
  1. J

    Broody hens in the middle of heatwave.

    I have three hens that went broody all at once. They are in the middle of week two brooding. My concern is that we have a random heatwave going on (temperatures in the mid 90s during the day). I’m really concerned that they are going to overheat in their nesting boxes especially because two of...
  2. Willey98

    Help! Hen hatched chicks in hot weather and leaving for vacation!

    So I have a compounded crap storm of a problem that I'm trying to figure out. My chicken has hatched her chicks in the chicken house yesterday. However, it's been really hot out and will be so for the next couple of weeks (90-95 during the day and 60s at night). Currently, I combined two nest...
  3. J

    I’m not so smart in some areas

    My brooding hen has been given extra eggs, fertile, by me. When they hatch will she treat her bedmates any different? Will they still be welcomed? Do I need a second coop? I’ve got three grown hens riding on your answers. Please inform me on what to expect.
  4. Roxyschooks

    The Curious case of the never ending duckling!

    Hi everyone! You all warned me my ducklings would grow super fast! But I dont think I was ready for how fast!! Sometimes I feel like I come and check them after and hour and I feel like they’ve grown even in that time 😂😂 it made me think - surely if a duck broods and hatches Say 6-12 eggs how...
  5. OfWolvesAndHen

    Day 3 Development Progress?

    I'm on Day 3 of my first ever attempt at hatching and to say I'm excited is to say nothing! So far, 5 of my 10 eggs are growing beautifully with a nice clear view of the start of the embryo. The other 5 are showing no signs of growth, though; no veins or anything have formed. At first only 2...
  6. T

    Broody or Not, that is the question..?

    Hi guys, I have a Light Sussex hen that can't seem to make her mind up ! I know Light Sussex are not known for their broodiness, but the hen in question is my hen that loves to be stroked and petted and within days of me saying to my Son, that I bet she'll make a good brood hen as she's very...
  7. C

    1 year of great eggs

    We got 3 beautiful burnt orange/brown laying hens from a friend about a year ago and have been enjoying great eggs most of this year, and learning about their behaviour, they are actually really entertaining and now follow us around, even into the house if the door is open! They don't even...
  8. H

    Are my hens moulting properly?

    I have been worried about 2 of our hens. We only have 3 and are quite new to this. I think one of them is getting broody as she keeps laying on the eggs and breaking them. She is losing a lot of feathers between her legs (really couldn’t get a picture) the area looks extremely red and I can’t...
  9. LizzzyJo

    Poll: Thoughts on using sand as brooder bedding?

    I would like to experiment a bit with my new babies arriving next week. Sand in the brooder over shavings would save dust, clean-up, money, and time. What are your thoughts?
  10. JustLook

    Brooding but not Broody / Sleeping in Nest Box

    So this is Lemon: It's just after sunset and I am trying to count all of my nine pullets and only getting to 8 and then I find Lemon downstairs sitting on these eggs. I took away the ones there and she retreated back to the other nest box where I left her for the night, I think she wants to...
  11. K

    Hatching Time Brooder Questions

    Hey guys! We sell chicks locally and are currently brooding in tubs with thermostat controlled heat lamps. We do this in our unheated garage. We are looking to upgrade to a stackable brooder system. We’ve already decided against GQF as it states on their website they are meant for room temp...
  12. A

    Couple Qs about new flock

    I'm building a large aviary for my new flock of coturnix quail. I'm doing a brooding experiment, having my quail hatched by another farmer, and taking them "under my wing". When should I have the newbies move into the aviary? I'm doing a survival of the fittest type beginning, with a hands off...
  13. Mustafa Aamir

    Any advice for hatching, brooding and selling chicks... Small Homemade Hatchery Business

    Hi guys, so i recently have bought a diy homemade incubator from someone. i have placed eggs of different exotic breeds (chicken ofc)... they are on there 12 day now... anybody wanna give me a few tips for hatching, brooding and selling chicks... especially selling chicks.
  14. Maddog_photog

    Surfin’ USA

    Waddles’ Surfin’ Safari atop the empty water jug is an interesting way to spend your time in search of Good Vibrations for a Waterfowl in the nighttime brooder. Go to sleep, My surfer girl. I wish they could all be california girls. Wouldn’t it be nice? 🏄🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏼‍♂️
  15. Red Pepper Quiche.

    Red Pepper Quiche.

    Plain as day Quiche Shortcrust Pastry Quiche crust baked MIX \ Wisk to hell. 1 1\2 cup cream 1 +- cup cheese 4 eggs of the duck. Quack Quack. Diced red pepper S and P to taste. pour into crust pan Make pretty with pepper spears S and P to taste. Anything else is up to you. It's a great big...
  16. egibsch

    Too hot to brood in garage?

    We are newbies! Looking for brooder placement input. We have 6 one-week-old chicks in a brooder in the house right now and our coop is in the building phase. We have 4 chicks coming June 15 and another 3 coming July 6 (chicken math got us...) We are using a heating plate (rentacoop brand)...
  17. WallyBirdie

    Broody Baby In Winter

    My little Ira is a bantam Cochin with extra toes! She came as a mystery chicken mixed in with the ones I ordered. She is very sweet and outgoing, and she has proven to be a reliable layer. But now... she has gone broody? Already? When it's just getting cold? I have been routinely collecting...
  18. Quailbert Quailington

    Cage cleaning with a brooding hen...?

    I keep my Button Quail in one of those giant sterilite containers, which I've modified. Usually my buttons have no interest in sitting on their own eggs, but recently, my sweet little Hen Wen (yes I named my quail after the pig from the Black Cauldron) has been sitting on six eggs. Welp, the...
  19. Joe n Jess

    Need advice on fertile eggs please!

    Hi everybody, one of my girls is on the brooding stage. So because I have a rooster in my flock I started to sneak different eggs under this girl hoping I will have some new babies. After a week laying down she started getting harassed by the other girls and I end up finding her on another nest...
  20. ValerieJ

    Another poopy picture

    Day old Pippi's first poop is green! She just started to eat and drink. First poop surprised her and me. :barnie Here's a pic. What do you think?
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