
  1. mews

    More Bruising Appearing On Duck Egg, Need Advice!

    Hello all, I've been stressing over this egg, as I'm a new hatcher and had became concerned as I noticed more bruising has started to appear on the membrane end of the egg. I'm growing nervous, as the duck is positioned awkwardly, and I'm unaware if he/she could be malpositioned and is...
  2. AnnieDuck

    Help with bruised egg please!

    We are hatching Welsh Harlequin and Appleyard duck eggs. They are just going into lockdown today, day 25. One of the eggs has what I think may be a bruise on the pointed side. When I candle the egg, it has a normal air sac, good veins, and is moving. However, the other side also has what...
  3. C

    Chicken with fracture above hock

    Hello! We have a hen that appears to have broken her leg directly above the hock. There is green bruising and she cannot move the leg at all - it flops completely and she doesn’t respond and grab things with that foot. A few questions: 1) Is a splint that doesn’t cover the whole tibia worth...
  4. M

    Injured Toe

    I was cleaning the coop out yesterday and during that I noticed one of my Red's limping. I picked her up and looked at the foot to see if the got a thorn from the recently cut rose bush in it. Nothing. I was feeling both feet to make sure she did not have anything that felt out of the ordinary...
  5. LittleBird123

    Chicken with ascites. Please help!

    On Sunday I first noticed that one of my chickens was looking a bit bloated. By Monday her abdomen was very large and she was struggling to breathe. On Tuesday after some research, I determined that she likely has ascites. I watched some videos on how to drain the fluid. I used a large syringe...
  6. chickneggs

    Growing Spur on Chicken

    I have a game hen who has a fast growing spur. I have trimmed it a couple times, using dog nail clippers (works great!). I had just recently tried taking in another hen which ended rough; this game hen and her got into it bad. They've been separated for good. Getting both of those thoughts out...
  7. H

    Injured Duck, Urgent

    Hello, I'm here for some advice. I'm visiting my grandparents 6+ hours away from home, and of course it had to happen while I'm away, but my family is working on introducing a dog, and he got a hold of one of my ducks, Ruth. My mother is reporting many times a day, but she and I are both new to...
  8. DaviJones


    My chicken has some bruising on one leg and wondered if I should put her in a sling or just leave it? Any cause for concern? She can walk and such.
  9. Henrybelle

    1 month old chick bruising around middle toe

    I have a month old buff Orpington who along with her roomies gets daily field trips outside for a few hours still to cold to leave out all night (I don’t want to wire the coop for lighting). But today after awhile I noticed she was limping and favoring her left foot. A closer look showed some...
  10. Sussex123

    Chicken / Duck Health Problem

    I have some chickens and ducks. They all share a big house and run together. In the last few weeks the they have started to get sore legs. 1 has two bad legs were it does not walk unless i walk near it and then it walks like a robot. 2 chickens with 1 sore leg and hobbles along and 1 duck with...
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