Mar 27, 2023
My hen, Tiffany, who I had a very close bond with prior to her becoming broody, is now following me around my yard. She still pecks me when I try to pet her, but she’s following me everywhere. She recently had a clutch of 7 eggs from which I only 1 chick survived hatching. I pulled this chick, Lucky, from her for its safety and well-being as I had many concerns. It is thriving in the brooder in my house, but Tiffany is following me everywhere I go now. She sits on my back porch, waits til I come out, comes very near me, and then follows me everywhere. She is beginning to break from her broodiness, but still is pecking which she didn’t do prior. I’m confused? I’d love information regarding this behavior! I’m a new chicken mom. We have Tiffany, Asshole (scraggly silkie-appearing roo), Lucky (4 days old), and 6 TSC chicks Sunny, Nugget, Itchy, Muffin, Cupcake, and Red all less than a week old. Thanks!
In your list it appears there are no other adult hens??. That makes you her flock. Is Asshole where she could hang out with him? The pecking might be her seeing where she fits in your "flock" after being occupied for awhile.
She is acting like she has imprinted on you some how, maybe the hormones since you pulled her chick? Or she wants food :D.

The chick inside will need another chick to be with or else it may start to freak out whenever you are out of it's sight. You want to raise them used to other chickens, imprinting on each other and not on a human. It is better for them for many reasons.
You can put a mirror in the brooder till you can find out getting a broodermate. That actually makes them feel a lot better. Also, you want them to have a buddy to be re-introduced with to the flock with so not all the pecking-order-hazing is focused on them.
Oh sorry, I just read the end of your post. The lone chick is with your other ones, I assume. I glazed over their ages. I gotta slow down!
Sorry, guys! I was away for a few days!

Tiffany is the only adult hen at this time. Her & Asshole wandered into my yard a while back and just stayed, so I built them a coop and have been caring for them since as there are no other chicken people anywhere near me that I know of. She went broody a few weeks after, had a clutch of 7, but on hatch day 6/7 of the chicks died. I took lucky in and set him up with a brooder. Bought 6 chicks so he wouldn’t be lonely. I’m new to chickens! But we are starting to grow our flock with the new chicks.
Tiffany is definitely more like a pet than she is a chicken. She loves pets, cuddles, and attention. She definitely loves me, and I her! But the following was new, especially after being broody for so long!
The pecking has ceased since my post and she has become super loving again! (I finally have my sweet girl back!)
But everybody is doing well! Chicks are thriving, and Tiffany is putting her weight back on! No eggs yet, though! She also hasn’t been tolerating mating from Asshole (or tolerating him much at all, really. She kinda hates him now. Lol)
But I gave her treats the day she was following me everywhere. She took them, gobbled them down, and the following began again. She even tried to come in the house! Got upset when I wouldn’t let her. But I do let her visit with the babies daily which seems to make her happy!
Yeah, she probably is just looking for more treats or company. Chickens catch on to things like that pretty fast. She most likely won't follow you up to the house when the rest of the flock grows up and she has them to hang out with. They should settle into their own groove.

How kind of you to take in stray birds. Where do you live that there are chickens wandering around? It sounds like a magical place.

It seems like you are doing good so far. If you want to gain more skills and information you can peruse the article section on this website, or read whichever article is sent out in the weekly newsletter. The articles talk about all kinds of things you may find helpful now or in the future.

Best of luck!
Yeah, she probably is just looking for more treats or company. Chickens catch on to things like that pretty fast. She most likely won't follow you up to the house when the rest of the flock grows up and she has them to hang out with. They should settle into their own groove.

How kind of you to take in stray birds. Where do you live that there are chickens wandering around? It sounds like a magical place.

It seems like you are doing good so far. If you want to gain more skills and information you can peruse the article section on this website, or read whichever article is sent out in the weekly newsletter. The articles talk about all kinds of things you may find helpful now or in the future.

Best of luck!
That definitely makes sense. She needs friends! Every morning when I come outside to smoke and have coffee after getting my son on the bus, she starts talking and calling for me then runs up to me and starts pecking at me until I throw treats out or give her pets. I love it lol. The love, that is. The pecking, not so much. 😂

I live in Castalia, NC. lt’s a rural area. Not much out here but pastures, fields, cows, horses, and the occasional farm. My neighbor has cows and I get to watch calf’s grow up from my back yard almost year round. It’s lovely! There aren’t any chicken people near me though. I went door to door looking/asking after a few days of the chickens hanging out here. Never found anyone! The closest chicken person was about a mile away from where I live.

Thank you for that tip! I will definitely heed your advice and dive into those articles. I love to learn as much as I can about anything and everything, especially when it is something in my day to day life. 🙂

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