
  1. BCChicky

    Feeding advice required please!

    Hello all, I have a flock of 12 days old Cornish Cross broilers. I have never had meat birds before and need some advice on feeding as there are so many differing opinions. The articles section on BYC says that a light should be left on during the night to encourage feeding but I am fearful...
  2. classicsredone

    What Herbs are Your Favorites for your Flock?

    This is a question for those of you that somehow incorporate herbs into your flock's diet, either while foraging or as part of their daily feed. What herbs do you use? What benefits have you seen, if any? If you could make a mix for your flock, and the cost was not an issue, what herbs would you...
  3. EquiSally

    WANTED: White Turken Rooster or... Waco, Texas

    I know this is a long shot (& I also check Craigslist) but I thought I would post this here as well. I'm not in a hurry to find this guy but am always hoping.... I am looking for a large fowl, white turken rooster: NN preferred, fully naked necked with no or extremely minimal bow tie. I am...
  4. EggMan207

    Can I feed my broilers the same starter/grower I feed my layers?

    Can I feed my broilers the same start/grower I use to feed my layers? It's blue seal multi-flock and has a protein content of 22%. I know I should feed my layers broiler food, but this seems like it would work... thoughts and insights needed. Thank you.
  5. L

    Need some idea to keep my broiler healthy

    I have one broiler. The eggs which I brought from called them Ross Cobb. Not quite sure what that is. I actually got 12 eggs but my incubator broke down and only one survived. When there is only one, it becomes special and makes me really hard to eat it. She looks like a she and is currently...
  6. N

    Is this a normal size?

    I have 8 week old chicks. I bought them from the same bin at Tractor supply. They were all sex links, and the sign says they were bred for egg production. 2 were brown, 2 yellow. The brown ones look and act just like I thought chickens would, but the yellow ones are ginormous and fat. They won't...
  7. kinkachy000

    Can a broiler bird live out a normal, full-length life?

    Hello! I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to be posting in, but I felt like you guys would have the best information. Also, you can direct me to a different forum, if you think it better fits there. So, about a month ago I picked up four bantams from the Tractor Supply, but it turns...
  8. FirstTimeClucky

    Swollen Head Syndrome Information

    Today I had to euthanize my coturnix quail who was afflicted with this disease. She had it for several months, until it progressed to the point where she could no longer close her beak to eat or drink. I'm writing this to help others whose birds come down with this common but incurable disease...
  9. I

    How long do broiler chickens live? As pets

    I have 3 broiler chickens all 9 weeks old. They don't look fully big, they are yoing and they chirp, I just give rice, grains and scraps as food. And they are very active. May be after it grows fully matured, i might free range it around the house. I'm not planning to kill them for meat at all...
  10. beneduck14

    Can injecting Vitamin-D into eggs result in a better hatch rate and weight

    I've been working on a research project for the 2018 INTEL science fair for a college scholarship and I wanted to share with you my interesting results! Keep in mind I am only in High school so this is not perfect DISCLAIMER: THIS DOES NOT REPLACE ANY PROFESSIONAL WORK OR GIVE ANY ADVICE. DO...
  11. NDgoatgirlNV

    Broiler processed and found tiny heart with lots of fluid in pericardial sac

    I processed a broiler that was having trouble walking last night and when I was skinning her I found that the normally clear connective tissue that in near the neck and crop was almost fibrous and kind of had a snap to it when my knife touched it. This just seemed odd to me as in all the years...
  12. C


    As you can see, Gordo is quite bigger than his brother chick. I didn't know that Cornish broilers got so big when I initially bought this one but now I feel so bad. He gets so tired he can't walk and sits down often and has hair loss on his bottom. Is there anything I can do to help the guy lose...
  13. muddychicken2

    Red broilers and RIR chicks look to alike, What to do??

    I Just recently received my new chicks and my red broilers and RIR chicks look identical. Can't tell the difference between them at all. Also got production reds which look just like the RIR's. I'm totally lost and don't know what to do for the feeding since I've heard broiler feed is bad for...
  14. beneduck14


    HEALTHY COBB 500 BROILER CHICKS FOR SALE! -$3/chick ( discount for multiple) -Hard to find locally and in small quantities -ACTUAL pure strain, eggs donated by Wincorp -Harvest as soon as 4 weeks! -THESE ARE NOT PETS. So give them the best time of their lives before they go in the freezer :)...
  15. Haihai

    4h poultry project

    My Holstein ages 9 and 12, are ding the first broiler project our family has done. We received our chicks about a week ago, they are currently gaining 6oz a week, some more than that. Since this is our first project ( we only have show chickens and layers at home currently) I was wondering a few...
  16. GreatBreeder

    Meat Cross Breeds/ Aseel Cross

    I'm trying to figure it which meat cross to use. I want to use an Aseel as foundation stock with a Novogen. The offspring will be crossed with a conventional broiler chicken. It will be a dual purpose cross that inherits the egg laying from the Novogen and carcass size from the broiler. Should I...
  17. Meaty Coop

    Meaty Coop

    I have transformed an old swing set into a coop for my meat chickens. The frame is enclosed by chicken wire, and the whole pen will be within an electric fenced area to keep predators out. The tarp will be placed over the top and the whole side facing the picture. It is almost 8 feet square, and...
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