chicks 3 weeks

  1. The Hen Pecked House

    Getting the chicks used to you!

    Hello, my babies are between 3 to 4 weeks. They are silkies! I was wondering how I could get them more tame, I talk to them and they talk back, when they hear me they beep A lot. I was wondering if it’s where they are so young, is why they are still skittish. When I hold them, they are so sweet...
  2. Leelu13

    Still need a heat lamp during the day or not?

    I have six chicks,4 silkies and 2 Wyandotte that are a little over 3 weeks old and are currently in my house. I've been using a heat lamp to keep them warm especially in the evenings. It's set to heat one side,so they can get away from it of they want to. However inside temp in my house is...
  3. L

    Bully Hens!

    so I have a new momma hen with three 3 week old chicks and I’ve separated them into a dog kennel from the rest of the flock. I’ve been letting them out to stretch their legs and wings but the rest of the flock peck at all of them. They pull feathers out from mom and peck at the chicks and...
  4. KikiDeAnime

    Chicks & Winter

    I have four 3 wk old chicks that I'm going to be keeping inside longer than I usually would. They have a 10 wk old chick inside with them that they've already bonded with so I'm not separating. At what age would they be able to go outside in winter? We got fall chicks last year but stuck them...
  5. Jmash

    Adding younger chicks to brood?

    Hello! I am currently raising two chicks that are currently 14 days old. We had a raccoon attack, and I also really wanted to replace the breed of one of the chickens that died (a Welsummer). However, the hatchery where I get my chicks won't have that breed until 9/19, so the chicks will be 3...
  6. Farmgirl1228

    Vaccinating for Mareks

    I recently bought 10 chicks from TSC. Of course, coming from TSC they are not vaccinated. They are around 3 weeks old now. I just ordered 60 chicks from a hatchery and they will be arriving in the next week. I got the hatchery chicks vaccinated for Mareks but I am worried about the older TSC...
  7. dashman1319

    3 weeks in, first post, and yet another question about moving chicks outdoors!

    Hi all. This website has been crucial for me the past month as I prepared for and spent my first three weeks with my new flock of five hens. I received two Barred Rocks, two Rhode Island Reds, and one Welsummer in the mail and from a book or two and the posts on these forums, we've kept them...
  8. Trinitydraco

    Hmm Hens? Roos? Dodge Dart!? IDK!

    So these chicks have stumped people in my FB chicken group so I am calling in the experts. I have no idea what breed they are as they came from "mystery" eggs. The 2 black ones came from chocolate colored eggs so I am thinking marran maybe? The 3 light ones are the ones giving us more trouble...
  9. KikiDeAnime

    Poopy Butt?

    Please read this completely I'm currently raising 5 Broilers and I've been giving them all that they're supposed to eat but one of them constantly needs it's bum wiped clean as it gets poopy butt. None of the others have this problem. Is there anything wrong with it? What should I do? They...
  10. F

    Sex and breed of 3 week old chicks? **PICTURE HEAVY**

    About two weeks ago I got four little babies at my local feed store. Within the time that I’ve had them, they’ve developed combs and began to exhibit some rooish behavior, which scares me greatly since we can only keep one rooster. The babies fly and run at each other on occasion, and they...
  11. GreatGranny

    When Can My Chicks Join The Adults

    At what age should I release my baby chicks into the adult run? I have eight Polish chicks who are three weeks old today. They have been in a mini-coop located in the main coop with the 17-week old chickens for a week and a half now. In that time my husband and I have noticed that there are...
  12. Bethend

    Constipation in 3 week old chicks

    I have chicks being brooded in the house since their hen rejected them. The weather was hot enough to put them out in the grass under the wire top of a hamster cage (with a brick on top of course) so they can scratch in the dirt for a few hours. The last few days have been raining, so they've...
  13. That.pharm.chick

    Sudden Chick Death Syndrome??

    I have 3 week old chicks that are barnyard mix and I started out with 10 and most of them just up and died tonight! They were all ok this morning when i fed them. When I came home from work, one was slumped in a corner and not with the other chicks. I picked him up and his feet were straight out...
  14. H

    Bantam baby putting it's head through the chicken wire

    First day on grass at three weeks old, and my Bantam baby is trying to escape. She can't get through the chicken wire at 3wks old. Is this normal? She has two Golden Sexlink buddies who aren't trying this. None seem too thrilled with the outdoors yet, but only my Bantam baby is trying to escape.
  15. CourtneysChickens

    Identifying breeds and gender on new chicks

    Me and my husband just bought 6 new chicks today, we have everything set up, but unfortunately we have no idea what breed or gender they are! We are new to having chickens, and I cannot get very clear pictures when I try to use Google. I was wondering if I could use your guys' expertise/knowhow...
  16. H

    Heat Lamp needed or Spoiled Chicks?

    Lately it's been about 75 to 80 at night, so I haven't turned on the heat lamp. Since doing this my almost 4 week old chicks will whine and fuss for some time. I know they are plenty warmth, food, water, and nothing out of the norm. Is this normal adjustment to no heat lamp?
  17. Acre4Me

    Chicks with pics - Week 3

    Here are the babies - getting bigger and growing feathers! This week we saw many getting tail feathers and filling out wings. They are roosting on the bar we put into their brooder. They still seek out some heat under the heat plate, but most of the day they are not spending much time under...
  18. H

    Question about Feeding

    At what age do I stop giving my chickens as much food as they like. I put out enough that it takes them a few days to a week to get it eaten. They are almost four weeks old now, and they don't seem to be pigging out as of yet. However I was wondering about the age when I should stop giving food...
  19. B

    New picture of the babies

    These little gals are about 3 weeks old now. Lots of pretty little feathers coming in. 2 New Hampshire Red 4 Silver Lace Wyandotte
  20. H

    Opinions on gender? Buff Orpingtons!

    3 week old buff Orpington, Daisy. I have 2 and they both have combs coming in. Didn’t get 2nd photo because Ducky isn’t as friendly. I’ve looked at full grown hens and they have a small comb, but is there any chance this could be a indication of a cockerel? Thank you!!!
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