
  1. samzoost

    chick with broken leg or slipped achilles tendon?

    hello! please please help!! i was given a silkie chick for free yesterday at my local farm because she has either a broken leg or a slipped achilles with a twisted foot. a vet visit would be upwards of $200. I'm wondering if I can stint it, amputate it...just fix it myself so she can live. she...
  2. Incukahlan

    *Injured House Sparrow

    Well, as we are always rescuing something over here at least a few times a month, the newest addition was a female House Sparrow that went down during a monsoon storm, lost all of it's tail feathers and got an ouch on it's wing. We have been caring for it for the last week and a half letting her...
  3. C

    Panting, Limping, Pulsing Vent Area

    I have a 2 year old chicken who just started limping or raising her leg and breathing with her mouth open. She got up on the roost tonight but was breathing with her mouth open and gave a little cough (but just one). When I noticed the limping I saw that her backside was pulsing - very...
  4. S

    Help! One of my runners has been bullied by a baby.

    When I went to check on my ducks this morning I noticed one of my runners has most of her feathers chewed off her right wing and a baby Anconas bill was covered in blood so I’m sure it was them. By the time I got out there the blood has clotted but there’s still stubs in her wing. I know you’re...
  5. N

    Duck leg injury - broken foot

    Hi. I have a muscovy hen that had her nest destroyed most likely by a raccoon and hurt her leg in the process. I think it is fractured just below the ankle. She will not put any weight on it. The leg below the ankle is hot and very swollen. I can feel movement of the bone in there that I do not...
  6. C

    Day 17 Hatching

    I just took my egg turner out, and something bad happened. One of the eggs dropped and cracked partially on the incubator. This egg, thankfully, was one that I was going to remove due to no development. However, when it dropped, it shook the other eggs that were laying on the tray. Do I need to...
  7. F

    Chicken Limp, URGENT

    I have a older RSL (~4-5 years) who has had a limp for 2 months. She applies light amounts of weight to it and everything seems to be in proper alignment. After a month of isolation, with no signs of recovery, she was reintroduced to the flock. It hasn't been a concern until a week ago when...
  8. C

    My chick is having a bad leg since he was born. Need help.

    I'm having a problem with my chick. I'm wondering what to do. Please help. 1) What type of bird: I can't specify 2) The Behavior: laying down frequently and eating and drinking regularly. 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? Since he was born on march 4. 4) Are other birds...
  9. T

    HELP. Chicken in distress!

    My young heng, I found out in the pen today, not moving but on the ground. She was obviously alive. Blinking and full colored beard. normally when I approach her, she runs away with the other chickens. Today she wouldn't run at all. So I tried to scare her into running but she would it. I know...
  10. J

    My ducks leg

    My duck's leg is broken or sprained. She can walk on it at times. I made a leg splint with too sticks, cloth and some electric tape(I didnt have any other tape).
  11. CCinVT

    Rooster broke his beak!

    Chicken friends I need guidence! :barnieClosing up my roosters tonight I noticed that Elvis has broken his beak! He is alert & oriented. Roosting with the other boys. I sprayed/dribbled it as best I could with Vetercyn (i couldn't even tell if I was getting it) , and then covered it well with...
  12. ChickenNamedTaterTot


    A neighbor has hens and a couple os roosters. She just didn't want them anymore and so i took them. This rooster is now named Jamison Fawkes and he was attacked by an animal while living with his previous owner. She did a good job keepin infection at bay but his leg keeps bending at the joint...
  13. R

    Silkie hen won't use one leg

    Hello all! So I have a flock of Silkie chickens and one of the hens stopped using one of her feet. She still reacted and moved it when you tapped her feet and my dad felt her leg and didn't feel like anything was broken. We cleaned her foot and put her back in the coop. The other chickens don't...
  14. hawkeyext

    Chicken Limping: Hurt Leg or Foot?

    Hi All, We have two chickens, one barred rock and one RIR, that are limping around as such. We have a wide open field but it just seems odd to me that two of our 200 just started doing it at the same time. It looks to me like it is more like her foot is injured rather than her leg. Any thoughts...
  15. A

    Broken ankle? Something else?

    We came out to find one of our hens limping yesterday morning. I flipped her on her back to try and see if I could find any noticeable problems. There is no swelling no discernible difference between the other leg and nothing on the bottom of her foot. The ankle does seem to have an inward...
  16. tiffany30176

    Duck wings possibly broken

    I have a Muscovy duck that seems to have broken wings or were disfigured somehow & his brother seems to have the same problem with one. These ducks had a lot of problems as babies with the mother leaving them & almost drowning. I'm not sure how or when this happened or how to treat it? I'd...
  17. R

    Young Turkey Wing Bitten and Completely Broken

    Hi, I have a young turkey and it looks to me like something like a dog bit her wing. She doesn't seem to be in much pain, but the radius bone is so obviously broken and poking out and there isn't any skin over the wound. Shes extremely sweet, and I have no idea what to do for her as she's one of...
  18. BYChickenAl

    Chicken with Broke Toe

    Broken or dislocated... She has a toe that is obviously not like the others..bent sideways at a knuckle.. and she has great difficulty walking on it. No other obvious injury to the leg. The others in the flock have been pecking at her so I've isolated her in a covered run. Do I attempt to...
  19. MABEchicks

    Something is wrong with her wing?

    I noticed this a few days ago, our 11/12 week old RIR pullet, was looking sad and roosting all day but I noticed her top beak was broken at the tip. No blood or tissue showing and when I locked the other birds out she ate a ton of food and the next day she was out and about. But then I noticed...
  20. Sunshinechickenlady

    Help please! torn vent:(

    Hi all, we found our beautiful cream leg bar hybrid bleeding from her vent. It looks as though it's badly torn at the top. Our chicken breeder thinks she's bleeding internally due to maybe a broken egg and the shell having cut her, but I think it looks as though the top part of her vent is...
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