
  1. ShrekDawg

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    This thread is for all caged birds and parrots!!!! I think there might already be one but it’s long dead and we were starting to hijack the dog thread so I figured I’d make a new one so we can continue the discussion here :lau I used to have parakeets (budgies) but had to rehome them last year...
  2. Papaye

    Questions about quails (and other birds)

    Hello. I would like to have some advice, opinions, or whatever about small birds specifically - mainly about QUAILS... ...In order to try to get rid of my allergies, I plan to buy quails - probably Japanese Quails : I have severe allergies, and I am kind of really desperate to get rid of them...
  3. Patiocoturnix

    My covey thread.

    I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but I’ve seen flick threads a bunch so I thought I should make one for my quail this will be where I post updates on my birds. When I get new birds sell birds or hatching and also just post pictures also can double as a place for chatting.
  4. Jennifer Rogers


    Hi everybody! I just joined BYC not long ago! I loveee it here, and everybody is so kind! I have a pet duck named Smokey, and he is known for his unique and loving personality. He really enjoys cuddles! We have our own YouTube channel as well! I would really appreciate if you subscribed, as it...
  5. Jennifer Rogers


    Hey y'all. I am new to BYC but am very happy to join this community. I have a pet duck that has been raised and lives outdoors with a flock of 4 other ducks, but he has taken a special liking to me since he was a duckling. He is a Khaki Campbell drake, and his name his Smokey. He sleeps on my...
  6. Saaniya

    ODD behaviour of red vented bulbul is he’s sick?

    Hello I am having a Red Vented Bulbul He is 2 years old showing some odd behaviour like Lethargy, Not Singing , sitting on perch or coming down sitting on floor corner with belly . Feet’s warm and sleeping . No energy sometimes falling on one side (like having pain in one feet) Anybody please...
  7. ChickenHeartedHen

    Birds to be remembered

    Hey all, I’m sure we have all gone through the pain of losing a beloved bird. I created this thread in memory of my BO hen named Camacho. She passed 2 years ago today. She truly was quirky, and had the sweetest personality I’ve ever seen in a chicken. She was sneaky, and always managed to sneak...
  8. chooki

    Feisty chicken videos (chickens defend their feed against other birds)

    Pet chicken fends off neighborhood pigeons: Chicken fight rainbow lorikeet:
  9. Cassandragrenr

    Inside Aviary

    So I'm thinking about building this Aviary, but I'm wondering if I'd need an inside one for them? During winter it can get between 27 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Would I need an inside enclosure for them or just put out small shelthers for them inside the aviary? (Picture isnt mine, but this is...
  10. Cassandragrenr

    What animal could use this?

    So I've recently found this dog kennel (picture isn't mine) and I think it's pretty big and maybe could be used for other birds? I'm thinking maybe a trio of Japanese quails or just a brooding area for birds? If anyone comes up with what I can use this for I'd really appreciate it!! :love
  11. Evacuating with Birds

    Evacuating with Birds

    We always hope the worst doesn’t come, but hoping doesn’t prevent disaster. In our ever more volatile world all you can do is try to stay one step ahead by preparing and knowing what to expect should the worst happen. Evacuating is hard even if it’s just you and your immediate family, but it...
  12. Goosebaby

    A way to induce vomiting in geese

    Just a tip for goose owners out there. FORCING A BIRD TO REGURGITATE IS RISKY AS IT CAN CAUSE THEM TO ASPIRATE! But If you can’t get them to a vet and if you need to do it in an emergency..... Method 1. Pick the goose up, hold them as far upside down as you can with one arm. Use your free...
  13. Ozarkhomesteader

    Tell me about how you breed your guineas!!

    Ok, breeding season is coming up, and I am busy getting all my poultry into breeding groups, setting up nest boxes etc. Looking forward to babies!! This is my first time with Guinea fowl. I have 10, and they are about 10 months old, I got them last April as keets. They free-range on our 24...
  14. The chicken nurd

    My flock thread stories, pictures, and introduction to my flock

    I’ve decided to start a thread for my flock I’ve seen these around and wanted to start one although cannot promise to be very consistent with posting in it
  15. Goosebaby

    Question about Colibacillosis / E.coli or Spirochetosis reactions

    I was just reading about E. coli infections in poultry and I remembered something I read in the past about Herxing “Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction” an effect from large amounts of dying microbes in the body which worsens symptoms and can cause issues like low blood pressure, fever, pain, rapid...
  16. BlueHorse17

    Six Corturnix Quail - Lacey, WA

    Six male quail in need of a new 🏠.
  17. F

    What Breed/Gender? Did the Gods give us a Roo???

    We bought these chickens from a local tracker supply 5 weeks ago. I believe they were only 1.5 weeks old when we got them. They told us they were all sexed female Golden Comets… As chicks the two looked extremely similar, but one was always larger and became significantly larger in short...
  18. MishellPz


  19. L

    Roo or Hen? Polish chicks same age

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