chicks 3 weeks

  1. H

    Chick report

    Alright, I've got two roost for my chicks in their pen that's on the grass and the only one roosting insists on the waterer and the feeder. I'm also wondering when the other ones are going to start roosting as well.
  2. H

    Is it normal???????

    I've got a feeder for my chicks that I've been using since they came out. There are roughly about 3 weeks old, and they're getting up on the feeder pooping in their food. Of course I'm going to change the food out but is this something that chicks just do? I'm keeping the brooder box clean and...
  3. Borg bird

    Help!!! I love my Cornish x (as a pet). How to keep them healthy?

    Yes, I's a doomed pet. But I'm good at doing the extra leg work for the things I love ( doomed or not). These 3 Cornish x are almost 3 weeks, and are technically for my sister's ffa project. But, they definitely won't make show. They have been given a high protein diet and fed 24/7. I...

    Diffrent foods

    is it good to give chickens Chitons,hermit crabs And what other things can i give to my chickens as proteins and vitamins Cause i want them to grow natrually without any of theses injection pills or consumable processed things Also for the baby chicks aswel I know i didnt have to say baby...
  5. L

    What Kind breed or mix are these chicks?

    Wandering if anyone knows what chicks these are? Male or fecales? A bout 3 weeKS old.
  6. L

    What Kind breed or mix are these chicks?

    Wandering if anyone knows what chicks these are? Male or fecales? A bout 3 weeKS old.
  7. BrandonMcfly

    Can my baby chicks go outside?

    Im a new chicken owner i have two girl chicks my first so How old do my babies have to be to be able to go outside? Not to sleep they will sleep indoors but just to run around and stuff :) I get worried that they're to small might get hurt or might get sick so please help :( I have had them for...
  8. Featherbrain1986

    Started my first flock in over 10 years!

    A little less than two weeks ago I bought my first flock of 5! We ended up with two Brahmas, two Road Island Reds, and one Americauna (so excited about blue eggs!) I am still trying to figure out how to repurpose an old dough-boy pool frame into a chicken run. Any ideas helpful! Right now the...
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