chicks 1 day

  1. Azmomm

    An all yellow ameraucana chick?

    I just received my order of day old chicks from mypetchicken. All are quite peppy. However these are labelled as ameraucana, emphasis was placed on real breed, black/blue/splash. One is all yellow without a sleck of dark. What do you think
  2. Wolfstorm82

    Noisy Peeper

    Hey guys, I have a question. I just got 4 new chicks. 2 Princess calico pullets and 2 Sapphire Olive eggers. One of the calicos peeps almost continually (even under a red heat lamp). The only time she calms down is if I am holding her. This is my first time having this breed. Is this common for...
  3. Caroline’sCluckers

    Bantam Babies

    I picked up a few chicks at TSC tonight and these two feather footed beauties came from the bantam bin. Any ideas on what they could be?
  4. Chelsea-85

    Chicks and broody hen in Outside coop (Help)

    Hi everyone, I have two broody pullets sitting under hen. Although tomorrow is day 21 for one of the two broodies, I don't have any hope regarding the eggs under her. Yes, just as a matter of precaution, I wonder whether the newly born chicks with their mom can survive in the coop located...
  5. besorto

    12 day old broiler chicks for sale (no shipping)

    I have 12 broiler chicks I desperately need to get rid of. They were supposed to be a replacement batch for my last order in which all of the birds were DOA except for 3 chicks, but I thought I had cancelled it. Take them for 1$ each! (Sent from Hoover hatchery)
  6. Jimin

    Using a Space Heater as a Temporary Heat Source & Bald Bumps Near Chicks' Shoulder/Neck

    Hello :) I recently got 12 assorted baby chicks (around 3 days old) but couldn't find a heat lamp safe enough for my brooder. I'm using a very large rabbit cage with a deep thick plastic bottom. I covered the ground of the brooder with newspaper and then a layer of pine shavings. My dad placed...
  7. DaniellePL

    Mystery chicks!

    hello everybody! I just hatched 14 chicks Tuesday 12/4 and Wednesday 12/5. I have all different colors and breeds from someone I found on Craigslist. I sent pics and asked her what she thought they might be but she didn’t seem too sure about some. I know what color egg most of them came out of...
  8. BrahmaMom1797

    Need help with breeds!!!

    I just got for new little babies today and I got two random chicks for the fun of it! I think I know what one of them could be, but the other I’m not too sure. I’d love some help! They were two from a rare assortment pack from Meyer Hatchery. This is chick number one! I’m unsure what she is...
  9. Jmash

    Adding younger chicks to brood?

    Hello! I am currently raising two chicks that are currently 14 days old. We had a raccoon attack, and I also really wanted to replace the breed of one of the chickens that died (a Welsummer). However, the hatchery where I get my chicks won't have that breed until 9/19, so the chicks will be 3...
  10. Farmgirl1228

    Vaccinating for Mareks

    I recently bought 10 chicks from TSC. Of course, coming from TSC they are not vaccinated. They are around 3 weeks old now. I just ordered 60 chicks from a hatchery and they will be arriving in the next week. I got the hatchery chicks vaccinated for Mareks but I am worried about the older TSC...
  11. AnimalGeek23

    Chicken rings?

    Hey y’all! :frow This might not be posted at the right forum but have any of you used chicken leg rings (or whatever they’re called) to identify your chickens? I’m getting 3 of the same breed (buff orps) at the same age and it might be hard to tell them apart. What other thing could I use to...
  12. JBerman21

    Hatch a thon 2018

    We have had the best luck with hatching shipped eggs this year! Anyone else still going? We have our White Breese and Blue black splash maran hatching today! We also had coturnix quail hatch 2 days a go and 5 days a go naked necks and mottled orpingtons
  13. F

    5 Day Old VS. 1 Day Old

    So I have hatched peeps out before. All different kinds. Chickens, ducks, peafowl, etc. This is my first time hatching out Turkeys. My first came on Sunday (5days Old today) and my second one came last night. Well i gave the youngest time to dry off and figure out his legs. I tried to introduce...
  14. K

    Do paint silkies get their spots over time?

    I bought some day old paint silkie chicks, the seller said they would develop spots, but they don’t really have any at all right now, just a couple lights hints of grey, but you have to know to look to see it, and you have to look closely. Will they get spots later on? I’ve seen pictures of...
  15. LestersFlat

    One day-old chicks

    3 of my hens have been sitting on eggs in 2 nest boxes. I don't know how the 2 biggest ones fit in one box together, but they do. :) Since they were not the best sitters in the beginning, I stole some of the eggs and took them to a friend with an incubator. 4 of the incubated eggs hatched...
  16. imneva

    They are here!!! I am a new chick mom!

    A few photos of the more adventurous one from the “ dirty “ dozen! 6 hour round trip drive. They did great!
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