chick identification

  1. ChickChic00

    Free Surprise Chick

    Got a free Surprise Chick in my order from Murray, any idea what it is? My guess is a Partridge Rock. 😁 Any help identifying is very appreciated!!
  2. OldSchoolSarge

    They're black Australorp...or are they?!?!

    Hey all! Recently picked up some chicks from TSC (bad idea, I know!), including 4 that are supposed to be black australorp, but 1 of the 4 looks different than the other 3. This caused me to obsessively research all the different possibilities and I've come to the conclusion that I either ended...
  3. Aldenallis

    Buff orps or …?

    I bought what was supposed to be BO from TS: then it dawned on my that their wing feathers are black and white. Is this a mix breed or even an Orpington at all?
  4. CountryWomanFarms

    What type of Maran is this?

    So I just got this chick from tractor supply and they had her labeled as a maran but no more specifics I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me what her coloring will be when fully feathered?
  5. T

    Weird wing growth on Orpington chick?

    I got a couple Buff Orpington chicks from the feed store a week or so ago. They were supposed to be English Orpingtons but after the employee dumped them in the box he let me know that they were running low on the English and dumped American in there too 🙄. Anyway, I have a couple of questions...
  6. B

    Chick Identification

    I purchased these chicks from tractor supply. They're about 2 weeks old. They were 8 Buff Orpingtons and supposedly 5 Rhode Island Reds. The mostly black chicks don't seem to be Rhode Island Red chicks. Any idea what breed they might be?
  7. N

    blue copper maran x blue laced red wyandotte baby?

    I have no idea what this baby is, I hatched my chicks from some eggs from a local breeder. it’s wings look like my blue laced red wyandotte baby but it came out of a maran egg, it looks nothing like the blue copper maran that I have which is completely silver. I looked at a bunch of genetic...
  8. N

    possible blue laced red wyandotte x blue copper maran chick?

    I purchased some eggs from a nearby breeder, two of the chicks I hatched are easily identifiable as blue copper maran and blue laced red wyandotte but I cannot find any images online of what this chick is going to be. It hatched from a dark maran egg but it has the same pattern on its wings as...
  9. J

    Blue Australorp or Blue Star?

    Hi all! I just picked up these two cuties. One is a blue australorp and one a blue star. I’m unable to tell the difference. I got them from Ideal Poultry. Online their site says their blue stars are from blue andalusians and barred rocks. Can anyone help me please? Thanks so much!
  10. M

    Silkie or Faverolle

    This is my other Little Bantam. She has 5 toes an orange highlight on her beak and some pretty significant feather growth on her legs. I did get her from a local feed store. She is seriously so loving. And calm and just sweet all around.
  11. M

    Bantam Identification

    I have been researching up and down on these little lady’s and have yet to find what they are! Just a yellow chick with some feathers on the leg and outer toe (what would be a pinky toe) She only has 4 toes not five. Please help!
  12. minamisfit

    Mystery Bantam Chick Identification

    Hey guys! I got these cuties yesterday, I can't seem to find any chicks online that resemble them so I was wondering if y'all had any ideas?! I've never had bantams other than silkies but I couldn't pass up that tub full of tiny babies 🤣
  13. fl-chicken-tender

    Help identifying 3 babies?

    Hi there, Just got my first order of day-old chicks from Meyer Hatchery! We got a 17 chicks in total but I'm having trouble identifying these three birds. Some of the breeds we got were black Australorps, welsumers, silver laced wyandottes, and Easter eggers. We also got 3 of their brown layer...
  14. C

    Black and white mystery chick

    I ordered Cornish cross with a mystery chick. Does anyone know what it could be? It’s black and white with a white spot on its head.
  15. hannahsocal

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    Hello! I have a “free additional chick” from a hatchery and I still have no idea what breed it might be. He/she is about 3 weeks old or so now. Does anyone have any ideas on what breed he/she might be?? (Ignore the white leghorn in the brooder box with him/her haha) 🥰☺️☺🙏🏼🙏🏼
  16. U

    Need help with breed identification.

    Hello! I was hoping that maybe someone here might be able to help me figure out what kind of chicks I have. I have two breeds that are 8 weeks old. I was told I had 2 Black Australorp (back) and 2 Light Brahma (front), but the guy seemed unsure when he helped me out. 😅 Sorry it isn't a better...
  17. mom3crazygirls

    Looking for help with identifying our new chicks

    We just added 4 new chicks from a mixed bin, 2 are the same breed but we have no idea what they are 🙃 Any help/guesses would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! Gayle
  18. P

    Australorp roo or hen?

    EDIT: better pictures added Hi everyone, I'm a first time chick owner so I need some help with ID. I bought australorp pullets from TSC when they were about 2 or 3 days old. They're now 3 weeks old and one girl is slightly larger with a much more yellow beak and larger comb than the others. I...
  19. fivechicks715

    Two chicks found abandoned in the woods

    Please help me determine what possible breeds they could be. Then were found off a walking trail in the woods about to be lunch for a hawk. I am quarantining them from my flock for 4 weeks maybe more before introducing them. Thoughts on possible breeds? I believe them to be close to 2 weeks old...
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