
  1. T

    Grow with us! Week by Week Progression of Straight Run Chicks.

    Howdy! I purchased 5 straight run chicks from Alchemist Farms. I thought it would be fun to do a week by week progression of these chicks, while guessing Roos/Hens. I'll be starting this progression at Week 2 and posting an update once a week. Type your guesses! I honestly have no idea but am...
  2. TesoroSena

    Help please! Chick paralyzed? Other chick dead!

    I hatched out two chicks a few days ago and neither of them did well. The first one had a breathing problem and paralyzed feet, not legs, like the toes. The other had split leg and the paralyzed toes. The first died a few minutes ago, and now this chick is all alone. I might move it into the...
  3. Emrosenagel

    4 week old Serama shivering

    Hello! I have three 4 week old chicks (1 bantma cochin, 1 mystery bantam, and a serama). I've noticed for a while now the little serama shivers like a chihuahua. I can't tell if she does it all the time, but she certainly does it when I pick her up. And it can't be the cold, because today it...
  4. Emrosenagel

    Mother hen attacking chicks

    Hello! I have a mother hen (Cochin bantam, first time mom) who hatched 3 chicks (they are 4 weeks old now). They were separated from the flock for the first week and then gradually introduced back with little field trips, except they slept separately. Yesterday was the first day I had mama...
  5. Diveks

    Guess I got scammed! Now what breed could these chicks be?

    Well this was a bit disappointing! I knew something was up with their eggs, they don’t look like bielefelder eggs (breeder said young pullet eggs (which sounded odd and you shouldn’t really hatch out pullet eggs) and today some are starting to hatch out. 11 eggs went in lockdown 2 Barred rock, 8...
  6. blazzin

    Starting a New Flock!

    Hi everyone!! It’s been a while (3 years) since our major coop overhaul project and we are starting a whole new flock this spring! Don’t worry we didn’t eat the old hens, they are now retired on our farm in Northern California to live out their golden years, lol. Since all the feed stores...
  7. FeatherSwift93


    When you're boss knows you have chickens and brings you egg cartons...with chocolate chicks inside! Lol
  8. C

    sick chick :(

    I have a four-ish day old chick that is having trouble balancing, she has her wings spread out, is sleeping a lot, and is staying away from the other chicks. Any ideas what this could be? I have her sectioned off in the brooder and mashed up a bit of food and water to put next to her, but she...
  9. L

    Oklahoma-- Chicken Hatcheries or Places to Buy Chicks?

    Hi all! I'm looking for recommendations for any local hatcheries in Oklahoma or breeders. We're in Guthrie and only allowed hens so sexed is preferred, but I understand that isn't always possible. I'm not set on chicks, but looking for good layers. We're newbies and do want some family friendly...
  10. S

    HELP!! Emergency! Hatching chicks

    I’m have several chicks that have already hatch but one that just hatch has blood coming from it umbilical cord and the dried chicks are pecking at it!! How do I remove the dried chicks without losing a ton of humidity. I have one left that’s still pipping.
  11. vempst

    wondering about breed silkie hybrid x silver laced cochin

    hey everyone, i recently had my first hatch with my buff silkie whom of which is a hybrid. i only know it was from a silkie, not about the other part of it's hybrid. and the mother is a silver laced cochin to my knowledge. out of my first hatch, i came across both light feathered and dark...
  12. TyRi

    Introducing chicks to outdoor items

    I have a 1st time brooder full of a little over week old chicks. It has been chillier than I would like it to be to take any field trips outdoors (which maybe its too early anyway) so I brought a few sticks, few leaves, and a rock in with a small amount of dirt today. Is that a bad idea/too...
  13. E

    Chick/Chicken Newbies

    Lots of questions here so apologies in advance but appreciate any insight. We moved into a new home that has a coop. Coop has been empty for over a year but was left pretty dirty from previous owners. We are interested in and have been researching starting our own flock and utilizing the coop...
  14. TheLittleDreamFarm

    Chicks Hatched After 25 Days - Don't Give Up!

    First time hatching chicks from our backyard flock and started to give up after day 23 with not a single pip from our 6 eggs. I scoured online to see what went wrong and even opened a couple as suggested. One was formed but wasn't moving at all and one was breathing with its yolk sac still...
  15. C

    Overindulging on wood chips

    I have 7 chicks that are just about 2 weeks old. I had them in woodchips but I noticed they were eating them so I moved them to paper towels. I have tried going back to wood chips multiple times but they go crazy pecking and eating the wood chips. They know their food and eat well from it, but...
  16. picklepat

    What do you call this?

    So I purchased a dozen lavender orpington eggs last year from a local lady to add a new bloodline to my stock. When I hatched them I did not get lavender orpingtons, lol, I got these beauties instead! I know they are lavender and ameraucana or easter eggers (I would call them EE just to be sure)...
  17. Australorpfamily

    New chicks! I've been grounded lol

    We got more chicks! Yay! But in the process I've been grounded from getting more. Lol. Actually I've been told I'm not allowed to go to TSC anymore lol We have 6 egger eggs(one did) under a broody and 9 chicks inside plus our 23 outside. (One is a rooster that needs a new home lol from our...
  18. Shipgirl

    Ducks… and chickens?

    So I have a problem. My grandpa gave me a duck egg to hatch out almost 12 days ago, which I put in my incubator. He gave me another today so I put that one in. And my mom asked me to put 4 silkie eggs in on Sunday. I only have one incubator. How do I manage these hatch dates when they are...
  19. FeatherSwift93

    new babies!

    Some of our older chickens have been passing away, or not laying as much we got some new babies! I usually incubate chicken eggs this time of year but decided to get some new babies...6 new baby hens and 2 ducks! So excited for this little mixed flock. (Don't worry we did our...
  20. B

    Chick lottery

    I have 3 French (American) bresse hens that I bought as juveniles and enjoyed having so this year I jumped into chicks from tsc. Tsc makes you buy at least 4 so I got 1 cream legbar pullet (to be sure I got at least one female) and 3 feather footed bantams hoping for a silkie. My chicks are a...
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