
  1. A

    Turkey and Chickens on Turkey starter

    Hello! So I'm going to working with someone to raise 40 turkeys will be broad breasted white. Plus 20-40 chickens half of the chickens with be broilers like Cornish cross or freedom rangers. The rest will be a mix of layer breeds. My question is if I have buy a half ton of 25% protien turkey...
  2. Scarey2016

    My Introduction Sherry

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We bought a few acres and I have always wanted a farm. My husband and me are new to chicken ownership. We just started last fall. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Lol, about 30 and 2 ducks. We are in the process of...
  3. K

    How do you choose??

    After years of research and planning, I finally got my chickens this spring :ya Wanting a diverse flock of bird colors and eggs, I started with 8 girls/7 breeds (2 EEs because egg color is a crap shoot). I'm already planning in my head what breeds I will add next year, but there are SO MANY to...
  4. halefamily_flock

    Chicken Math & Genetics Experiments in Southeast Missouri

    I recently left city life & corporate America after 20+ years and moved to rural southeast Missouri, to restart/rebuild the family farm where my dad grew up. I got my first chickens --4 Dominique hens and a Rooster--from Cackle Hatchery in June 2019. I thought I might expand the flock in 2020...
  5. jewelg

    Coop math + potential shed conversion

    Hello, Chicken People! :) So, I'm either doing this wrong, or every single pre-made coop you can buy wants you to pen your chickens in like large sardines in a tiny can. Help! And thank you, all, for contributing and building such an incredible resource. FYI, we live in Los Angeles, California...
  6. Thehappyheifer

    How does this happen?

    While visiting family and delivering some chickens I told my dbf that I had some chicks I wanted to look at. We arrived (after I pecked in the wrong address--we were 20 minutes from the location) and I picked one (I believe pullet) and my dbf told me to pick one more, so I picked 5 more. Then...
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