#chickens #coop #chickencoop #eggs #homestead

  1. alitachen


    Good morning, friends, I'm new here. Do you raise chicken? I have some experience for raise chickens and chicken farms.
  2. Eggs by Happy Chickens

    Chain link chicken run/coop? Dog pen into chicken run/coop?

    Hey y’all! I have two chain link dog kennels that I have used in the past for chicken coops but just stopped using because I built a solid wooden structure (2 years ago). Now I am wanting to purchase some chicks and raise to be future layers since my girls are getting older. So, I was wondering...
  3. M

    Egg issues! Is this a concern to their health?

    Hey all! I have a question about the concern of wrinkling eggs and eggs with spots on the bottom that may or may not be blood. The spots do not wash off as I wash my eggs. not sure if this is a health concern or if I should be aware of an issue going on in my flock one of the wrinkling eggs...
  4. M


    I always feared to touch chickens and organize their nest I want to know if it is normal to move them from one nest to another I want to know if I can add eggs underneath a chicken so that she incubates them How many eggs does a chicken lay daily and can she lay without a rooster How can I...
  5. sunnyflockraiser

    Feather Loss on Head

    Hello everyone! I have a problem with one of my two year old hens. To be specific she is a Rhode Island Red. During the Winter and Spring she has been progressively losing feathers on her head. She is a very healthy hen other than the loss of feathers on her head. She is actually my best layer...
  6. sunnyflockraiser

    Feather Loss on Head

    Hello everyone! I have a problem with one of my two year old hens. To be specific she is a Rhode Island Red. During the Winter and Spring she has been progressively losing feathers on her head. She is a very healthy hen other than the loss of feathers on her head. She is actually my best layer...
  7. Malcolme2204

    Introducing Myself!

    Hello! My name is Malcolm Evans and I am new to BYC! I know you have some questions for me so here are some questions that you might have: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Answer: Yes I am new to chickens. We just got 11 chicks yesterday! (4/9/2020) (2) How...
  8. tater tati

    Do my chickens trust me?

    Hiii, i'm new to this website. How do you know if your chickens trust you? My chickens eat out of my hands, follow me around (because they think i have food) they even make noises whenever i talk to them! they also don't seem too afraid being very close to me. Does this mean they trust/love me...
  9. My coop compound

    My coop compound

    Built these 12 nesting boxes into my barn for easy egg access and to protect from predators... it does have a slanted top, entry ledges & currently blocked off because my girls aren’t laying yet. Not currently totally finished but close. This coop is mostly made from recycled materials...
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