and other small...
  9. jodievaughan

    During their journey, new hens got poopoo on their feathers! How should I clean them?

    The title basically says it all. I got 9 new hens yesterday (yay!) and during the journey home they were in cardboard boxes and some must've lost their balance with the car's motion as they've managed to get poo on themselves. Maybe you'll be able to see in the photo attached. Obviously I've...
  10. WatkinsCluckers

    Bathing Silkies

    How does one bathe a silkie? It’s been raining some here and unlike my other chickens, my Silkies are disgusting. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I read that you can dilute blue dawn soap and then use puppy flea shampoo?
  11. KaleDaDuck

    Birb won't bathe

    Alright so my bird she is so scared of water..... And does not want to bathe :/ Is there any way i can give her a bathe without forcing?
  12. luckyduck956

    Bathing Ducklings

    I give my ducklings a bath once a day without soap just water and they both smell bad they are inside ducks. I keep them in the house everyday. I am afraid to use shampoo on them.. Any advice?
  13. Scareab

    Chicken Bath?

    Hello! I was wondering if it's safe to bath my chickens with water. I understand that they dust bath themselves but I was wondering if I can still bath them with water. I have a bathtub and was thinking of carefully washing them within shallow water. (I have bathed a dog before and understand NO...
  14. P

    Bathing/Dipping adult chickens

    Is an outside temp of 80 degrees warm enough to bathe/dip adult chickens?
  15. Norma_Lorp

    Help, hen covered in yolk/poop from other hen

    i have to change my roosting bars as one hen is always getting pooped on. But this morning she was covered wet in what looked like an egg exploded on her back. It is chilly here, I’m worried about her being cold and bugs finding a home on her. They dust bathe but this is caked on. I can’t bring...
  16. Stephi2dope


    Credit for this goes to my Silkiez: if it wasnt for you apperently hosting Poopapalooza '19 in the coop last night and your lovley poopoo feather paint jobs smh i never seen soo much poo on a bird let alone multiple all at once SMH) (im very proud that this idea came into my life, wish i...
  17. R

    Chicken bath “recipes”

    Hey guys, So my chickens have some kind of mites right now (they get them almost every year) and I’ve dusted them with some chicken permethrin but they still need a bath. I caught the mites early so they aren’t that bad right now so please don’t assume I’m under reacting cause I know how bad...
  18. nicoleee

    Bathing recommendations

    Im looking to add better sand/dirt to my girls coop (around at least half of it to be exact) . I do have a few things though, it has to be something that wont get damaged by rain or become icky (the coop is opened all around so water gets in very easily) . I would like something that wont harm...
  19. tayjamieson

    Leg injured pekin duck - super dirty, how to help her get cleaned up

    Hey! I hope everybody is doing well :) One of my female pekin's has had a leg injury the last 2 weeks. She is starting to show improvement! She is being very good about resting so she can heal but she can't walk very well, uses her wings to balance herself if she does walk/run. I have been...
  20. festivalfire

    How to clean my ducks

    I have two very pretty white ducks and they are almost perfectly white except for their heads and their stained undersides. I was wondering if there is any way to clean them off. They are stained brown and I've washed them in dawn and they bathe themselves everyday in a pool but it never comes...
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