
  1. Marshyos

    Broken feathers?

    My hens have had no problems with feathers for awhile, but recently their feathers look like they're broken or ripped off. :hit Some feathers just aren’t there, and some are snapped half way in a V shape, and are very spiky. Is this mites? There are too many broken to be pecking.:( I’m very...
  2. Henrybelle

    Need advice ASAP!

    So I have a broody hen that’s been sitting on 1 fertilized egg For around 20 days when I reached under her to check it out I accidentally cracked the egg! When this happened I heard peeping is the chick going to ok?! I did I just put a Death sentence On this poor baby?!😰😰😰😰
  3. C

    HELP! Week old chick peeping in pain (picture included)

    My chicks were playing well this morning, very happy exploring outside. This is the first time I've left them for an extended period outside without my constant chick sitting. Had their heat lamp, food and water. They were out for a few hrs doing well but now my favorite one (of course) looks...
  4. Elizna

    Chicks leg cant straighten

    HI ! So I've hatched my baby chicks in a incubator, and had two leg deformities, one was a splayed leg , which is currently being treated , but the other one , cannot straighten it's one leg , I've tried everything !! He sometimes stands on just the one and hops around , and at other times...
  5. Frosty_2503

    Broken or dislocated leg on a 2 day old chick

    She’s been in the brooder but hasn’t been able to get both feet under her, we had to boot her feet due to curly toe but it seems as though one of her legs is broken or dislocated. It’s swollen and the joint is huge and unaligned and rough, she can only drink if I give her a syringe and is really...
  6. SniperGoose

    Broken leg?

    I went out about an hour ago to put my chickens, duck, and geese in for the night, and noticed my Toulouse gander was only standing on one leg. The other is hanging behind him. He hops around on his good leg with the help of his wings for support. I haven't seen him move the bad leg at all, but...
  7. A

    Hen kept falling forward

    Two weeks ago my hen was climbing up a rocky part of the coop when a rooster got hold of her. To put it blunt, he jumped on her, mated and off he went. She didn't stand up straigt away, so he took a second go at her. She closed her eyes and shook her head, didnt stand up so mister went for a...
  8. Lavakusa

    My little chicken leg was broken accidentally

    My 2months old little chicken leg was broken i accidentally through a stick and she was there her leg broken Her leg was swing no more action Plz help me I need to save her It's my mistake and I need to solve Help me
  9. HamletAndEggs

    Chicken limping after dog incident

    Hi there, Yesterday was traumatic. Though I have a very, very secure coop and run one of my dogs pushed through the closed-but-not-latched coop door, killed one of my chickens and injured two others. :(Totally my mistake (newbie), and now I've learned the hard way. Here's my question #1: My...
  10. CaliFarmsAR

    HELP!!! Chicken with broken joint!!

    My brother found one of my chickens and she was limping and I found out she has a broken joint looks like it punctured the skin! Hope the pictures help!
  11. rascal66

    Need advice for helping out hens with bad feathers

    Hello! So about 2 months ago, had a guy who needed to re home 70 hens asap. We gladly took them in, and needless to say, the poor hens didn't have a ton of space in their last home, which resulted in feather pickers. So today I want to focus on how to go about getting these hens feathers back...
  12. G

    Duck on pond with broken wing

    Ii have a duck who appeared to have a broken wing. I guessed that by the way she was walking and was dragging the wing on the ground. Before I could get to her she made it to the pond.....and now won't come off. Her siblings ango ind out and keep her company occasionally. She does come toward...
  13. Neeser Fam

    Broken chicken leg joint possibly

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for input on the best way to splint a hens leg at the "elbow" please. My daughter went to bring the girls in tonight & her favorite light brahma (of course) appears to have broken her leg somehow, possibly our rooster. We want to give her a fighting chance but I'm...
  14. cats and chicks

    Leg issues rooster and a hen

    So, my flock lives at a friend's home and she called me 2 weeks ago to let me know that one of my roosters was limping pretty badly. I went out to look at him and he let me catch him pretty easily (unusual) and was walking with one of his legs held mostly out in front of him. I brought him...
  15. WeNeedDrPhil

    Chick with leg injury

    Hey everyone! I noticed that my chick seemed to be huddled in a corner and I saw that she was being pecked by other chickens. Her feathers looked fluffed up, as if she was trying to keep warm. I took her inside for a few hours to both feed and keep her warm. Upon further inspection, I saw that...
  16. T

    Broken Beak please help!

    So i walked into my coop this afternoon and found blood spread all over and a broken beak on my show chicken. the blood looked like it had came from some bumblefoot that had broken open but somehow she got her beak broken, it looks like she can drink okay, its almost like she had it trimmed so...
  17. Bit by Bit

    Healthy hen wont stand

    I have an Andalusian cross who I think broke something up in her hip or dislocated her right leg. Both of her feet have full use but she has trouble keeping her right leg under her and protests when I put it under her. Her left leg works just fine. I don't think it's Marek's disease she also...
  18. Puckaster

    Chick broken toe

    Hi. My chick got attacked during the first few days before I separated them and mum to another run. She has been hobbling ever since. I have just noticed today That in fact her toe seems to be broken. Should I do anything about it or just leave them to it? The chick is eatting and drinking well...
  19. chickengirl778

    Soft shelled eggs?

    Hi all! I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a lot of soft shelled eggs. I can't figure out which hen is laying them, but she lays about one soft-shelled eggs about once a week. They the other chickens step on them, and make a runny mess. I'm worried they will start eating them, and...
  20. chickengirl778

    Soft shelled eggs?

    Hi all! I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a lot of soft shelled eggs. I can't figure out which hen is laying them, but she lays about one soft-shelled eggs about once a week. They the other chickens step on them, and make a runny mess. I'm worried they will start eating them, and...
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