black australorp

  1. E

    Chicken mean girls

    Hey y’all I have just recently brought some new chickens home and the current residents are bullying the new ones. The new chickens are a bit smaller than the original ones however I didn’t think this was a problem? There’s a group of three that constantly pick on and nip at the two new...
  2. Chikpeas

    Confirm my suspicions?

    Hello! So I have 6½ week old chicks that I have hand raised as our broody bantam rejected them completely. I have 2 black Australorps, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Easter Egger (was sold as an Araucana but I'm fairly certain that's not the case) All were bought at a local feed store and were marked...
  3. I

    Australorp: Cockerel or Pullet?

    Hello chicken people! I finally was able to build myself a coop this year and get myself a new flock of birds. I've looked up multiple threads and tips for sexing chickens, and have done it in the past just fine with some accidental cockerels I'd had, but I'm stumped on this one. I've never...
  4. A

    Is our Mariah Carey actually a Maury Povitch?

    Hi everyone, We are new to chickens and just introduced 5 chickies to our family in March. We love them! But lately, our beautiful Black Australorp, Mariah (Carey) has been doing a whole lot of what sounds suspiciously like cock-a-doodle-doo... and now we're wondering if she's not a diva after...
  5. S

    Hen or Rooster?

    This is a 16-week old black australorp. We got her from a local hatchery and were told it’s a hen. She appears to be top of pecking order (of only 3 chickens) and she recently started crowing. No eggs yet. Do I have a rooster or a hen on a power trip?
  6. W

    Please Help my Sick Chicken !!

    I have a black australorp that is around 6 months old and just started laying eggs about 2 weeks ago. Recently, she constantly makes coughing sounds and keeps on moving her head side to side and swinging her head around. She also has some grumbling sounds that are not coming from her mouth but...
  7. yerawizard_Kristen

    My Little Flock

    So we've had our girls (hopefully all are girls) since 03/28/21, and we believe they were somewhere around 5 days old when we got them. Based on their development they seem to be almost 4 weeks old now. They had a field trip outside and we finally got some better photos! I'll do individual...
  8. CarmineStreet

    Black Australorp, BA x RIR (or RIR x BA) ?

    Hi! I'm new to chickening and to this community. And I'm glad to be here. 😊 To the BA and RIR eggsperts here, could you tell me if any of these nearly 4-wk old chicks are pure BAs? I'm asking because I'm doubting that the breeder sold me pure BAs. Seeing brown or gold gold features/spots on...
  9. cloverhs

    Help ID! two-day-old black & white chick

    Got this baby pullet from the feed store today, she's a standard chick and my experience is mostly with bantams, so i'm not as good at identifying these guys. She also has clean legs, not feathered, so my immediate bantam-brain guess being Cochin is clearly wrong. And although I trust the...
  10. TxHuntress

    ✴️Please Help!!!

    ‼️UPDATE/ Correction: This chick is 4 weeks old (as of 2-10-21). Does this updated age info change anyone’s feelings about the sex of this chick? Sorry for the confusion. ✴️Dear group, I need HELP!!! ✅Can you sex this chick? 📸Below is a ridiculous amount of pics (all of the same Australorp...
  11. I

    Roo or hen

    I believed these are Austra whites and black australorps. Probably mixed with something. I think I have three hens and a roo but I’m questioning the roo because of the lack of waddle and comb. I believe they are 10-12 weeks. I have three golden comets hens and wanted to add to the flock since my...
  12. SophiaLinn

    Any ideas as to when my pullets might start laying?

    I have 3 golden laced wyandottes, 2 easter eggers, a buff orpington, and a black australorp. They are just over 20 weeks now and have been on their new layer feed since about 18 1/2 weeks (mixed with their old food for a week to avoid digestive issues). I'm just wondering if there are any clues...
  13. B

    Could this be an Australorp roo?

    New to chickens this summer, got 11 in different breeds. They are 14 weeks old. 2 sure roosters. Trying to make sure that’s it before giving one away. This black Australorp definitely doesn’t have the developed comb and wattle, but it’s tail feathers look more curved than erect. Is there any...
  14. T

    Do they look almost fully feathered?

    These are my 4 week old black australorps. My intent was to have them go out next week, at 5 weeks old. They seems to be clambering to get out, flying up alot. Their heads still have the downy soft feathers and i see a few of them have a couple white feathers in their wings and chest. Temps...
  15. B

    Please help! My beautiful hen may be a he!

    Hi all! I’ve done all the research I can but can’t come to a conclusion. Can someone tell me if the black australorp is a he or a she?? They are all 8 1/2 weeks old. Thank you!!
  16. scherneyfx

    Black Australorp Gender

    My first chickens are roughly 10 weeks old now. Our black australorp has a much more developed than the rest of our flock. Slightly concerned she may be a rooster when we were supposed to have all hens due to local regulations on roosters. Any opinions would be helpful.
  17. ARM5078

    7.5 week Australorp: Roo or Hen?

    I'm a chicken newbie and feel that my 7.5 week black Australorp is suspect for either being a dominant hen or a roo. However, I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Any insights?
  18. NickiesChickies

    Hi🙋🏻‍♀️ - I’m new here

    Hi everyone. I got my first chicks on April 4th 2020. I was told I was getting 2 female Buff Orpingtons, 5 female Black Australorps and one male Black Australorp. This was all true except I believe one of my female Black Australorps is actually a male Jersey Giant!! Surprise!! I have 2 males. 😬...
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