
  1. C

    Khaki Campbell sitting on eggs

    I'm not sure if I want to take them away or let her try, shes doing really well so far. If I let her hatch them they'd be Welsh harlequin x khaki Campbell. I was wondering why I wasn't getting many eggs... There are 13.
  2. K

    One hen is trying to steal another hen's baby chicks!

    This is very bizarre. So I have one hen that had her chicks hatch at least two weeks ago. She's been walking around with them happy as can be. However, there was another hen who was broody at the same time, and continued trying to sit on the eggs until yesterday (I was removing the eggs from...
  3. Broody Hen and Duckling Talking

    Broody Hen and Duckling Talking

    This beautiful hen brooded and hatched out ducklings in 2016. This short clip features her vocalizing to the baby, clucking to it at the end and scolding me in the beginning!
  4. A

    Broody hen in a raised coop?

    I have a 2 year old buff orpington, Bubbles, that has gone broody. I am glad for this because with the price of chicken in my area, we plan on culling the oldest birds in our flock of 12 and these natural replacements will be perfect timing. But I have a problem. My 20-bird capacity coop is...
  5. Mama hen & babies

    Mama hen & babies

    Luxe with her chicks, Lexus & Porsche
  6. F

    Possible Broody, and another one following

    So i have 2 shamo hens which are famous for going broody, but to be honest i was not expecting them to get broody together ! 2 weeks ago i built 3 nesting boxes in the coop as the hens were laying in the coop all over the place. Since the last 2-3 days one shamo hen has decided that she must...
  7. TheQuackHouseCW

    Muscovy is broody but not laying

    My one females has been broody for almost 2 weeks but she has not been laying... can i put eggs from the other females in her nest? Can i collect them for a few days and put them all in nest at once or should I be adding them the day they are laid?? never had this happen before
  8. Kel60


    it has happened i went in to check on the girls this afternoon and spotted something strange.... a pancake hmmmm what could be under this incredibly flat birb?? 16??? Jesus girl :/ my coups not that big after getting a drink and a good stretch she was right back on them. a good...
  9. 23kthistlethwaite

    Too Young?

    Hey just wanted some opinions. I have a Cochin hen that is broody and I would like to hatch my own eggs this year, but I’m worried she if her being young might not make her a great candidate for a mom. She was hatched in October and she is still kinda small, not full grown yet. Her eggs are...
  10. Pufna

    Hen making broody noise but not sittint in a nest box

    One of my pullets is making the broody hen noise while free ranging for a few days now, but she doesn't lay in the nest. The thing is that she's the only one of my 10 hens/pullets that is laying eggs outside while free ranging instead of in the coop. All her eggs are collected and something...
  11. J

    Eggs Didnt Hatch Under Broody

    Hey there, so I have a broody little Bantam named KoKo. She was laying on a clutch of 6 eggs. The eggs were all from different breeds, normal sized chickens with normal sized eggs. On day 25 I decided to grab 2 of the eggs and check what went wrong. One had died and the other was premature but...
  12. Pufna

    The most eggs you let your broody hen hatch?

    When I was searching for answer to how many eggs should I put under a broody hen, most of the times the answer is 10-12 eggs the size which broody hen lays. I actually put 15 under my Buff Orpington mix pullet (sadly I don't know what else she's mixed with, but I guess it's brahma bc she has...
  13. Ozarkhomesteader

    Help! Mama goose not taking care of eggs/babies day 33

    Ok, so I have a beautiful African goose named Nakira. She has been dutifully sitting on a clutch of 13 for about 33 days. At around day 21 a rouge chicken egg hatched and i found the poor chick dead in the nest. Then, about a week ago we had a rotten egg explosion. I cleaned up as best i...
  14. pattijoiner

    Bring broody hen inside as eggs hatch/frost advisory?

    We have a frost advisory for tonight, temps in 60’s to low 70’s the next few days. I have eggs under a broody hatching any minute. Should I bring her inside or trust her to keep them warm? Lows are upper 30’s just for tonight then 40’s and 50’s the rest of the week…… I’m stressing 😑😑😑
  15. P

    Broody Chocolate Orpington Hen

    I have a young chocolate Orpington that just got broody about a week ago for the first time, dumping in cold water did not work so do I need to put her in chicken jail if I want to break her out of it or will putting an ice pack under her to get her out of the nest box and blocking them while...
  16. P

    Will a broody mama duck and eggs be okay in snow?

    My khaki went broody yesterday and has been whole heartedly tending to her nest of eggs. However, we woke up this morning to two fresh inches of snow... in mid April (and we’ve had several colder nights before she started sitting on the eggs). Are the eggs under her still alive and well or is...
  17. The chicken nurd

    Possible broody hen

    I have a EE who turned 10 years old recently I’ve noticed she’s been spending more and more time sitting in one of the nest boxes she isn’t acting broody otherwise so here’s my question Is she broody or just trying to lay an egg (she hasn’t laid in over a year) or is she just getting old?
  18. Chinnant

    Broody hen day 23?

    My broody hen is going on day 23 now and no eggs have hatched. This is her first time (and mine) dealing with this. Do y’all have any advice what to do next. She hasn’t got off the eggs today, but did yesterday and a few had a very faint cracks in them. Do they typically go past 21 days or? Is...
  19. C

    Soft mostly empty crop green poo

    Hey everyone, The longer story: I have a large hen that has been trying to go broody for two- three weeks. She removed the feathers from her belly and will not leave the nesting box. She isn’t laying and everytime I take her out she runs back in. She’s barely eating and drinking and it’s been...
  20. Pufna

    2 broody hens, 2 different hatch dates, same place?

    I have a broody hen which is hatching her eggs today, and the other which went broody yesterday. I plan to move the one that just went broody to the same place with the one that's hatching today, but I'm not sure if that's good. I also plan to separate them with some sort of fabric so they...
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