strange behavior

  1. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Hello! I have a problem hen, it seems. She can never just stay normal for more than a couple weeks. Anyway, my 9 month old bantam Cochin (recent mother of three as of 7 weeks ago) has been behaving odd at night and during moments of rest during the day. I first noticed about 1 1/2 weeks ago...
  2. arstarr

    Has anyone ever had a chicken repeatedly jump up and down just before laying an egg?

    << video linked below >> This is my sweet blue copper maran, Pippin. She's been laying since September 2023. A very odd layer, she laid every single day for the first month and then took three months off. She's now back to a fairly consistent every other day, but she's started a new pre-laying...
  3. Emrosenagel

    Bantam not eating, not as active

    Hello! I have a mottled cochin bantam (Gil) about 18 weeks old. She lives with two blue Andalusians that are the same age. Yesterday when I let them out, I noticed that none of them were really eating very much. The blues did a little bit, but Gil didn't at all. She ate grass and whatever bugs...
  4. LoLosChickens78

    Sick hen??

    This morning I noticed my White leghorn hen was just staying still. I don't feel any egg that could be stuck, no sneezing, eyes look bright, little wobbly. I separated her from the rest of the flock. Does anyone have any ideas? Also she is only like 2 years old.
  5. C

    Why is my broody (or previously broody) hen following me?

    My hen, Tiffany, who I had a very close bond with prior to her becoming broody, is now following me around my yard. She still pecks me when I try to pet her, but she’s following me everywhere. She recently had a clutch of 7 eggs from which I only 1 chick survived hatching. I pulled this chick...
  6. Paz

    Retired hen is acting strange

    My 7 years old (I think she’s 7, I don’t know) is making weird clucky noises, doesn’t get outside to the yard, attacks my dog, and puffs up whenever anyone gets near the chicks (whom she didn’t raise and doesn’t even share a coop with), she would sometimes bark and charge, she circles the chicks...
  7. K

    Strange Rooster walk

    Has anyone seen this before? My rooster walks heel-toe or a little hippity-hop to get around. No injuries, change in eating or drinking habits or attempts to mate.
  8. AikoGami

    9wk Chick overate and acting differently

    My 9 wk chick (my profile pic) has his crop very full. So much that it looks like his crop is coming out. He was acting normally until he went to lay down for the night. He now looks like he might puke?? He sits up straight and kind of goes up and down with his neck. Mom gave my chicks tortilla...
  9. Greystone farm

    Nose bleed and strange behaviour in my duck

    Hello! My appleyard female (about a year old) has been acting strangely. I found her this morning with a bleeding nose. One of the nostrils is totally clogged and I can’t seem to get the dried blood out, but the other is clean enough for her to breathe. Also, her droppings are a little strange...
  10. MiaMi

    Turkey hen acting like a Tom

    First post here! I feel like I’ve got a very interesting situation and I wanted to know if anyone else here has had a similar experience! Recently, one of my family’s hens (lovingly named Snoodle) has begun acting very much like a Tom. Keep in mind she’s two years old, and has laid and had her...
  11. thekeetlady

    Why is my chicken sitting up???

    Hello! I attacked a photo of our Brahma rooster and I have absolutely no idea why he’s sitting upright like this! Please let me know if this is a health issue we need to address or some kind of strange behavior. Thanks in advance :))
  12. CoturnixKeeper

    Quail fighting very strangely

    Hello, for the past couple of months I've been raising three Coturnix quail in a roughly 18 square foot outdoor enclosure. Recently they have been fighting but not in the way you'd expect. The two females seem to be bullying the male as he is the only one missing feathers on his head when I go...
  13. BlueLovesBabyDucks

    Duck Acting Strange?

    My duck is acting terrified of me all of a sudden and I have no idea why? Shes a little over 6 weeks, and when I came home from work today she was being just... Weird. I came home earlier than I normally do, but otherwise nothing to my knowledge happened while I was gone. We have a giant box to...
  14. chicksandchores

    Buff Orpington hen acting quite strange

    LONG POST ALERT!! Alright, here goes! The backstory: I purchased my first chicks a year ago on the 18th of March. Six months later, at the end of September, one of the buff orpington pullets I had went broody. She sat dutifully through more than a month (naturally I had to confirm she was...
  15. Chickenlover720

    Help. Strange behavior.

    My Easter Egger hen just laid her fist egg yesterday. She was acting completely normal scratching around the yard with the other hens. Today, however, when I went out to feed them, she was sitting in the far corner of the coop all by herself. She didn't respond at all to the food and I had the...
  16. CannedMonster

    6 Day Old Chick Biting It’s Own Foot

    Hey guys. I have a 6 day old NN chick being raised by a broody bantam in my garage. There’s only one chick. They’re in a rabbit hutch with pine shavings for bedding and chick starter and water. Occasionally I’ve noticed the baby will start frantically chirping and jumping around while...
  17. Trimini

    What's got my boy spooked?

    Hello. I live in a rural part of Chile on a small farm by a river. I have a pet peacock named Kevin, whom I raised from a peep, upgrading his enclosures as he grew. He is now two and a half years old and he lives in a spacious aviary with a built-in hen house on one end and a secret grass garden...
  18. sagehound

    My hen is acting like a rooster?!

    I have 17 hens and they are 18 weeks old. The head hen has been crowing like a rooster since she was 14 weeks old. Today when I went out to feed she was mounting another hen. I had read that sometimes in a backyard flock without a rooster the lead hen will sometimes take on the characteristics...
  19. ChickenGeek_101

    Strange behavior.

    So yesterday my flock was just fine everything was normal, until they went to roost. Well instead of going to their coop like they ALWAYS do, they went to a tree. This is not normal. My families dog (buster) was alerted more then normal, he was barking almost all night. Could this be because of...
  20. Cayuga momma

    Sex Change in Chickens?

    This is right out of The Chicken Health Handbook, by Gail Damerow (2nd Edition) Pg. 95 'Spontaneous sex change is a phenomenon whereby a hen develops the characteristics of a cock. When a hen's left ovary atrophies, the latent reproductive organ on the right side may develop into a combination...
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